The Modeler's Forum

The Mainline => Baggage Car - Daily Chat => Topic started by: deemery on August 11, 2021, 02:47:00 PM

Title: turnout controls - opinions sought
Post by: deemery on August 11, 2021, 02:47:00 PM
The visible staging area is about 10' x 2', and has both standard and narrow gauge track. 

I've done some significant additions to the NG track along the back from the original track plan, adding 2 passing sidings, a spur, and a turntable/enginehouse.  Plus on the SG side to the front I added a turntable and siding. 

This is easily the most complex part of the layout from a track and control perspective. 

So I'm interested in thoughts about how to do the layout fascia.  The second photo shows some of the wiring behind the fascia, as well as the edge of the layout where the fascia would attach. 

My current thinking is to do 2 "control panel" areas, about 18"-24" apart.  One for the NG controls, and the other for the SG controls.  My reasoning is that everything is visible, the SG and NG operators would each stand in front of the control panel area to manage their turnouts.

The alternative, to put the turnout controls along the fascia in front of each turnout, strikes me as more confusing in the long run. 

Opinions very welcome!

Title: Re: turnout controls - opinions sought
Post by: bparrish on August 11, 2021, 06:48:05 PM

There are a number of options here.  From an operations standpoint, to have separate control panels for std and narrow gauge makes sense............. but...    if the yard is long enough that they have to get around each other for making uncoupling moves.... that could be a problem if your aisles are narrow.  Just having separate control panels still  may not keep them away from each other.

Similarly.......... if you have the turnout controls along the fascia that match the locations then you may have the same problem of tripping over each other.

All of this can be solved with your operations sessions if train times do not have both operators in the yard at the same time. A solution for this may be pre-setting one train for immediate pulling out while the other operator must make up his train.

For clarity of turnouts that match the locations........... if they are close  and confusing you can put a colored ring around the turnouts that are relevant for the gauge.  This may be helpful around the remainder of your railroad also.
What are you using for turnout machines and control switches ?

see ya