Morning, one and all. Much warmer, 45, with showers today. More of a SC winter feel :)
Morning all.....
Morning all,
My plan for today is work on the REA build.
Have a great day ya'll.
Morning all.
Temperature right around 32 and it's raining. Hopefully won't be slick as I have a haircut appointment this morning.
Hope to work on the Gusano kit later.
Morning all,
Looks like we're going to get up to 80 today. Not bad for late January. 8)
Another day of fun and games at the keyboard. Next week is our PI planning week. Meetings upon meetings upon meetings. Thankfully I'm remote so I'll queue up several train related DVD's and watch those while people ramble on.
Have a great one!
Quote from: ReadingBob on January 24, 2024, 08:36:10 AMMorning all,
Looks like we're going to get up to 80 today. Not bad for late January. 8)
Yeah.................. ;D ;D ;D
Good morning.
We might get almost halfway to 80F today if the weather guessers are correct. Of course, it'll be a gray and probably wet almost halfway...
I hope everyone has a great day!
We got a bit of snow last night, and the roads were crappy today. I went out anyway, to the grocery store, the car repair place (new battery, didn't want to worry about a dead battery at Springfield) and the bank (cash for Springfield.) Then I came home and mocked up another dormer for the brickworks.
This looks better, but I still think I'll wait until I've looked at the full selection of Tichy windows at Springfield before making a final decision.
Afternoon All,
Started out the day at the dentist and now have a treatment plan that doesn't require surgery. I'll have 4 appointments with the first on Friday. Tomorrow is a haircut.
I hope everyone has a good night.