Good morning. TGIF! Our dog decided it was a good idea to go out around 4:30 this morning, so I've been up piddling around the house since then. Have some errands to run this morning, then more organizing in the train room. It's turned into more than just tidying up. First, coffee.
Good Morning Mark and all who follow,
T.G.I.F! :D Looks like I may have to work a little over the weekend though. :( But there will be workbench time. :)
Now that's a city! From the F&SM.
Have a great one!
Morning, all.
I have four glorious days off. ;D Need to do some major layout/train room cleaning between now and when the grandchildren come in a couple of weeks.
Morning all,
Good NFL game last night. Spending some time with the Babe today.
Have a great day.
Tom ;D
Good morning! I will be spending the day getting the layout ready for the Grandkids to visit over the holidays. I hope everyone has a great day. A couple pictures from the train of that great city of Franklin in Bob's photograph this morning.
Good Morning All,
Starting with some chores today then working on the layout. I think I'll be done with the engine area before 2022. That will mark the layout about 1/3 complete. After the layout section is done my next project will be the FOS REA freight house. I did find the build thread by PostalKarl about 5 years ago when he built it.
I hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning.
I just returned from a grocery run. Planning some more outside work for today.
I did have a bright idea this morning about making a change to the track on the layout. I've decided it is worth the hassle to rip out some existing track and add access to the interchange track from a second track. I'll have to move some roadbed for this to work. A tracklayer's work is never done. Sigh...
Everyone have a safe and productive day!
Morning everyone
A sunny/54 here in South Jersey.
Errands to run this morning then some time at the bench later on!
Everyone have a wonderful day!! :)
I got the siding on the car. This is the .025 siding. To the left, an MDC Old-Timer, whose siding looks to be the same size. To the right, a Westerfield XG. Next steps, fascia boards and doors.