Morning all,
I guess I'd better get started on my Christmas shopping. :D
There's not much to see in this picture is there? I think my brain froze the first time I walked into the F&SM and saw this. :o
Have a great one!
Good morning! Great pic Bob. Yeah, nothing to see there, move on please. ;)
Morning, all.
Off today. Nice F&SM pic. It is a bit overwhelming as this is the first thing you really see when you see the layout.
You know it is Winter when you need to turn on the lights when you wake in the morning.
Morning. Another day of appointments so I don't know if I'll see the bench today. I did get a package from Stoney Mountain Classic Castings yesterday with some of their newest offerings.
Morning all,
Same ole same ole here.
Have a great day ya'll.
Tom ;D
H. Zane layout -
Good Morning All,
Getting ready to head to the school.
I hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning.
Good morning. Cool 40s and rainy for my walk today. It's different now that we had to euthanize Max several weeks ago. Jim
Today's weather...41 for a high, 23 for a low...only 33 right now...
Good afternoon! Late check-in today, the morning evaporated with chores to do. Trying to get to my workbench this afternoon. I hope everyone has a great day. I owe two F&SM pictures tomorrow.
It looks like the oiler down in the track bunker had problems with adjusting the wheel bearing oil sprayer on that caboose? Weathering! Love it...
Thanx Thom...
Another day with the painters. They started a week ago Monday (10 and will be here till Thursday. Whole interior being painted sans the train room (walls and ceilings need it but no way I would let them knock around in there) and living room. Getting tired of stepping around and over and having everything moved to living room. Bedroom finally done so at least a good nights sleep (as long as the dog doesn't decide to pee). Oh well, at least I can get to the train room and get something done.
My wife still complains about the 3 days there was a tile saw in our bedroom while our master bath was being redone :-) As the road sign says, "Temporary inconvenience. Permanent improvement." (But of course, that sign was placed by Da Gummint and we know about them....)
I donated the leftover Halloween candy to my class at UNH.