The Modeler's Forum

The Mainline => Baggage Car - Daily Chat => Topic started by: jerryrbeach on March 26, 2024, 10:15:38 AM

Title: Tuesday March 26, 2024
Post by: jerryrbeach on March 26, 2024, 10:15:38 AM
Good morning.

I found the key in its usual place, under the mat.  Hard to believe no one unlocked the door earlier this morning.  Anyway, it's open now, though I will admit I made a pretty good dent in the coffee pot. I think I left enough for another cup or two.

I never did get back to grinding up leaves yesterday, probably because I spent more time outdoors enjoying the sunny day than I had originally planned.  Today's plan is to start cleaning the house, though I hope to squeeze in a little bench time, too.

I hope everyone has a great day!
Title: Re: Tuesday March 26, 2024
Post by: Vietnam Seabee on March 26, 2024, 10:55:14 AM
Thanks for opening up Jerry.... Was waiting on the tire swing out back. Just enough coffee for me but I started another pot.
I'm working with TurboTax this morning and finishing up an article for the Gazette on my number 6 turnout build.
Nice day ahead in Central Florida but windy
Title: Re: Tuesday March 26, 2024
Post by: MartyO on March 26, 2024, 10:58:29 AM

Cloudy and head full of pain. Motivation at its lowest: must be the full moon or the fact it is going to rain for the next few days.
Title: Re: Tuesday March 26, 2024
Post by: ReadingBob on March 26, 2024, 03:16:36 PM
Afternoon all,

Sorry, after a four-day weekend the e-mails and stuff to do at the office backed up quite a bit.  My work PC was moving even slower than me too boot.

Yesterday morning I did the yard work (mowing, trimming, edging, blowing) and in the afternoon I fired up the airbrush and painted a lot of stuff various colors for the new build.  I haven't gotten quite far enough along to start the build thread yet but hope to be there soon.

Have a great one!
Title: Re: Tuesday March 26, 2024
Post by: GPdemayo on March 26, 2024, 03:54:25 PM
Afternoon thrown back into the stone age, no internet, TV or phone service till a few minutes ago.
Title: Re: Tuesday March 26, 2024
Post by: deemery on March 26, 2024, 04:35:26 PM
Well, fasting blood test in the morning, then late breakfast.  I was lacking in motivation for much of the day, but finally got down to the train room this afternoon. I touched up the paint on the Merchants Row bash, and then picked out a storefront that I'll use for the building next to the Union Hall.  I need to build a new door entry for it, and that's fun kitbashing to do.  I found a good Tichy double door & transom with sidelights that will work well for this.  I need to add a raised floor in the recessed doorway, and then build the side windows for the recessed door.  Fun stuff...  I probably won't get back to this until Thursday, I have a Dr Appt tomorrow AM and then I'm giving a talk on Gettysburg to the local retiree group.
