Morning all.
Glad I'm not working this weekend with the time change, I got up at my normal time, which is now an hour later. ::) Hopefully by Tuesday I'll be more in sync.
Will watch the Hawkeye women in the Big Ten final later this morning.
Morning everyone
A P.sunny day in South Jersey. Temps in the mid 40's.
Hopefully some bench time later today.
Everyone have a great day!! :)
Good morning. Coffee's on, and I'm enjoying it, maybe too much.
Overcast with light rain, forecast to turn blustery and changeover to snow (minimal accumulation but slippery roads) later today and overnight. Think I'll stay home today and tomorrow, by Tuesday we're forecast to be back into the 50's.
I hope everyone has a safe and rewarding day.
Morning all.....
Afternoon all,
Had a great time at the SBG meeting yesterday. Afterwards, I swung by the local hobby shop and picked up various sizes of strip wood to replenish my supply. I burned through a lot of what I had building Red Hook Wharf. Today's project involves breaking out the pressure washer and getting wet.
Have a great one!
Late check-in...Blame the time change.
I just had to shovel an inch or so of SNOW off the sidewalk, does something seem screwy with the calendar when you combine snow shoveling and setting the clocks ahead on the same day ?
No time change here in Spain. They did show snow in the mountains on the weather this morning. We took the high speed train from Valencia to Madrid, peak speed 300km/hr and VERY smooth ride. The tracks are spaced farther apart than the Chunnel tracks, so we didn't get that shockwave I remember riding the Chunnel for the first time when a train passed the other way.
We did see a rainbow on the trip, as well as some cool cloud formations. Today a little rain fell mainly on the plain.