I've been fascinated by the Maine two-footers, and their infrastructures' distinctive aesthetics, since I first learned of their existence as a teenager. Blame the Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette, Dave Frary, and Bob Hayden. They induced me to buy a few of Peter Barney's books, by mailorder, once I could afford them in the late 80s. This ridiculously small, absurdly cute building sitting on a pier stood out among them all. Two words: Witch's Hat.
Decades ago, I swooningly decided to build an inaccurate but sincere HO homage of the silly thing from styrene sheet. Then life got in the way, I got out of modelling and model railroads and dove deep into street photography, and the build I'd started went into a dynamite box in my hall closet. Said box got dug out from its spider-hole just before Christmas, and I'm now determined to finish the thing. Which has led to internet reading that didn't exist when I'd started it. To wit, this. Scroll down, if you're still interested, to the bottom of this blog post. The building in question is the last entry. There are drawings, and interesting words:
I think I may have to start the thing over. But tomorrow, daylight permitting (I live in a cardboard box with one very small window that faces west), I intend to take a few pictures of where I've gotten with the model and its architecturally maddening, accursed witchy hat, and invite your insights.
Neat that the photo shows the addition under construction.
Oh, I hadn't seen that. You've got an eye.
Welcome to the Forum Critter.....looking forward to how this project comes together. 8)
I too am very interested in the Maine 2-footers, especially the WW&F. If I were to ever build a new layout It would be based on the WW&F. It's to bad that the only thing remaining is the stumps of the pier
Looking forward to following along in this build.
The inspiration for my HOn30 narrow gauge is the Monson RR, but with other Maine 2' influences, particularly the Kennebec Central.
Again, welcome and I'm also one to be in the front row for this thread.
Fantastic project. Dec 81 MRC did a similar build. I was so taken I had to build one.
Quote from: robert goslin on January 05, 2025, 03:58:39 PMI too like the Maine two footers.
Will eventually build a freelanced On30 layout inspired by them. Currently just have some dioramas built.
Always enjoyed the work of Troels Kirk & Martin Welberg, who based their layouts on these Maine railroads.
Kirk and Welberg are certainly two of the best. I have both volumes by Robert Jones, Two Feet Between The Rails. The Sandy River, Franklin & Megantic and the Phillips & Rangeley Railroads.
Both volumes signed by Jones.
I considered narrow gauge but settled on HO.
I'm happy to have provoked a conversation, and I ain't forgotten I promised you some pictures. They'll come. Lack of good light (I'm a fussy photographer) and lack of sleep have both conspired against me.
Meanwhile, I've been wargaming an idea for a tiny pierhead layout/diorama featuring this 'station', and possibly a lighthouse. It happens I have two old lighthouses five blocks from my apartment, part of the setup for an old railroad ferry pier which has just gotten re-purposed as a public park. Both lighthouses are being preserved as heritage buildings and are kept in good nick. My brain is grinding its coffee exceedingly fine.