The Modeler's Forum

The Mainline => Baggage Car - Daily Chat => Topic started by: jerryrbeach on January 23, 2025, 09:53:05 AM

Title: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: jerryrbeach on January 23, 2025, 09:53:05 AM
Good morning. 

Opening this late in the morning means we're onto the "brunch edition" of the Forum.  So, mostly muffins to go with your favorite beverages.  We do have some variety, with blueberry, corn, and banana nut muffins today.  Today's extra special offering is pistachio nut muffins.  Don't let the green color throw you off, they are ultra-tasty.

Ten degree start to the morning here, and that matches yesterday's high temperature.  That still feels pretty brisk outside, ask me how I know...

I'm working on a couple cabooses from Silver Streak kits.  Both were already built, or at least partially built before I acquired them.  One is getting close to completion, the other still looks almost like the kit it was originally.  

I hope everyone has a great day! 
Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: Vietnam Seabee on January 23, 2025, 09:59:48 AM
Thanks for brunch, Jerry...I'll take a pistachio for now (and one for mid/afternoon).

I know most of you will throw something at me but high 40s in Central Florida and drizzling rain...just plain miserable .

Bench time for me working on the Sierra West O Scale sawmill

Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: KentuckySouthern on January 23, 2025, 10:34:13 AM
Still snowing in my part of the world, lower Michigan, but a blazing heat wave, 300 warmer than's 220, yesterday's -90 was brutal with the 15-20 mph winds.  Wind chill was in the minus teens.  That may well have contributed to the unfortunate demise of a multi-million dollar aircraft at the Grand Rapids airport...  Learned a new word in that video.... :o 

I'm planning on working on the layout today.  I'm working on installing throttle panels on the facia in areas with switching jobs.  With the trend toward wi-fi throttle systems, using phones, I'm considering letting the radio and repeater and throttles go on eBay.  Time will tell.  ::)

Everyone have a fine day, hope it warms up for you southerners, saw a post on another forum from GA where it was colder than here this morning.  :-[

Karl in S Central MI

The pistachio mention above reminds me of the time my mother threw out a new can of Planters Mixed Nuts because it had..."green mold in there...."  (rescued them, they were fine, but Mildred was NEVER wrong....ever...)
Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: deemery on January 23, 2025, 10:36:09 AM
Well, I had a meeting with the City assistant manager (not business, I was dropping off some books we had talked about.)  But then we did talk about some city business mostly on development near me and the potential impact on the road network.)  Then I went to the bank to get more cash for Springfield, and to the drug store for some Rx.  PT later this morning.  That's the busy day of a retiree! 

I've been having big problems with our internet connection, so I temporarily moved the router to where I can directly connect it to the fiber modem, cutting out some wiring that might be the problem.  If the drops persist, I'll ask the ISP to replace the fiber modem.  Last stop would be replacing my (expensive) router. 

More work on Lamson this afternoon...

Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 23, 2025, 02:01:17 PM
Afternoon All,

Thanks for opening and brunch Jerry.

Spent the morning in the train room and nothing much else planned.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: ACL1504 on January 23, 2025, 03:03:30 PM
Afternoon all,

Pam had bowling practice and the we went grocery shopping and the the Barnes and Noble. Now I'm too pooped to do any modeling.

Hope are are doing well and staying warm.

Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: Mr. Critter on January 23, 2025, 06:32:20 PM
Bonsoir.  Because of what I've seen (and seen described) in numerous threads here, and because of gracious replies to some questions, I've got a Disney handful of small angle plates and a magnetic gluing jig inbound.  I hadn't known these things existed until I stumbled into this forum, and I predict they'll permit me to get a few things built that I was wary of starting or completing.

Cocktail hour, here.  I raise my glass in thanks.
Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: deemery on January 23, 2025, 07:04:54 PM
Don't forget those blocks are magnetic, and you can do interesting things with magnets to set up jigs.  When glue or even rust get on them, I clean them with a single edged razor.  

Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: Jim Donovan on January 23, 2025, 07:49:30 PM
Good Evening Guys;

Like Tom and Dave I am bushed. Adding to Dave's day of a retire mine consisted of:

Coffee (how did man live before this magical elixir of life?), then another coffee

Off to Dermatologist for the twice a year freeze session consisting of my long time doctor saying I am looking great and then proceeding to freeze half my face off with nitrogen. Did I ever mention that I fished almost my entire life and who but sissys wear sunblock? What I noticed this time while I could feel the pain from the nitrogen freeze it was nothing like the pain radiating up from my legs from neuropathy. She did look at me a little odd and ask 'did it hurt' and surprised when I said not really. She then said wait, I need to biopsy this on your back, most likely nothing. I just looked at her so she added 'likely basal cell... again'.

So with that out of the way off to the pulmonary doctor to drop off the machine I wore last night to measure my O2 level while I sleep. Long sob story, short version is things just don't work as well after enough dents and age. I had been there the previous day for the yearly  'six minute walk', almost made it, just 30 seconds shy.  Not bad, last year missed by 2 minutes so exercise is helping. For a guy who ran cross country in college it is a little frustrating but I can still walk and for that I am very thankful.

Wait, it's doctor Trifecta day! So off to GP doc to go over right foot I partial tore a tendon (no idea how) and get form filed out for eye surgery next Friday. The surgery will lift my eyelids allowing me to see everything without having to widen eyes (remember dents and age). Good news, tendon is mending and just try to keep off it as much as I can next week.

Home, pack for 8:30 flight to Detroit for niece wedding. Being able to go, meet family and friends, maybe get a dance or two from the fox I am married to makes all the other bullshit I described worth it. Just wish I had asked for the extended body warranty at birth!

Had to get that out of my system and at this time at night doubt many if any will read it so all will still think I have a body like a Ford 150 instead of the Yugo it appears to have become.

I've done a lot on my winter build but am behind on showing progress. Hopefully on flight I can do that and read all the great builds happening on the Forum.

This retiring can be tiring, think I will call it a night.

Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: Mr. Critter on January 23, 2025, 08:07:36 PM
Quote from: deemery on January 23, 2025, 07:04:54 PMDon't forget those blocks are magnetic, and you can do interesting things with magnets to set up jigs.

Okay, now I'm thinking around corners about gluing corners.  My sheetwood and styrene siding don't know what they've got coming.
Title: Re: Thursday January 23, 2025 Brunch Edition
Post by: MartyO on January 23, 2025, 10:32:50 PM

I feel your pain as life has its challenges but you're resilient and you will get through it. Retirement lowers our energy to deal with the extra crap life gives us. But our life experiences will win the day.