I have noticed when uploading my pictures they load at full resolution. I have been using the option tab at 600x480 pixels to shrink them and they seem to be in ratio. Is 640 x 480 ok or should I go larger, such as
I know at full resolution the user must scroll to see the loaded photos.
My pictures are 1080 wide, Length varies do to the fact that I use a photo edit program to resize the width pixel count. I believe 1080 is standard for forums.
I generally resize my photo's at either 900 or 1000 wide, just so the forum isn't overloaded, and find that is a good viewing size.
I think we've been told we don't need to resize, but I do it as a courtesy anyhow to save space, and yes,to stop having to scroll.
I've been posting my pictures at 1,100 pixels on the longest side.
If 1,000 is preferred I'll start doing that.
I usually shrink by percentage to a larger dimension around 1024 in my photo program, before uploading. But technically, AFAIK the exact number doesn't matter, it's just being good citizens about use of storage space. If the picture will display at 800 to 1200 pixels wide on most computer monitors, the benefit (simplicity?) of uploading a larger image file is outweighed by the storage cost: 100-150 kilobytes vs. 3-15 megabytes (depending on your camera & settings).
There's also the extra time and byte count each viewer expends downloading camera-sized images, and the computing the viewer's machine does to fit it to its display. These are measurable, but with the quantity of dancing pigs most websites have today, they aren't visible most people.
1280x720 is a great, and recommended, viewing size.