The Modeler's Forum

The Mainline => Baggage Car - Daily Chat => Topic started by: Blazeman on March 07, 2021, 06:48:35 AM

Title: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Blazeman on March 07, 2021, 06:48:35 AM
First week of March is about done.  One more week of standard time.

Clear and chilly in SE PA this AM.

Made a lot of progress yesterday dismantling my friend's layout.  Sad thing.  Amazing how he designed and constructed his benchwork, especially around the oil tank. 

Relaxing day here planned, even though heater not igniting.  Playing waiting game with plumber/heating man.  Thank goodness we have backup heat pumps that are still efficient with these lower temps.

Stay warm....better days coming for us folks in the higher latitudes.

Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on March 07, 2021, 07:18:08 AM
Morning, all.

It's supposed to break 60 degrees today.   :)  I can enjoy it walking to the car after work.   :(

Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: MAP on March 07, 2021, 07:26:05 AM
Good morning!
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Mecrr22 on March 07, 2021, 07:38:38 AM
Had a rather bizarre mishap yesterday.  Sitting at my modeling desk and a kitchen style cupboard that is above it suddenly fell and landed on my desk. Amazingly the only damage to me was a moderate size scalp laceration and a total mess of modeling paraphernalia on the floor.  Cabinet hung on French cleat system must not have engaged properly.  Can't even yell at installer since it was me😏. Plan to clean up mess and install again with help to make sure safe this time. Have a safe day all. Scott
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Jerry on March 07, 2021, 08:21:36 AM
Morning everyone

Weather in South Jersey sunny/25.  Later on 42.
Looks like a week of 60's coming up after Tuesday.
So say the "Weather Weenies"!

Work continues on the Mill.

Everyone have a great day!! :)

Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: GPdemayo on March 07, 2021, 08:32:09 AM
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 07, 2021, 08:40:04 AM
Good Morning All, Good luck Scott...Dennis
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: S&S RR on March 07, 2021, 08:48:06 AM
Good morning!  Jeff you need to share those warmer temperatures with us, it's still cold here. I plan on working on the railroad most of the day. I hope everyone has a great day.
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: ACL1504 on March 07, 2021, 08:48:32 AM
Morning all,

Have a safe and healthy day ya'll.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Jim Donovan on March 07, 2021, 08:53:11 AM
Good Morning Folks;

Scott sounds like you were extremely lucky.. The Boss is off to shop so I have the day to putter on workbench.

Have great day folks..

Jim D
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: ReadingBob on March 07, 2021, 09:20:14 AM
Morning all,

Wow Scott!  That must have been quite a surprise.  Glad to hear you weren't hurt too badly.   :o

Workbench time today.  That's it.  Nothing else.  Just the way I like it.   ;D

Have a great one!
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Raymo on March 07, 2021, 09:24:05 AM
Morning. Scott did you say any "bad" words?
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: jerryrbeach on March 07, 2021, 09:43:54 AM
Good morning.

Teens to start the day here.  Not a big deal because I'm planning to be inside most of the day working on the railroad.

Everyone have a safe and productive day!
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Keep It Rusty on March 07, 2021, 09:57:57 AM
Morning all.

Checking all my kitchen cupboards today!

(in case you didn't see my message yesterday, this is "Rusty Robot")
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: deemery on March 07, 2021, 09:58:46 AM
Scott, glad to hear you survived stuff falling off the walls...

Chilly morning, lows in the teens, should get above freezing today.  I think the sap will run today, certainly tomorrow and Tuesday.  They're predicting low 60s by Thursday, but then back to more seasonable weather.  Ah, spring in New England... 

Yesterday I did more work on those small hoppers.  They're almost done, just need brakestaff and loads.  I'm pondering how to do loads, I probably need to get fresh mold supplies. 

Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: jrmueller on March 07, 2021, 10:38:58 AM
Good morning. Looking forward to temps in the low 70s by the end of the week  8)
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: tooStupid on March 07, 2021, 11:18:04 AM

Sunny, enough said!
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on March 07, 2021, 12:57:39 PM
Next 4 days in the 50's...still a lot of snow here, but starting to see a few areas of grass...and gopher hills...
Wonder if this train was heading to Chicago and taking me home from the military service back in 71...
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: Opa George on March 07, 2021, 04:44:14 PM
I'll be the last (probably, but maybe not) check-in of the day.

I completely cleaned up my workbench and layout room today instead of making more tiny piles of wood bits. It was long overdue and in a horrible state since I tore down the old layout and built the new smaller layout.  This meant lots of "stuff" (unused structures, piles of used flex track, boxes of everything else) sitting around waiting for a home.

Feels really good and now I'm ready for a project. Does this count as spring cleaning?

--Opa George (unplugging the coffeemaker and turning out the lights in the baggage car)
Title: Re: Sunday, March 7
Post by: ReadingBob on March 08, 2021, 06:49:26 AM
I stopped in for a night cap last night but the lights were out and no one was here.   :(