I realized last night the bug my wife gave me has symptoms that match the "Springfield Crud" I brought home from that train show a couple years ago. Ugh. I am feeling a bit better, hopefully I'll be recovered by the weekend for our forthcoming trip.
Yesterday I did prime the Merchants Row II brick parts, today if I generate enough steam, I'll prime the bay and other parts.
Morning all,
Hope you feel better soon Dave.
Just another workday on this end. Meetings (won't miss 'em) on how we can work better across a large company. Yada, yada, yada. Nothing on the workbench front to report.
Have a great one!
Morning All,
Starting out here in the high 50's and getting to 79F today.
Today I'll continue working on the kit but I still need to decide on the exterior colors.
Dave I hope you feel better.
I hope everyone has a good day.
Be careful with that "crud", Dave. It's symptoms match many of COVID's symptoms. Ask me how I know from this years trip with one immediately afterward to Timonium. Get better, anyway.
Good morning.
Dave, Sorry to hear you're under the weather, wishing you a speedy recovery!
Working on finishing up the yard portion of the layout. Seems like progress is taking far longer than I would have thought...
I hope everyone has a great day!
My wife has the "crud" also. It is now a good reason to avoid her and get to workbench.
Morning all.....