The Modeler's Forum

The Roundhouse => The O-Narrow Line => Topic started by: friscomike on January 30, 2025, 09:41:22 PM

Title: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on January 30, 2025, 09:41:22 PM
Howdy folks,

The purpose of this topic is to chronicle the construction of the On30 Buffalo Canyon Mining Company layout and its structures. I will update the location of various structures and equipment posts here as I begin them.

This may help readers to skip parts they are not interested in. I am old and slow, but I hope you enjoy the trip. The chronicle includes the following areas.  It will take a while to populate the topics.

Buffalo Canyon Railroad Locos and Equipment (

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on January 30, 2025, 09:42:48 PM
Howdy folks,


The Buffalo Canyon Mining Company (BCMC) passes through the small town of Quitaque (pronounced kitty-kway), Texas, the center of the railroad. The town lies directly south of Capcrock Canyon State Park and is a ranching, and farming area in West Texas. Quitaque is home to the Texas bison heard, thus the name for the railroad. The Fort Worth and Denver South Plains Railroad Company originally built the line along with the Clarity tunnel, one of only three tunnels in Texas. Thus the facts end and the story of the BCMC begins.

The track that runs through Quitaque was laid in the 1870's and connected the Fort Worth and Denver Railroad (FWD) and the Quanah Acme and Pacific Railroad (QA&P/Frisco). The track was laid as narrow gauge because of the lower cost of construction and popularity in the 1870s. Since the FW&D and QA&P railroads were standard gauge, transfer tracks were laid on the FW&D in Turkey (home of Bob Wills, King of Western Swing) in the north and on the QA&P in Floydada in the south. The original railroad was abandoned after the first gold rush played out in the 1880's. Gold was rediscovered around 1892 and the need to ship the ore and gold necessitated the refurbishment of the railroad.

The Carl Anderson Development Corporation purchased the remnants of the railroad including track, facilities, and equipment to serve the resuscitated mining business of the region. Carl Anderson, being a tight-fisted developer with short arms and deep pockets, purchased used and cast-off equipment from the Colorado and Southern Railroad in the Rockies and from a few others around the region. It was cheap to ship the equipment down from Colorado to Quitaque via the Fort Worth and Denver Railroad which Carl liked.

Most of the fledgling railroad's equipment was nearing the end of its useful life, but enterprising railroad crews kept the equipment running and looking good, in some cases. Small locomotives and rolling stock suited the winding track in the canyon and beyond. During the good times, there were passenger and freight trains headed north and south at least three trips a week, so there was a train in Quitaque every day but Sunday.

The town of Quitaque had its glory days during the first gold strike, but the hard times of 1880-1895 left many of the buildings in poor condition. The once beautiful brick buildings were patched with adobe and most new construction was from wood and local limestone. Coal from Thurber, Texas heated Quitaque mining structures, homes, and businesses in the merciless panhandle winters. Oil was becoming the new gold in Texas, so shipping crude oil was becoming a good business for the railroad. The railroad won the mail contract which added more revenue to the company.

That should give you a little background of the BCMC and how it got its start. A description of the layout will follow in subsequent posts.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: elwoodblues on January 30, 2025, 09:56:39 PM

looking forward to following along.  Thanks for the history lesson on the railroad.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on January 30, 2025, 10:17:30 PM
Howdy folks,

Here's information about the layout:

General Information
Name: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Scale: On30
Size: 15' X 13'
Prototype: None - layout is freelanced
Locale: Quitaque Texas (west Texas panhandle area)
Era: 1920's
Layout Type: Walkaround
Layout Height: 40″
Benchwork: 3 modules and boxed frame extensions with 2″ rigid foam
Roadbed: foam
Trackwork: Microengineering On30 plus hand laid
Turnouts: Microengineering No 5 plus hand laid
Minimum Curve Radius: 22″
Scenery: Rigid foam covered with latex paint and ground foam
Control: Digitrax DCC

The layout is to be built in three phases. Phase I is the town located in the center, Phase II is the return loops, and Phase III is the staging yard on the back side of the layout.


Well, that's the plan for now, but as we know, no plan survives first contact...

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: Jerry on January 30, 2025, 10:32:25 PM
Glad you started this back p over here Mike.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 31, 2025, 07:25:27 AM
Interesting track plan Mike. Is it one out of MRR magizine? It looks familiar.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on January 31, 2025, 08:10:05 AM
Howdy Curt, the basic plan is from Dave Meek.  I added the returns and staging area.  Have fun, mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: Rick on January 31, 2025, 08:18:57 AM
Dave, thanks for starting this thread here so we can continue following along as you progress.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on January 31, 2025, 08:38:26 AM
Howdy folks,

The first structure build is the Forks Creek station from Classic Miniatures. Joe Batson started the kit for Choctaw Lumber Company but decided it wasn't what he wanted for a logging layout. He had painted the structure green, which is the color I plan to use on the BCMC layout, so that saved me a step.

Here is the box and first glue-up:


The roof is not attached yet, but in place to test fit. I'll add roofing material and the chimney next. The kit comes with a corrugated iron roof, but I'd like to use a standing seam roof...if I can find it. So many boxes...


I made ten rafters for the roof using the laser. I may paint them white since there will not be a ceiling proper...

The room partition is from densely corrugated cardboard. The partition received the same wallpaper as the rest of the room. The second-floor door is a Tichy product. The photo shows the partition in place to test fit before glue makes them permanent. I also painted the paper corrugated roofing material provided in the kit. I searched high and low for standing seam roofing material and discovered my stock is in HO scale.

Here are a couple of shots showing the second floor in draft condition plus a roof rafter in place.


Second-floor partition and rafter test fit.


Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: Rick on January 31, 2025, 08:42:23 AM
Mike, looks good to me.
Is this an old build?
I'm getting forgetful and don't remember seeing this before.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on January 31, 2025, 08:44:20 AM
Howdy folks,

The Quitaque depot work continues.

Here are a few photos of the roof and rafters. While the edges darkened with the Old Oak Minwax, they are in the same family as the roof.

Here is a color test with the rafter. Half of the roof underside is yet to be finished. I used 3M transfer tape to attach the underside.


Here is the underside of the roof. The seam is where the room partition will go.


Finished the roof except for the ridge cap. The roofing is paper corrugated from Classic Miniatures. It was my first time using the material and it was not bad.

One side is finished and another prepped with 3M transfer tape.


That's it for now.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on January 31, 2025, 08:56:47 AM
Quote from: Rick on January 31, 2025, 08:42:23 AMMike, looks good to me.
Is this an old build?
I'm getting forgetful and don't remember seeing this before.
Howdy Rick, 

Indeed it is part of the old build.  I'm trying to recreate the whole Buffalo Canyon Mining Company story here in the Modelers Forum.  I like the chronicle approach, so away we go.  

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on January 31, 2025, 09:19:29 AM
Howdy folks,

Here are the final photos of the Quitaque depot.  I'll finish the details when it is planted on the layout.

Interior view


Here is a final photo of the depot.

That's it for the Quitaque Depot.  Next up will be the Quitaque firehouse.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: Rick on January 31, 2025, 09:20:54 AM
I thought this might be an old build.
Final results look excellent!
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 31, 2025, 09:53:31 AM
Mike the build looks great. To me it screams back woods.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: Larry C on January 31, 2025, 09:56:10 AM
Mike thanks for moving your layout over here; I'll be following along.
The Depot looks very well done; great job and have fun.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: Philip on January 31, 2025, 09:25:53 PM
The laser rafters are nice as the building !


Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: Mr. Critter on January 31, 2025, 11:13:03 PM
I just love that warm, unpainted board interior, especially the underside of the roof.  Looks just like the oil-finished interior woodwork that I've favored for years.  I'd be happy to wait for a train in that gorgeous little pile of sticks.

The outdoor benches, finished bright, echoing what's inside, are a fine touch.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: ACL1504 on February 01, 2025, 08:24:22 AM

Thanks for continuing your modeling here on the forum.

I love the look and natural feel of the interior and exterior on the depot. Fantastic Mike, carry on.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 09:08:06 AM
Howdy folks,

Rick, Curt, Larry, Philip, Tom, and Mr. Critter thank you for your comments.  I do appreciate them.

The next build in the thread is the Quitaque Fire House, a 4" X 6.5" structure adapted from Rich White's critter enginhouse.

Rich White's Engine house

Rich White's castings come with no instructions or parts, just castings.  This approach allows for a lot of fun in the build.  Here are the bare castings:

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I sprayed the castings with white primer, then used acrylics to color them. 

Here is a photo from the Internet that I used as a coloring guide.

Finished exterior

Finished interior

That's it for now.  More build details will follow.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 09:15:32 AM
Howdy folks,

The Quitaque fire station build continues with close ups of the exterior walls and floor.

This wall has a chair, telephone, workbench and ladder attached to the casting.

The opposite wall has a ladder and a collection of chemical fire extinguishers common during the era.

The floor is basswood playwood.

That's it for now.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 09:38:14 AM
Howdy folks,

I am thrilled with the results of my 3D resin printer (Mars 3). Here is a sample of details parts that might be hard to find and cost a fortune to ship: a bell for the tower on the Fire Station, an early 1900s chemical fire extinguisher, and a wall-mount crank telephone. For reference, the telephone is 18" tall in 1:1.

3D Prints

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 10:25:55 AM
Howdy folks,

Work on the fire station continues with assembly of the walls, roof, and floor.

The completed interior with fire truck

I ordered windows and doors from Grandtline, but misplaced them in a move from Texas to Georgia.  I decided to design and cut them with the laser. That was my first window and door adventure on the laser.  The doors are made of six laminated parts, plus the glazing. I am happy with the laser scoring function that left a nice deep mark on the diagonal boards in the door. The windows are made up of five layers plus glazing. I am happy the laser could cut those mullions. They are fine. I made the doors and windows in the manner of Dave Meek from .025 laser/resin board. He has a terrific video that makes the process look simple. Duh, if I could do it, most folks could after watching the video. I learned a lot about designing the doors in CAD and am glad to have that under my belt.

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Roofing material was 400 grit sandpaper cut into to strips and colored with pigments.

That's it for now.  Next up will be the bell tower.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 01, 2025, 10:46:52 AM
Wow Mike you've been busy. Everything looks great. Did you just build this or is it an older build you did?
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 10:48:00 AM
Howdy folks,

Today's activities mostly focused on the bell tower, specifically the bell support. The bell support will be enclosed in a slant roof structure with a rolled asphalt roof. It will be simple. I still need to add interior supports for the extra weight, pillow block caps, counterweight, bell pull rope and a little more weathering. The bell and spindle wheel were 3D printed.

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That does it for the bell tower.  Next up, finish the windows and doors.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 10:51:24 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 01, 2025, 10:46:52 AMWow Mike you've been busy. Everything looks great. Did you just build this or is it an older build you did?
Howdy Curt,  

All the postings in this thread to date are past builds from the old RRL On30 topic.  I plan to add all the structures, backgrounds and interesting stuff to this thread.  

I've completed Nowlin's Gas mostly with a little weathering of the dirt and a few weeds left to add.  I'll post those photos when I finish adding the rest of the old builds.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 11:05:10 AM
Howdy folks,

This closes (for now) the chronicle of the Quitaque Fire Station. I still need to make a sign but I haven't decided what to say. I especially like the Rich White castings and his leaving the construction and other parts to the builder.

In summary, the challenges for me were the doors and windows. I purchased them before my move to Georgia, but I could not for the life of me find them. I decided to make my own on the laser and was pleased with the outcome. I learned how from Dave Meek's videos at Thunder Mesa Studio. It is relatively easy.

Making the interior and bell tower parts on the 3D printer was a lot of fun, too. It took a while to get the hang of scaling, but I succeeded in the end. The 3D details were the chemical fire extinguishers, table, chairs, telephone, potbelly stove, and bell plus its parts. The interior ladders were from Rslaserkits and are very nice. I'm sure I'll add more details outside the station when it is planted on the layout.

Here is a 360 view of the station.

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That's a wrap, but what is next?

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 11:27:02 AM
Howdy folks,

This post depicts the build of the fire truck.  I was traveling when I started the build, but brought the firetruck with me to remove flash and part lines. The kit is the Wiseman O scale Model T fire truck. It is a nice kit with loads of detail. There wasn't much flash to remove so I mostly filed the parts. I had to spend about an hour filing the fire equipment frame to get it to fit the chassis, otherwise no problems. I recommend this kit.

The obligatory kit packaging.


Here is a photo of all the parts and the parts after filing.
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Primed and ready for assembly

Painted and assembled

Waiting for a fire

That's it for the fire truck.  Next up is the Palitti Tannery build.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on February 01, 2025, 11:33:37 AM
Mike obviously it's going to take you some time to get your thread caught
up to date. Take your time and we'll enjoy the review.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: elwoodblues on February 01, 2025, 11:45:22 AM
Mike, very nice job on the fire truck.

I have built a couple of them from Wiseman Model Services, they are great kits and would recommend them also.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 01:12:23 PM
Howdy folks,

Thanks Larry and Ron.

I just received four Inter-Action Enterprises Model T panel truck kits and can't wait to start one. 

The fire truck needs company.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 01, 2025, 03:54:28 PM
The bell tower and fire engine look terrific Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 01, 2025, 03:57:36 PM
Nice work Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 01, 2025, 08:26:11 PM
Mike, thanks for sharing all your fabulous modeling with us.
A great job on all of it.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: ACL1504 on February 02, 2025, 07:59:12 AM
Howdy there Mike,

Looking forward to your build thread. Its tough to start over. I did it when this forum closed two years ago and I started over on RR Lines.

When Jim Donavan revived this forum and took over from Jimmy D. I was stuck between the two. I'm sad that the RR Lines is over but I'm happy in that having only one forum will save me a lot of double posting as well as a whole lot of time.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: GPdemayo on February 02, 2025, 08:03:09 AM
Excellent work Mike, I'll be watching..... 8)
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 08:44:12 AM
Howdy folks,

Thank you Curt, Philip, Rick, Tom, and Gregory.  Your comments and critiques are welcome.

I too started here years ago and moved to RRL with the first outage.  I had to refresh my memory about how to add photos, but so far it is a clear track ahead. I find the gallery easy to us and like the ability to add subcategories.  My goal is to add at least one build a day until I am caught up with the current build.

Hats off to Jim and the admins for hosting a fun place to hang out.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 09:08:15 AM
Howdy folks,

The next structure in chronicle is Palitti Tannery. 

The next structure build was Morgan Hill Models stone factory kit. Surprisingly, it looks just like a Thomas A. York kit.  Several famous modelers have created beautiful dioramas with the structure. This was my take, perhaps borrowing a few ideas from the masters.

Morgan Hill Models pilot structure

This build was a tribute to a couple of fantastic modelers and wonderful people, Lorrie and Leo Palitti. Sadly, Leo caught the Special several years back, but his modeling remains and inspires us all. Lorrie is a modeler in her own right and maintains their fabulous layout. One of the kits the Palitti couple built was FSM's Tannery. It was a big inspiration to all who saw it on the Texas Western Model Railroad Club's layout. So, this MHM kit was dedicated to the Palitti's and called Palitti Tannery. Of course, there is a backstory about the Tannery...

The old stone and wood building is located between a spur of the Fort Worth and Denver South Plains Railroad and at the end of the primary Quitaque street appropriately named Main Street. The building was originally built in 1870 by Terry Morris as a railroad supply and light manufacturing company. Business boomed at first while the Clarity tunnel was being built and Mr. Morris was so busy that he never got around to painting the building's wood. Over time the wood greyed a bit but mostly took on the rusty brown and yellow colors of raw wood found out west.

After the gold played out, the hard times of the 1880s eventually forced Mr. Morris and his business partner Stephen Paroisse to declare bankruptcy and move back to Dallas. The building remained vacant for the following 30 years. Heavy timbers and a concrete floor probably contributed to the excellent structural stability of the aging building. These features would attract the attention of a future buyer.

Lorrie May and Leonis Palitti owned a catalog business in Fort Worth selling novelties and cooking utensils. Leo heard how large tanneries were shutting down everywhere although there was still a demand for leather and fur coats. He discussed establishing a smaller tannery with Lorrie May and they decided to make a go of it. With the decision made, the Palittis started looking for a place to set up the tannery.

Fort Worth was growing too crowded for them, so they explored Texas west of Fort Worth. The business would need a good supply of water, chemicals, hides, pelts, and access to the railroad to get supplies and sell their products up north. News of an old but sturdy building in Quitaque caught their attention. The building was located in town, near a river, and next to a railroad spur. The Palittis immediately headed west to Quitaque. Briscoe County owned the vacant building and after fierce negotiations sold it to the Palittis for $30 dollars.

As the story continued, Lorri May traveled to Kansas City to learn the tannery trade. Leonis started to repair their old building and construct the large vats they would need for the business.

Well, that's the origin of the Palitti Tannery. I only hope I can do it justice in tribute to these fine modelers.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 09:32:38 AM
Howdy folks,

The stone factory is now Palitti's Tannery. The wood walls are an experiment in Western raw wood coloring. When I visited New Mexico and Colorado, there were quite a few mines and outbuildings that were ochre-steaked black and brown. I tried for that look with pigments and alcohol. In the process, I managed to spill black soot pigment on the floor. It took an hour to clean up and so it goes.

Here are a few shots with the stone walls placed in position.

Front wall (lower door surround is not finished.)


Back wall

I left the wood colored like that for a while and made adjustments and changes later.

Next I worked on the three big doors and the roof. Putting shingles on a roof is tedious, so I only got one half done before my back gave out...

Here are a couple of photos of the work.

The roof is covered in cedar shingles from Rail-Scale-Models. I've used them before and really like them. The quality is top-notch. I'll finish the roof with grey and black stains, trying to let the wood grain show through.


That's it for now.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 09:55:16 AM
Howdy folks,

I finished assembling the tannery walls, windows, and doors. The roof is finished, but I haven't decided how to color it, whether old or new. The ends of the roof will get flashing.

I tried a new technique for window glazing (observed on a Dave Meeks video). I applied 360 canopy glue diagonally across the windows. The window passes light, looks realistic, and obscures the interior. The result was satisfying to me.

I didn't add the final details to the tannery waiting for it to be situated on the layout. So far, I have planned sheds, water and chemical tanks, a boiler, and a porch.

Here are some photos of the current state of the tannery.




Well folks, that's finishes the Palitti Tannery for now.  Morris Mining Co. - Little Creek Mining Co. by Banta Model Works is next.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 10:15:17 AM
Howdy folks,

Little Creek Mining Co. by Bill Banta is the next build for the layout.

This is a nice kit with plenty of templates and jigs for all the structural parts. The kit is mostly laser cut and individual strip wood.

If I followed the plans, the mine would be 16" long and the ore bins would face the wrong way for the ore cars on the siding. I'll do a bit of modification to turn the ore bins and put a wye in the buggy dump track. More about that later.

The original plan was for the mine will be situated on top of a stone tower in the center-right of the layout. Access is difficult because the original access route was blasted away to make room for the New Main Street. The city planners didn't want the mine in the middle of their new downtown anyway, so complaints from the furious miners fell on deaf ears.


Here is a view of all the parts in the kit

Winch house frame

The individual board siding was stained and is now drying. I'll fill in the mine's back story in a subsequent post.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 02, 2025, 10:23:00 AM
Hoo ah!  Seems proper...sort of!  8)
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 11:59:45 AM
Howdy folks,

I finished the main ore bin structure. For the next few days, I'll be at the computer designing rack and pinion gate mechanisms for the ore gates. I prefer something other than the simple cable and wood gates in the kit. Hope the 3D-printed versions come out okay. This is a really small mine, so nothing too fancy would have been used.

Once again I say hats off to Bill Banta for designing the terrific jigs to speed assembly of the model. They sure help make a nice square product.

The small boiler I ordered from Wiseman Models arrived today. It is perfect in size and what I envisioned for the mill house. The winch and single-cylinder engine, also from Wiseman, also loom in the shadows. Lots of detail work ahead should keep me out of the bars.

Here are a few photos of the mine structure.

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The mine is finished for now.  I'll add details when I plant it on the layout.


So far the plan is for a steam winch and boiler. Both are on my desk for assembly.

On another note, I've decided on the next structure build, Homer's Place an old-fashioned saloon.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 02, 2025, 01:54:40 PM
Those are 2 very nice kits that you have done a wonderful job on Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 02:12:26 PM
Howdy folks,

The next build was Homer's Place Saloon. While I was in school, I worked at a bar and grill in Lawton Oklahoma called Homer's Place. Hence the name of this build, in memory of the fun times I had there. The model is Rich White's 3 Brothers structure.

The Homer's Place proprietor Conrad Graikowski, began business in a tent when the railroad was originally built in 1870.  Later, Homer's was converted to an all-wood structure. Business had been good, so when a diner went bankrupt on Main Street, Mr. Graikowski purchased the old diner and relocated the saloon there. He kept the original saloon's name, Homer's Place. Homer's only served beer, tequila, chili, and cornbread so it was indeed a bar and grill.

Homer's is 6 1/2" wide by 5 1/4" deep and constructed of plaster, wood, and plastic. I began the construction by priming the castings with white primer.  Next, I colored the stones and lightly washed the stucco with a light tan.

Signage: I am still deciding on the signage, and am on the fence about signs on boards or signs painted directly on the walls. The main sign will say Homer's Place and SALOON, and the three vertical walls on the sides of the doors will say BEER, CHILI, and TEQUILA.
Front: In the front, I'll block one of the doors with a bench, add a spittoon, and an exterior light. Common for the period would be a canvas awning, but I am not sure I want to block the fancy brickwork over the doors.

Back: In the back, I'll make a small dock with relevant clutter like empty beer barrels, sacks of beans (yes, I know Texas chili has no beans, but the sacks will look cool), and a delivery truck. I ordered a panel model T from Interaction Hobbies which should be interesting to build.

Top: The plan is for one smoke stack for the potbelly stove routed out the top of a side window and a bigger chimney on the roof for the cooking stove. I plan to cover the roof using a brown shade of rolled roofing similar to the one I used on the Sheepscot Gulf Sand and Gravel. There I used green chalk on flat black sprayed 600 grit sandpaper.

Raw castings after primer
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Painted castings

Next I finished the interior of the walls with wainscot and added a divider between the bar and kitchen.

Bar side

Kitchen side

This photo shows the divider wall

That's it for now.  Next will be the lighting and wiring.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 02:30:33 PM
Howdy folks,

There are four lights in Homers, front and back porch and kitchen and bar.  The light in the front is a gooseneck and the interior lights hang from a ceiling beam.  The wiring was routed down the back wall and hidden with a kitchen cabinet.

The gooseneck support tubes are stainless and to scale. After I annealed the tubes, I inserted the magnet wires that led to the LED. Next, I bent them. I've only done this in HO, so hoped the O-scale version would be easier. The LEDs were housed in an 18" reflector, common for the era. I have selected pico warm white from Ngineering. I may paint them with orange clear paint if they are too white.

Gooseneck light in test stand.

Ceiling beam hiding the light wiring.

Kitchen cabinet for hiding the wiring.

Back door light

Front light

The roof and signs are next.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 02, 2025, 02:34:44 PM
Nice shades Mike!  8)
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 02, 2025, 02:48:05 PM
Great looking catina Mike. The lighting takes it to another level.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 02:53:32 PM
Howdy folks,

The roof is cardstock covered in 600 grit strips cut into prototype width and colored with brown pigments.


Next I made the front and back sidewalks using strip wood and coffee stir sticks.

Front sidewalk

That's it for now. Next up are the signs.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 02, 2025, 03:20:09 PM
Howdy folks,

Signs were printed with an inkjet printer on card stock. That was the easy part.  The design, however, ...
I used Affinity Designer, a British app, to design the signs. It is similar to Adobe Illustrator but easier to use and way cheaper for me. I especially like it because it creates vector graphics that can be resized without a loss in quality.  Each sign had three designs, one for the sign to be printed, one for the sign backing, and one for the frame. 

Here is a photo of Homer's sign frames and backing boards cut from a .023" laserboard placed next to the printed sign.


Main sign
Thanks to several forum members for coaching and ideas for the sign's colors, typeface, and design.

The final saloon:



That's it for Homer's Place. Next up is Cowles General Store.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on February 03, 2025, 07:26:43 AM
Mike you certainly did a fantastic job on this build! The lighting
really make it POP.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 03, 2025, 09:24:16 AM
This thread is a nice trip down memory lane.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 03, 2025, 09:44:10 AM
Nice work Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on February 03, 2025, 09:57:42 AM
Love seeing this all over again like Rick said a nice trip down memory lane.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 10:56:44 AM
Howdy folks,

Many thanks Larry, Rick, Larry, and Jerry for your comments.  It was fun posting the thread here.  I left out the broken rail and blown valves along the way.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 11:30:24 AM
Howdy folks,

This post officially begins the Cowles General Store build thread. The structure is small at 4.5″W x 3.5″H x 5" D.


I'll begin with the backstory.

The Cowles family were Sooners living in the Big Pasture area. The family lived from agricultural and merchant activities including fruit trees and cotton. Darrell, one of the family's sons, grew up with a hoe in his hand helping his Dad. When he came of age, he said enough of this farm work and headed to the city.

In Fort Worth, Darrell quickly rose through the ranks of an advertising company where he used his natural drawing skills to design advertisements. He saved his money. One day in the local soda shop, a petite blonde named Linda Bell caught his eye. After a few years, they married. Linda Bell came from a long line of merchants and convinced Darrell to change careers and enter merchandising.

The new gold rush west of Fort Worth near the Quitaque created a demand for trading post. The gold meant plenty of customers for a general store. Darrell heard the call, "Go West young man" and the couple soon found an old vacant adobe building on Main Street to start a General Store. The price was right so they packed up and headed to Quitaque. Linda Bell knew the business and set up most of her suppliers before she left Fort Worth.

The business was a start-up success in 1893 and continues in the black today (1920).  Now you know how the Cowles arrived in Quitaque and who started Cowles General Store.

There isn't much to assemble the kit. Most of the work will go into the finish. Here is the obligatory kit component photo:


The walls are made from MDF about 1/4" thick. The doors and windows are from laserboard. As provided, the kit isn't but a few inches deep. I wanted it a bit deeper to fit on Main Street on the lower level beside the river. To expand the structure, I cut extensions for each side using the laser. The walls will be covered in plaster, so the joints shouldn't show.

Here is a view of a side wall with the laser extension plug I designed in Affinity Designer. It is made from 1/4" basswood.


I joined the two walls and had a deeper building.

I glued the structure together, clamped it, and then let it dry overnight. I filled the gaps with foam putty which didn't work well.  I didn't have any wood putty on hand. After it dried, I sanded it, then rounded all the corners in preparation for the stucco.

The structure is small at 4.5″W x 3.5″H x 5" D, so it shouldn't take too long to complete it, (LOL).

Here is a photo of the structure, fresh out of the clamps.


That's it for now.  TBD.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 11:55:06 AM
Howdy folks,

The structure was glued together and made ready for stucco.  I used a thick gesso stippled on with an acid brush for the stucco affect.

(  (

The result was a convincing stucco finish.  Cowles is painted in a color I mixed using online photos as a guide.


The timbers for the roof supports and the lintels were cut and stained.  I used a stencil to letter the sign on the front of Cowles.


I had to touch up the sign's stencil marks, but a 000 brush and Optivisor did the trick.
The windows and doors were assembled and painted, and glazing was added.  The floor, ceiling, front porch, and sidewalk were completed next.  The roof support posts were installed, the porch braces and roofing were added, the terra cotta chimney was added, windows and doors were inserted in the openings, and an interior floor was added.


The kit didn't have a foundation so I made one from dimensional lumber and carved stones into the exposed faces.


The structure is nearing completion and ready for details.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 12:46:05 PM
Howdy folks,

This build was a lot of fun.  It was my first stucco structure and easy.  Here is the front view without the sidewalk and final signs.


Final side views
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Final front view

The details are a mix of purchased and home-printed items.  I'll add a Model T panel truck lettered for Cowles to the final scene.

That's a wrap on Cowles General Store.  Hope you enjoyed the show.  BTW, next up is a massive scratch built structure, Parish Livery.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: IWannaRetire on February 03, 2025, 01:12:32 PM

Mike, thanks for posting this detailed thread. You seem to be as budget-minded as I am, and you're getting great results.  Scratch-building is exactly what I enjoy reading most on a forum.  It's why I was on RR-L and freerails (RIP) before. 

Quote from: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 09:38:14 AMI am thrilled with the results of my 3D resin printer (Mars 3). Here is a sample of details parts that might be hard to find and cost a fortune to ship...

Shipping small things is my frustration as well.  I live halfway between Chicago and Milwaukee, not a retail desert by any measure, except hobby shops!  There's a guy in a small hobby shop in my closest downtown who's open sporadically, with no apparent regularity.  That's fine, I understand.  But when I introduced myself on my first visit and said "I'd like to re-enter the hobby with some scratch-building" he grumbled: "Nobody scratch-builds anymore."  End of conversation. No offer of "I can order for you from Walthers, etc" 

About an hour away, there's an excellent brick and mortar, Des Plaines Hobby, near O'Hare Airport.  Being an hour away, I'm always making my list and checking it twice.  He has ordered products for me from his large list of vendors as well. 

Ordering online myself for one or two small items usually costs as much or more to ship as the item.

I'm following the 3D printing threads and mentions here closely.  My son-in-law has just related an interest in it for a different hobby, and my grandson is approaching just the right age...

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 01:54:13 PM
Howdy folks,

The next structure on my list is Parish Livery and Drayage. The structure was built from scratch and designed in Affinity Designer. I don't have a pretty design to share but have enough to give you an idea of the preliminary design. The exterior is board and baton of 12" boards on all sides but the front which will be ship lap.  Wooden shingles are on the roof. The size is 9" wide by 6" tall and 6" deep.

Stephonic Parish was a retired Sergeant Major from Ft. Davis in south Texas. Mr. Parish used his 20 years of Army pay savings and bought a mule team and wagon. He started a drayage and transfer business which was a huge success. Eventually, he made enough money from drayage and transfer to buy an abandoned old livery stable in Quitaque. Thus, he opened Parish Livery and Drayage. In addition to mule teams, horses, and wagons, Mr. Parish purchased a motor truck, too. Services offered are regular livery and stable, horse sales, and drayage/transfer to Floydada and Turkey. (Steve Parish, the structure's namesake, is a fellow modeler, veteran, and good friend at the Texas Western Model Railroad Club.)

Here is where it all started

The Parish LIvery dimensions are 9"W X 6"D X 6.5" High and cut from 1/8" bass plywood. One side is open and the other enclosed. The scribe lines you see in the photos are for batten guides. The middle photo shows the inner front wall. The outer wall will be board and batten. A peak crowns the front along with crown moldings. A small corral will adjoin the back of the structure. The initial planning for color is barn red like I've done on Choctaw Lumber structures with a faded white front.

Front wall cut and laid out

Rear wall and interior walls

Exterior side walls

That's it for now.  Stay tuned!

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 01:58:04 PM
Quote from: IWannaRetire on February 03, 2025, 01:12:32 PMMike, thanks for posting this detailed thread. You seem to be as budget-minded as I am, and you're getting great results.  Scratch-building is exactly what I enjoy reading most on a forum.  It's why I was on RR-L and freerails (RIP) before. 

Quote from: friscomike on February 01, 2025, 09:38:14 AMI am thrilled with the results of my 3D resin printer (Mars 3). Here is a sample of details parts that might be hard to find and cost a fortune to ship...

Shipping small things is my frustration as well.  I live halfway between Chicago and Milwaukee, not a retail desert by any measure, except hobby shops!  There's a guy in a small hobby shop in my closest downtown who's open sporadically, with no apparent regularity.  That's fine, I understand.  But when I introduced myself on my first visit and said "I'd like to re-enter the hobby with some scratch-building" he grumbled: "Nobody scratch-builds anymore."  End of conversation. No offer of "I can order for you from Walthers, etc" 

About an hour away, there's an excellent brick and mortar, Des Plaines Hobby, near O'Hare Airport.  Being an hour away, I'm always making my list and checking it twice.  He has ordered products for me from his large list of vendors as well. 

Ordering online myself for one or two small items usually costs as much or more to ship as the item.

I'm following the 3D printing threads and mentions here closely.  My son-in-law has just related an interest in it for a different hobby, and my grandson is approaching just the right age...


Howdy Marc, thank you for your post.  I appreciate your comments.  It sounds like you and I are on the same train.  The nearest hobby shop to me is over an hour and half away. We persist, though.  It is a fun hobby.  Have fun, mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 02:24:44 PM
Howdy folks,

The Parish Livery and Drayage continues.  I designed the outside walls with rafter tail slots.  I love being able to cut so many rafters with the laser instead of gluing them in a jig. After a few adjustments, the main roof rafter design was finished and the cut and fit test was completed. Parish needs 13 for the top roof and 40 for the side roofs.

(  (

Everything is cut on the laser for Parish Livery except the front skin, roof cards, and floors. I distressed the wood and started on all those battens soon.

I scored guidelines and attached the rafters to the roof.
(  (

Top rafters with ridge pole

The assembly of parts is next.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 02:44:11 PM
Howdy folks,

I decided to go with horizontal clapboards on the front instead of B&B. The clapboards are 6" showing. The guidelines are 12" apart. Transfer adhesive will hold the clapboards in place. I tried several kinds of paper and cardstock, then decided on good ole manilla file folders. I painted the front a tan or weathered white and the rest of the structure barn red. The doors and windows were painted brown.

(  (

Assembly of the parts


(  (

Final roofing is next.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 03:09:48 PM
Howdy folks,

This post will describe the colors on the stable.

Here is a photo of the first coat of barn red wash. I'm using Peterpools technique. The wash is diluted Dr. Ben's barn red stain with rubbing alcohol. I am using Dr Ben's stains and pigments on the structure.


I've used Peterpools technique for weathered barn color on several models and like it. Here is his recipe:

1. A wash of Acrylic Barn Red (the red undertone color of a worn and faded wall)
2. Burnt Umber weathering powder
3. Wash of A&I
4. Dry Brushing with the following colors:
- Goose feather ( light tan)
- Country Twill ( Light brown)
- Black for the lower board stains
- Country Twill again


Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 03:21:13 PM
Howdy folks,

The roofing was the final detail on the structure.  I wanted to use cedar shingles but ran short.  I decided to use printed paper shingles for the first time and they turned out nice.  The funny thing was that I ran short of paper shingles, too, so decided on a board and batten (leaky) roof on the open-air side of the stable.

Main roof

Open area roof

Top view showing singles and B&B lathing

Roofing is done, so it is off to details...did you say hay bales?

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 03:53:26 PM
Hay folks,

The hay loft needed hay, so I experimented a bit and settled on making hay bale cores from dimensional wood.  Here is the process:

1. Make Hay bales: size is 3'x 18"x 15" 1:1 cut from basswood into two sizes. One size is 1.5' long and the other is full size. More about the half-size later.

2. Coat hay bale wood with contact adhesive.


3. Cover with flock.


First coat of flock.


4. Spray with a second coat of contact adhesive.

5. Cover with a second coat of flock.


6. The next step was to square up the bales and then use fly fishing tippet to simulate baling wire or string. 


7. Finally, make a faux hay loft viewable from the front loft door.




Next up are signs and the final assembly.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 04:00:10 PM
Howdy folks,

Parish Livery and Drayage is complete for now.  It will get animals, figures, more hay, and a corral when I plant it on the layout.  Until then,  here is the finished structure:





Hope you enjoyed Parish as much as I did.  The next build is Nowlin's Gas, my current build.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 04:57:32 PM
Howdy folks,

The next build is a gas station kit that I'm calling Nowlin's Gas.


Pate and Winnie Nowlin moved from Arkansas to the Indian Territory in Oklahoma. Pate was working on a ranch but wanted something better. In 1889 the government opened almost two million acres of unassigned Indian Territory for settlement. The prospect of owning land was Pate's dream as he had always wanted to farm. The two loaded their belongings including Winnie's heirloom China into a wagon and lined up for the land rush. During the rush, they lost their wagon and all they owned in quicksand on the South Fork of the Canadian River. Down but not out, they climbed up the southern bank of the river and joined a new community of Sooners that became New Castle. They staked out their 160 acres of land and began farming. Sadly, they could not make a go of farming alone, so they built a gas station in town to support the farm. Alas, still they could barely make ends meet, so they decided to go to Texas where they had heard about a new gold rush in the southern part of the Texas panhandle. They sold their 160 acres and farm implements and headed southwest to Texas. That brought them to Quitaque, Texas where they built a stone gas station from locally available materials and hoped to make a good living by supplying fuel and oil to the miners and mining equipment companies.

I hope you enjoyed the backstory of Nowlin Gas. This is mostly true except for...

The Nowlni's Gas is a Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises design now labeled Scale Model Masterpieces and sold by DebenLLC (Doctor Ben).

The kit appears to be cast gypsum. The castings are sharp and impressive. The kit comes with fish scale shingles, but I don't know if they represent slate or asphalt shingles. I saw a similar design on an old country house and they were a warm red color. 

The instruction book is augmented from the original Thomas York book and includes several excellent tips and guides left out of the original manual.

Here is Scale Model Masterpieces pilot photo.


I have become especially fond of gas stations since attending a clinic on gas stations at a Narrow Gauge Convention in Colorado. This kit should be fun. Has anyone else built it?

I finished cleaning the castings and making the modifications that Doctor Ben recommended in the instructions. The corners are supposed to look like columns with brick walls in between the columns. The original kit didn't provide for this look, but the updated instructions do.

The kit includes a large base with recesses for the walls to fit into. The walls fit easily into the base, but the end walls were flat against the side walls. A correct look would have been for the side walls corners would look like pillars. One of the modifications recommended in Doctor Ben's instructions was to continue the mortar lines around the corner of the end castings. I used a fine Zona saw to make the cuts. See the below.

Kit contents


I started by adding mortar lines to the end castings. The lines continued around the casting.


The castings received a base coat of khaki paint, that dried overnight. I like to paint or prime castings so the mortar lines are easier to flow color. I painted the walls before I glued them together.



Assembly required beveling the wall bases with sand paper. I used epoxy for glue.


Next up is the canopy and canopy columns.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 05:31:05 PM
Howdy folks,

The canopy is next.  It consists of cast end wall, rafters, and roof cards.

(  (

The underside of the canopy

(   (

That's the canopy with its support columns.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 03, 2025, 05:42:34 PM
Howdy folks,

I decided to paint the trim green and the door and windows a weathered red.



The gas pumps look a little skewed here, but it is the distortion from the camera.


Kerosene tank


Air compressor, shed, spitoon, bench, and chemical fire extinguisher.


Grease rack


Figure (in process)



(  (

Telephone pole.


That's it for now.  Next will be the station before scenery is added.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: elwoodblues on February 03, 2025, 07:00:30 PM

Nowlin's is looking great.  The details will give the garage life.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 04, 2025, 07:02:00 AM
All the builds you have shared look outstanding Mike even if most of them I have seen before. Outstanding is still Outstanding.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 04, 2025, 08:29:39 AM
Looks like you're up to date now Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 04, 2025, 09:29:02 AM
Howdy folks,

Ron, Curt, and Rick, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.  

Here are a few photos before the scenery and figures:

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(  (

That's it, now on to the dirt!

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: GPdemayo on February 04, 2025, 11:27:02 AM
What a grand scene, well done Mike..... 8)
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 04, 2025, 12:42:52 PM

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on February 04, 2025, 01:41:14 PM
Looks great, Mike.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on February 05, 2025, 09:49:46 AM
Mike can't wait for the new build!  You doing some excellent work keep at it.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Dave Buchholz on February 05, 2025, 10:05:35 AM
The amazing thing about the Thomas Yorke kits in general, is that he used those basic wall castings for the starting point of several kits. The beauty to me, is that the roof angles were identical, so kit mingling and bashing is limited only to imagination.

Great stuff to imagineer with! Here's a cut and paste idea  that can be done using those same parts, with a few more additional Thomas York parts
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 05, 2025, 11:23:51 AM
Howdy folks,

Thank you for the kind comments Gregory, Philip, Mac, Jerry, and Dave. 

Jerry, in addition to the box car, I am thinking about kitbashing the Inter-action Hobbies tool shed, which would be concatenated with a scratch-built water tower.  That would let me enjoy building a kit and scratch building in foam and wood.

Here is the vendor photo of the toolshed.  The available details are terrific.


Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on February 05, 2025, 02:07:24 PM
Mike that looks like a really nice kit so enjoy.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 05, 2025, 04:30:03 PM
Howdy folks,

Thank you Larry.  I appreciate the comment.

The scenery is complete on Nowlin's.  Just waiting for the matt medium to dry.  I finished painting two figures and have one to go, and then it is finished...until I finish a model T or two...

Here are two fellas, Paul, the cool one, and Billy Dean with the straw hat (He lost an arm in WWI.). They are waiting for their next oil change customer.


Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 05, 2025, 04:55:42 PM
That is an excellent scene and back story Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 05, 2025, 06:38:12 PM
Mike, Nowlin's is looking better than ever now with the scenery added.
Great job all around on that build.

Looking forward to your next builds with the boxcar and shed.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 05, 2025, 08:19:02 PM
"Oh, neato! My car is fixed".  8)
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on February 05, 2025, 08:39:10 PM
Great scene Mike!!

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: elwoodblues on February 05, 2025, 08:50:38 PM
Mike like the scene and love the story.  All that work in the build and details has really paid off.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 06, 2025, 05:26:25 PM
Howdy folks,

Thanks again for the comments Curt, Rick Philip, Jerry, and Ron.

I'm inching toward the completion of Nowlin's Gas.  Today I worked on the last figure and it is almost done.  The figure is Mr. Nowlin reading a newspaper who has fallen asleep sitting in his chair out front.

Most of the modeling time was spent on the telephone and power lines from the pole to the station.  I used fly tying tippet, painted dark grey, and glued with ACC to insulators on the pole and station.  The pole needs a little cleanup otherwise, it is finished.

Pole and transformer connections

The lines extending from the pole to the station

I hope I finish it tomorrow.  I'm anxious to get on to the next projects.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 06, 2025, 05:58:48 PM
That looks very good Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 06, 2025, 06:07:08 PM
Mike, the looks very good and the wiring is a great touch.
The dirt used in the scenery is perfect.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 06, 2025, 10:42:02 PM
Is that transformer something you printed? It looks nice.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: cuse on February 07, 2025, 07:27:24 AM
Love this kind of modeling...

You had me at "Dave Meek"  ;D
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 07, 2025, 07:38:31 AM
Quote from: Philip on February 06, 2025, 10:42:02 PMIs that transformer something you printed? It looks nice.

Howdy Philip, Thanks!  The telephone poles were a kit from Morgan Hill and included the transformers.  Have fun, mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Dave Buchholz on February 07, 2025, 09:13:20 AM
Thanks for the inspiration. I gotta get my own butt in gear around here. I'm great at starting projects, not so much finishing them.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: ACL1504 on February 07, 2025, 09:14:44 AM

It's all looking fantastic.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 08, 2025, 01:07:41 PM
Howdy folks,

Dave and Tom, thank you for your kind words and encouragement.

These are the final photos of Nowlin's Gas.  I will post updates when it is planted on the layout.





As luck would have it, I didn't blow the baking soda from the front porch.  Oops!

The next build is in planning, and hopefully, it will be a water tower and maintenance shed.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on February 08, 2025, 01:28:40 PM
Great work, Mike.  Especially the stonework.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 08, 2025, 01:30:13 PM
Truly outstanding modeling Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: ACL1504 on February 08, 2025, 03:54:24 PM

That diorama is absolutely stunning. I love the brick, stone work coloring and the auto rack.

Wonderful build. Hope you had fun as you say!  ;D

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: kyle creel on February 08, 2025, 07:12:34 PM
This is so beautiful Mike; it is a stand alone piece of art.  You should be very proud.  I know I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to be considered a part of, and get to witness the wonderful accomplishments of a group of artists like ya'll.  It is a joy.................thanx

G&D Ry.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 08, 2025, 07:56:10 PM
Mike, you hit a home run with this one.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on February 09, 2025, 08:12:03 AM
Mike that looks fantastic!! Very well done and should look great
on your layout.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: GPdemayo on February 09, 2025, 09:10:56 AM
Great scene Mike..... 8)
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: cuse on February 09, 2025, 09:56:04 AM
Really nice work...Great colors

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on February 09, 2025, 10:00:58 AM
Mike that is just some exceptional modeling!
Coloring the scenery all first class work!!

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 16, 2025, 04:38:23 PM
Howdy folks,

The adventure continues with another non-revenue structure, the railroad's water tower and maintenance shed. While I would like to build the Sierra West version, it's all done for you except for all that detail painting.  I wanted to try a new technique for making stones for the water tower base and creating the tank.  

I had planned to scratch-build the maintenance shed until I saw Inter-Action Hobbies' CPR Shed #3.  I liked it so much that I ditched the scratch-build shed plan and purchased the Inter-Action kit with the interior detail option. Its construction technique is different from any I've built before, so it will be a treat. I may add a hand car to the build if I find one I like.

Here is the vendor's photos of the kit.



The kit comes with all the details seen in the photo.  The price was good, too.

Here is a layout of some of the kit parts:

The kit comes with mostly laser-cut parts of laserboard and basswood.  It has nice 3D-printed details and a lighting kit, not bad at all.  The instructions look to be thorough with lots of photos, steps, and tips.


I spent the afternoon painting walls in preparation for assembly and hope to post photos of progress tomorrow.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: ACL1504 on February 16, 2025, 05:02:32 PM
Mike, Howdy,

Wow, what a great looking structure. Love the weathering and interior details. That burglar screen over the window is top notch.

Keep having fun my friend.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 16, 2025, 06:28:27 PM
The kit has everything included. Your build looks great. I look forward to a night shot Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: nycjeff on February 16, 2025, 06:33:56 PM
Hello Mike, I've really enjoyed catching up on your structure build thread. Some very nice modeling indeed.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 16, 2025, 06:53:44 PM
Mike, that a good looking kit especially the interior details.
Like Tom, I think the screen over the windows is unique and looks good.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on February 17, 2025, 12:04:18 AM
Mike this looks like a really nice build coming up.

A lot of nice details included.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on February 17, 2025, 08:04:07 AM
Mike great looking kit; enjoy and have fun.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 17, 2025, 06:06:54 PM
Howdy folks,

Tom, Curt, Jeff, Rick, Jerry, and Larry, thanks for following along.

The last couple of days have been painting the walls of the maintenance shed.  The Inter-Action Hobbies kit uses construction techniques that I have never seen before.  You can see an example in the first photo.  

The walls shown are the inside walls painted to look like tar paper.  You will notice tan overlays that are guides for constructing the walls.  After gluing them to the black walls, you simply glue the already cut-to-size studs, plates, etc. onto the overlays.  Neat!


Here are the reverse sides of the walls painted in Buffalo Canyon Mining green applied in two shades with a sponge. I plan to weather the structure.


The trim will be a weathered wood-gray like the depot. 


That's it for now. 

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 17, 2025, 07:02:23 PM
Mike, that is a different way of building kit walls, but I like it.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 17, 2025, 07:48:08 PM
Easy Peasy! I like the color.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on February 17, 2025, 09:16:26 PM
Mike that looks great.  Nice way to build a kit.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 17, 2025, 09:23:36 PM
Gorgeous build! The potbelly stove is also cool...... :'( just don't touch it.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 19, 2025, 02:28:34 PM
Howdy folks,

Rick, Curt, Jerry, and Philip thanks for following along.

Today I assembled the sides and ends on the boxcar (still in the clamps) and started weathering the shed walls.  I don't have photos of those individual projects, but I do have a photo of my workbench with all the models in process.  The shed walls have weights on them while the weathering dries. 


Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: robert goslin on February 19, 2025, 03:13:23 PM
Howdy Mike.  Nice work of the framing and walls.
I like the green colour, so should fit well with the little depot.
Great pic of the work bench.  I also generally have a couple of projects on the go at once.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: deemery on February 19, 2025, 04:33:11 PM
I always like seeing photos of other people's workbenches...

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 19, 2025, 04:52:45 PM
Looks a bit like my mess! Carry on!
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 19, 2025, 06:50:25 PM
Mike, that's the way a modeling bench should look.  ;)  :)
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: robert goslin on February 20, 2025, 01:05:12 AM
Yep, any modeling bench with more than a sq foot of working space, in't a real modeling bench.  ;D
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on February 20, 2025, 09:25:03 AM
Mike you have to stop keeping everything so neat!!!  ;D :) ;)

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 20, 2025, 04:03:31 PM
Howdy folks,

Rob, Dave, Philip, Rick, and Jerry thank you again and again for your support.

Today I finished painting all the little bits of the shed and am in the process of assembling them.  The attached photo depicts the interior and exterior of the ends plus the back wall with stud guide, plus the inside of the doors and a sample window.


Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Mr. Critter on February 20, 2025, 04:13:48 PM
This is going to be a fine little building.  I wish they offered it with the detail and lighting set in HO scale!
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: elwoodblues on February 20, 2025, 04:15:28 PM
Building is looking good Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 20, 2025, 06:11:49 PM
Mike, I like the way that looks.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on February 21, 2025, 01:17:55 PM
Mike the shed is looking really good. Your bench on the other hand........
Have fun.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on February 21, 2025, 08:00:37 PM
Your hard to keep up with! On a roll Mike!

Looks great and carry on!

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: ACL1504 on February 22, 2025, 05:18:40 PM

Love the colors and weathering on the depot. Very well done. Keep having fun.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 26, 2025, 11:46:33 AM
Howdy folks,

Mr. Critter, Ron, Rick, Larry, Philip, and TomACL thank you for your comments and support!

The walls are ready to assemble.  Here are a couple of photos of progress.



The floor has tab slots, so assembly should be too difficult.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 26, 2025, 12:23:30 PM
Looks very good Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on February 26, 2025, 03:38:00 PM
Very nice Mike.  Carry on!

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 26, 2025, 06:56:07 PM
Mike, the green looks very good.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on February 28, 2025, 01:33:02 PM
Howdy folks,

Curt, Jerry, and Rick, I appreciate your comments and support.

The maintenance shed is progressing well.  I have to say this kit is well engineered. 

Today I worked on the roof.  It's drying now, and I will post photos when it is dry.

In the meantime, here are a few photos of progress.

Walls assembled and ready for the roof.

Rafters in place and glued except for the end rafters.

I decided to use corrugated iron roofing instead of the included wood shingles.  It will match the depot which is next to it.

One roof panel drying under weights

Yesterday I received a hand car kit from Wiseman Model Services to accompany the maintenance shed.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 28, 2025, 03:49:18 PM
Looks great Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on February 28, 2025, 07:24:14 PM
Mike, that's a seriously strong roof to hold all those weights.
It's all coming together nicely.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on March 01, 2025, 06:28:53 AM
Mike is the roofing from Wild West Models? I think that's the name. If not they are very similar.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on March 01, 2025, 08:23:52 AM
Mike nice job on your build so far. The green color fits the structure very well. Enjoy the build.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on March 01, 2025, 10:30:12 AM
Mike that gets better with each post.

I really like the roof and my God are those rafters strong!!

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 01, 2025, 10:32:59 PM
Howdy folks,

Thank you Curt!  Indeed, the corrugated iron is from Wild West Models.  It comes in long strips that I cut on the chopper.  Notice there is no blood on the roofing.  ;)

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 01, 2025, 10:34:08 PM
Thank you, Rick.  IAH makes a strong kit.  ~mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 01, 2025, 10:38:20 PM
Larry, thank you for the encouragement.  I know it is a modeler's choice to choose colors, but it is helpful when folks share their critique, good or bad.  ~mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 01, 2025, 10:39:50 PM
Jerry, thanks for the complement.  I was leery of putting all that weight on the roof, but so many rafters did the trick. ~mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Michael Hohn on March 02, 2025, 08:32:07 AM
Very nice, Mike. Good choice on the roofing.

I didn't realize this was going to be such a weighty subject.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 02, 2025, 08:33:26 AM
Quote from: Michael Hohn on March 02, 2025, 08:32:07 AMVery nice, Mike. Good choice on the roofing.

I didn't realize this was going to be such a weighty subject.

Howdy Mike, thanks for the comment.  You know the wind blows hard in west Texas, so had to keep the roofing down...  Have fun, mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on March 02, 2025, 10:21:49 AM
Nice work Mike! Are the Wiseman handcars On30 gauged?
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: GPdemayo on March 02, 2025, 10:56:43 AM
Great work Mike, looking good..... 8)
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: elwoodblues on March 02, 2025, 07:46:40 PM

The handcar shed is coming along great great, I also like the colour.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 02, 2025, 10:16:40 PM
Quote from: Philip on March 02, 2025, 10:21:49 AMNice work Mike! Are the Wiseman handcars On30 gauged?
Howdy Curt, the instructions say On3/On30.  Have fun, mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: ACL1504 on March 03, 2025, 08:25:44 AM
Mike, Howdy,

The shed is looking fantastic. I love the faded green color. Well done.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: kyle creel on March 05, 2025, 01:06:49 AM
It's so cool...I drool.  Way to go Mike..I love it.

G&D Ry.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 05, 2025, 11:30:45 AM
Thanks Tom and Kyle.  ~mike
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 06, 2025, 09:05:08 AM
Howdy folks,

My modeling is on the back burner while my left hand heals.  I cut a good 1/4" off my pinky finger with a cabbage slicer.  Blood thinners have made healing a slow process...

I did manage to remove the weights from the shed roof.  Here are a few photos of the result.  Weathering still to be done.



Eave trim, i.e., frieze boards are next.  Door hinges and mounting follow.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on March 06, 2025, 09:20:56 AM
Mike, that's a good looking roof.
Glad the finger is doing better.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on March 06, 2025, 09:22:37 AM
Ouch,  :o

They make some really flexible band aids. Hope you get back to the modeling table!

The roof looks great!
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on March 06, 2025, 09:41:29 AM
Nice job on the roof. I hope the finger feels better soon
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Michael Hohn on March 06, 2025, 09:53:38 AM

Really nice job on the roof. 

Good luck on the finger.  My wife had one of those slicers.  She used it once, took off the end of her finger, and got rid of it.  Shortly afterwards I was talking to somebody at work; same story.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on March 06, 2025, 11:15:05 AM
Mike great looking roof!! Watch those digits man; you only have so many.
Hope the finger heals quickly and well; maybe toss the slicer.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: kyle creel on March 06, 2025, 01:05:10 PM
1/4"...OUCH..!!!!!!!!THAT'S GOTTA BE WICKED PAINFUL.  You are so right, blood thinners make ya bleed forever and the healing time is also drawnout.  Hope the nail didn't get too badly damaged, it sucks to have to deal with that also.

The shed looks fabulous, I hope the digit heals up as fast as it possibly can.  Good thing we're not on the metric system; YOU CUT OFF 6.35MM !!!!!!!!!!!!! That sounds HUGE...............

G&D Ry. 
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 07, 2025, 04:47:23 PM
Howdy folks,

Rick, Philip, Cut, Mike, Larry, and Kyle, thank you for your kind comments and following the topic.  I appreciate the thoughts about my ailing finger, too.

Despite the pain, I managed to build a few details. Here is a photo of a shelf and the beginnings of assorted tools for the wall and the bench top.


Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on March 07, 2025, 05:36:41 PM
Those are really nice detail parts Mike. I especially like the shelving unit with drawers.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on March 07, 2025, 07:32:24 PM
Mike, those are great looking details and will look great in the shed.

Philip, ouch!
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Larry C on March 08, 2025, 07:55:09 AM
Mike those are some sweet looking details; well done.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on March 08, 2025, 09:18:26 AM
Mike nice job on the roof.
The cabinet is really well done.

Nice details where did you get those??  Just be careful with big sledge hammer that you don't hit the the bad finger with it!!

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on March 10, 2025, 10:19:55 AM
Quote from: Jerry on March 08, 2025, 09:18:26 AMMike nice job on the roof.
The cabinet is really well done.

Nice details where did you get those?? 



Was wondering the same about those cool details. Between you and Larry I'm about to spend more money.

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: friscomike on March 10, 2025, 03:52:33 PM
Howdy folks,

Curt, Philip, Larry, and Jerry, thanks for following and encouraging me to spend more money.  ;)

I finished aging the workbench and cabinet in the shed and am preparing cans, bottles, books, etc, for them.


In situ

They look better in person.

Have fun,
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Jerry on March 10, 2025, 04:44:24 PM
They look fine in pictures to!!

Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: PRR Modeler on March 10, 2025, 05:29:00 PM
Very nice Mike.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: elwoodblues on March 10, 2025, 08:48:50 PM
Mike, not sure how they look in real life but that bench and shelving unit looks like it's been in that shed for over 20 years.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Rick on March 10, 2025, 09:56:23 PM
Mike, the bench and cabinet have aged very well.
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on March 11, 2025, 09:42:43 AM
 8) Looking great!
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on March 11, 2025, 03:25:34 PM
 Mike, will fill up my Frisco mug that was picked up by my daughter when she worked for that Texas city back some 20 years ago with a Pepsi and follow along on your thread...looks interesting...Tommy
Title: Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company in On30
Post by: Philip on March 11, 2025, 07:02:06 PM
No problem Mike. Our pleasure!  ;)

Quote from: friscomike on March 10, 2025, 03:52:33 PMHowdy folks,

thanks for following and encouraging me to spend more money.  ;)