Howdy folks,
This topic will display locomotive and rolling stock builds for the Buffalo Canyon Mining Company (BCMC). I began the build in 2022.
Caboose - On30IMA OSB Caboose (
Box Car - On30IMA box car kit (
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
BCMC Caboose #1 an On30IMA outside-braced caboose.
This is a build thread for the On30IMA outside braced caboose. The caboose will be #1 on the Buffalo Canyon Mining Company roster. The kit is mostly laser-cut parts with plastic and wood details.
The caboose is my first kit in ages, so I'm using it for practice. It is also only the third structure I've built in O scale, having been an HO modeler since 1968. I recently moved from Texas to Georgia and still have about 20 train boxes to unpack. I'm still scrambling to find tools, paints, and most of all the Optivisor!
Comments are welcome, especially tips and photos of your On30IMA caboose build.
Away we go...
To start, here is the obligatory kit photo with instructions. The instructions were downloaded from the On30IMA website.
( (
Hope you enjoy this fun journey,
Howdy folks,
Finished the frame. This was my first time to use wire for truss rods. I think I still prefer monofilament fishing line.
Bottom view of frame
Topside view of deck
Painted without weathering
That's it for today. Next will be the caboose ends and outside bracing.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
Made a little progress on the caboose. Cut out extra windows (kit has many options for side doors, side and end windows.)
Next, I'll add some bracing not part of the kit.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
And the bracing glued to the inside of the caboose walls. It's not exciting, simply something added not in the kit.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
Applied the outside braces. Next, I'll fill some gaps with putty then off to the paint shop. I haven't picked a color scheme for the railroad yet. Caboose red, Tuscan, Red Oxide, or Yellow. Leaning toward a C&S NG color scheme at the moment. Not sure I want to paint the roofs black.
Oustside braced caboose sides.
Have fun,
Mike you're off to a good start; enjoy the process.
Howdy folks,
The interior is painted chromate, but it is a little too dark for my liking. I may put a light filter coat on it. The caboose won't have a removable roof, so only the up-close lookers will see the inside. Here is a photo of the interior (tape over the windows to mask painting the outside.
Caboose interior
I set up the spray booth in the IKEA computer hutch and hooked up the compressor and lights. The compressor has a regulator and manifold for four airbrushes. I have different airbrushes for different types of paint.
Have fun,
I was pleased using the fishing line on my one and only Mount Blue rolling stock.
I have never tried any of Dave's kits.
Carry onward!
Great looking progress Mike. I haven't tried building a wood car yet.
Howdy folks,
The second coat of paint on the caboose is dry and ready for assembly. A few spots on the inside need touch-up, but they are small. The exterior color is Model Flex Light Tuscan Oxide Red. I have enough left to complete two more cabooses.
I am not sure how I will put a logo on a braced side, but something will come up.
Trucks are next.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
A long time ago a friend in the Texas Western, Darrell Cowles, told me that taking a photo of a model can reveal all the flaws. So, after taking a photo of the trucks, I discovered that one of the wheel sets was not on the same plane as the other wheelset. Not sure I can break the joint and reglue it, but I'll try. You can see the flaw in the right truck.
I thought I would be assembling the caboose body today, but realized I needed to build and install the windows. Away we go.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
I finished the windows and installed them in the body. The windows are positioned in the cupola, but not yet glued in place.
When the glue on the end door dries, I'll assemble the caboose body, and then fit the roof.
Baby steps...
Have fun,
Howdy Folks,
Today I finished assembling the body and roof arch. Here is a photo of the roof resting on the body and the body on the undercarriage.
The close-up revealed a cupola window that needs to be replaced, and a joint that needs some work... All in all, it is progress. The model will need a lot of paint touch-up and a flat coat later.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
I've used masking tape on many models for roofing, just not in O scale. Thanks to Karl's encouragement, I decided to go with 3' wide making tape representing tar paper rolled roofing. So, today I applied the masking tape and painted the roof black.
At this point, I need to decide on weathering, more or less weathering. The back story is that most online equipment came from cast-offs from the C&S since the line is connected to the Fort Worth and Denver railroad. I like the old weathered look, but not so old.
Back to the caboose, here is the caboose progress, masking tape ready for paint...
...and paint:
It turns out that my masking tape is old and nasty looking, but still holds the paint.
I need to make a smoke jack next. I need to decide whether to create in CAD and 3D print it or make it from the plastic shapes I have on hand. The 3D print would be for learning and the shapes on hand for expedience.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
I just found an old HO scale coupler height gauge and discovered the caboose height needs to be adjusted. I checked all my engines, and they have couplers at HO height, so HO height it is. I can easily shim the coupler pocket but wonder if anyone has sage coupler advice for an ON30 newby? I use #5's currently.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
I've been working in small increments with too much 1:1 stuff in the way. Grab irons are painted and waiting for installation. I am still on the fence about putting roof walks on the caboose, thus grabs on the cupola roof and ladders on the ends. Decisions. Still need to adjust the coupler height, too.
Here is a shot of my messy workbench with all the pieces ready to assemble.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
The caboose build is almost complete. Still need to install cupola shades on each side, plus block gaps around windows so you can't see through. After that, weathering will be on tap.
Need to finish the design of a logo and get it printed in white.
Here are a couple of shots.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
Decided to add a chain between the end railings, sun shades over the cupola windows, roof walks, and a brake cylinder. I'll post a few photos later.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
It took me a little longer than expected to add an air assist and powered air purifier to the laser, but I succeeded. A quick design of roof walk supports followed. I didn't get the settings adjusted perfectly but cut them out well enough for the model. These things are tiny, scale 2" X 18" so I cut them from 1/16" plywood. When I decide on the best way to attach them to the walk and roof, I'll post a photo. Until then...
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
The roof walks are ready for paint. I need to make the ladder platforms, but it won't take long.
Here are a few photos of progress.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
The caboose work is moving along slowly. I ran out of the 6" square NBW's for the ends and just received a fresh supply from Tichy. They are in the paint booth drying. I thought the roof was completed after I painted the roof walks, but the edges of the roof covering (masking tape) started coming up along the edges. I did not wrap it around the edges but cut it off even with the edges.
Here are a few photos of the problems. Those up-close photos show all the blemishes.
Almost finished and I sure hope the roof repair goes well.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
I used the old style masking tape and it was quite old. I looked good when I first applied and painted it.
The repair worked: first I tried the hair dryer and I thought it was going to work fine. After lunch I discovered it did not universally restick the roof, so...I used a toothpick to lift the edges and used a small bottle to apply good ole' canopy glue. That worked.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
I'm calling the construction of the caboose done...mostly. The chain fell off one end and a brake wheel is crooked, but otherwise, it is on the weathering. Here are a couple of photos of the final pre-weathering caboose.
Have fun,
Howdy folks,
I finished weathering the caboose today. It takes a lot of courage to weather a freshly painted caboose! In keeping with the background story of purchasing cast-off equipment from the C&S and other narrow gauge roads, I weathered the caboose heavily.
I may lightly dust the caboose lower edges, trucks, and truss rods with the ground color once I decide on its color.
When I get them, I'll add a brake wheel, numbers, and logos.
Have fun and thanks for watching.
Howdy folks,
While I finish the details of Nolin's Gas Station, I think I'll start working on the first Buffalo Canyon Mining Company boxcar. The boxcar is from a kit by On30IMA. I love the IMA kits because they are realistic and provide lots of opportunities for customizing and detailing.
Here are the vendor's photos of the car and the parts layout.
Parts Layout
I plan to use Tichy Heavy Archbar trucks, 19½" wheels, 3' wheelbase.
The colors planned are box car red or a similar color.
Well, that's the start.
Have fun,
Really nice work, they look great, thanks for sharing.
Mike, the caboose looks excellent.
Good color choices inside and out and nice job of weathering too.
Have fun with the boxcar kit.
Howdy folks,
Thank you, Jim and Rick. I appreciate your comments.
Have fun,
One hell-uv-a job Mike. Seriously, the caboose is stunning. I'll take 2................
Great looking rolling stock Mike..... 8)
Quote from: friscomike on February 04, 2025, 03:58:06 PMHowdy folks,
I just found an old HO scale coupler height gauge and discovered the caboose height needs to be adjusted. I checked all my engines, and they have couplers at HO height, so HO height it is. I can easily shim the coupler pocket but wonder if anyone has sage coupler advice for an ON30 newby? I use #5's currently.
Have fun,
Mike, nice modeling here, thanks for all the details.
I've been waiting and hoping a sage would answer your question as I am a relative On30 newby as well. As I haven't seen that, here's my own humble experiences with couplers.
I don't have an operating layout yet, coupler choice is still pending. I have about 8 scratch built freight cars under construction as I search out a repeatable underbody scheme that works for me.
I re-entered the hobby just before the pandemic when garishly painted Bachmann Heritage sets were very affordable on the secondary market. So I started with a couple Bachmann coaches and a 2-6-0. I didn't realize it then, but apparently Bachmann had their own couplers, but they mate OK with Kadee HO couplers. So I bought some Kadee #5s to scratch build with.
I'm not a rivet counter but the knuckles just looked too dinky, in my opinion. So I bought some Kadee # 803 and 807, which Kadee labels as On3 couplers, along with an 815 coupler height gauge, which Kadee labels for On30 and On3.
Kadee 803 and 807 couplers are identical except one is brown, the other black. First thing I noticed is that the coupler boxes are slightly bigger, bigger was the goal. However, the trip pins are so long and extend so low as to hit the track ties when mounted at HO height. Initially, I cut a bit off the trip pin and re-bent it. But it still didn't look right to me. My internal Goldilocks gauge now said: too low:
When the On3/On30 height gauge arrived, the height difference from HO led me searching and as far as I could determine, the NMRA is silent on On30 coupler height. It does list heights for On3 and On2, however.
I'm using a slew of different old
Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette plans for reference. The scale drawings are excellent, but the prototype coupler heights are all over the place, as was the nature of short narrow gauge rail.
Extracting myself from that wabbit hole, and since I'm not going to take my rolling stock anywhere to interchange on someone else's layout, I'm leaning towards 803/807 at just a smidge under the On3 height standard. Searching now for NMRA smidge standard.
Unless I read some sage advice.
I don't want to sidetrack your thread anymore, but I am interested in which archbar trucks you are using.
Mike from Illinois,
While I don't claim to be a On30 Guru or a sage I am willing to offer my observation even thou I am a newby at everything. ;D
On30 has been around for decades. Back in the day it was a cheap way to get into narrow gauge by using HO mechanisms and track, it was literally a scratchbuilding scale. Bachmann made it popular with their train sets for the winter village collectors. Bachmann then branched out to the modeling market with freight cars and engines like the 2-truck shay, which by the way was the first piece of On30 equipment I bought when I switched to On30 about 20 years ago.
Because of the origin of On30, HO couplers and HO coupler height was used for ON30 equipment and Bachmann used the same standard for their On30 offerings. While On30 (30" track centers) is half way between the main two-footers (24" track centers) and Colorado's 3-footers (36" track centers), On30 can be used to model both.
As for coupler height, I prefer the HO standards as I like the low coupler height to the rail as I prefer to model the Maine 2 foot equipment which has "dinky" couplers). If you prefer the 3ft gauge lines you might to use the NMRA's On3 standards. I personally use Kadee #148 on all my equipment (whisker Type which replaces the #5 couplers).
Hope that helps explain things.
Sorry for hijacking your thread Mike, I'll try not to let that happen again.
Mike, thought I recognized that kit. It's going to make a great model, can't wait to see what you do with it.
Howdy folks,
Work began on the On30IMA boxcar today. I cleaned up my desk as is the habit after a build and included a photo of my place of happiness:
Frame ready for truss rods
Truss rods
That's all for today.
Have fun,
Your swell! I can clean my bench and wreck it in no time flat. I make my bed up ever day. ::) Does that count?
Nice start Mike!
Mike, that's a great looking desk to do your modeling.
Now go and mess it up. ;) ;D
Nice start on the boxcar.
Great start Mike. I really like your work space!!
Quote from: friscomike on February 04, 2025, 04:46:16 PM(
That's a wonderful-looking caboose. You weathering's dead-nuts on.
Love the caboose Mike; can't wait for the boxcar..............
G&D Ry.
Howdy folks,
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words Philip, Bernd, Rick, Jerry, Mr. Critter, and Kyle. They are much appreciated.
Waiting for glue to dry is why I need at least two projects going at once. The grab irons and stirrups are glued in place and weights from sheet lead are glued to the ends. I don't want the weights to come loose with time, so I used regular Gorilla glue. Hope it works.
Here is a photo of the ends and sides with grabs glued in place. It looks like a couple may need tweaking when the glue dries.
Have fun,
Looks well done Mike.
Nice work. Very precise. I envy the craftsmanship.
Yer off to a great start there Mike......
G&D Ry.
I showed the progress on the wood sides to my 8 year old granddaughter. She wants to know what part of the Gorilla they use to make the glue.
Gotta love 'em.
Very nice caboose fix on the roof. Love the weathering, it looks very natural.
Great start on the box car and sorry I couldn't help on the parts you want to use.
Nice Caboose Mike. And a good start on the box car.
If the freight door question you asked about in the rolling stock thread is for this box car, I found some info and have answered over there.
Howdy folks,
Curt, Dave, Kyle, Tom, and Rob thank you for your kind encouragement. It means a lot to this old guy.
Dave, your Granddaughter's question is hilarious and so typical of kids. I laughed and laughed and shared your comment with my family. Thanks for sharing her innocent question.
The boxcar red paint in on the mixer and the car is ready for its first coat.
Have fun,
Quote from: Dave Buchholz on February 09, 2025, 07:56:23 PMI showed the progress on the wood sides to my 8 year old granddaughter. She wants to know what part of the Gorilla they use to make the glue.
Gotta love 'em.
That's like my friend who asked "Where do you attach the milking machine to the almond?"
Mike is the car going to be red and gray or is the gray a primer?
Looking good Mike. Can't wait to see the paint job on this one.
Coming together nicely sir.
8) Nice work!
Mike the boxcar is really looking good.
Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 13, 2025, 12:21:12 PMMike is the car going to be red and gray or is the gray a primer?
Howdy Curt, thanks for the question. The gray paint is primer. Boxcar red is the final color. Have fun, mike
Howdy folks,
I had a bad experience in the paint booth yesterday. I primed the boxcar with Testors gray primer and used Model Flex acrylic for the final color. The Model Flex sprayed well on test shots but didn't adhere to the boxcar well. It's splotchy and not like my experience with the caboose (I didn't use a primer). I'm leaving it alone for the day and will try again tomorrow.
Have fun,
Mike, sorry that didn't work out.
I'm sure you'll come up with a good solution.
Good luck tomorrow Mike.
Mike, hope you have better luck with the paint today.
Not good! I have no experience using modelflex. Testors seems to take longer drying......Better luck on the next session Mike!
Hope you get it sorted out Mike.
Sorry to hear of the bad paint issue. I too have no experience with Modelflex paints.
Hope it can be redone.
Hi Mike. That's not good news about the paint issue. Don't know that brand, but seems you do.
Maybe just a bad lot. I'm sure you'll make it right.
Howdy folks,
Rick, Curt, Ron, Philip, Jerry, TomACL, and Rob thank you for your encouraging comments and support.
Here is a photo of the second coat sprayed the day before yesterday. I'll try a finish coat tomorrow.
You can see the splotchy look. I've used Model Flex for years and never had this problem. I think I may have sprayed the color on without letting the primer cure enough. I sprayed after 24 hours and it might have been better to have waited 48. Always learning.
Have fun,
Mike, Howdy,
It doesn't look as bad as I imagined. Another possibility is you got a bad bottle of paint.
Keep having fun my friend.
Possibly damp air?
Mike, I don't think it looks that bad either.
You might leave it as is and then when you weather it, it will look like areas are fade.
Just a thought.
I agree with them Mike it doesn't look that bad and weathering might be the trick!
Mike I agree with the others and like Rick's suggestion.
Hey Mike-it kinda looks like what the real thing looks like-right before it starts to show that it needs some serious attention to the paint. I think the right weathering could show off one of those "just cover up the bad spots" remedies we all have seen in so many (especially narrow gauge) photos of rolling stock......(when no one was looking). Just a thought, but I like the way it looks........
G&D Ry.