Morning all,
Brrr! It's one below zero here with a high of five degrees.
Trip to Lowe's for some spray paint, the exercise equipment to order the new elliptical machine and finally the grocery store are on tap for today.
Brrr number two! It's in the teens here, better make some oatmeal and hot cocoa. Saturday, the rail yard looked like this:
but we've had hours of snow since, and the plows are struggling to keep up. Luckily, I DON'T need to go out on the road today.
Stay safe, everyone!
Well, one nice thing about the God-like powers of a moderator is that I can delete my duplicate Monday lounge topic ;D
We ended up with well more than a foot of snow Sunday. After the guy plowed our driveway about 9:00 PM, we got another 3". So he'll come back today and plow again. Today's sunny, chilly but very windy.
More work on the Ambroid kit. Yesterday I glued the fascia board on the 2nd side. Today, I'll cut the oval window wall piece to fit, and then spraypaint them to -hopefully- match the wood walls.
Morning all.....
Good morning from Wisconsin. Actual temperature is -5f degrees with the real feel of -21. I would say along with the 8" of snow received since Wednesday Winter while late has finally arrived in So. Central Wisconsin.
Jeff thanks for opening here. I'll just have a frosty diet Dr Pepper here as I did open the day over in Geezers lounge!
The MadCity train show in Madison, Wi. was visited Saturday and I did not go back on Sunday. I purchased nothing even though I tried.
The grandson's hockey this weekend was awash. 4 games, 1loss, 1 win & 2 ties. Overall for the season that started in 10/2024 his team is 44 wins, 12 losses and 10 ties.
After a medical morning this afternoon should allow me to see the train room
Be well
Good morning everyone.
Currently 47 in Barstow and 66 later but windy.
A stop at the gym and then Walmart to top off my fresh water tanks are what's planned for today.
I'll start working on my video of yesterdays hike as well.
Have a great day everyone.
110 at get up this morning, steady climb now to 130 with sufficient wind to have caused the 2" of new gifts to drift. Was out already and cleared off the driveway, 3rd time this weekend, so far. The Lake Effect continues and will add yet another 2-3" in places. Very cold and off and on snow all week. The critters ain't likin' that much. :-[
I did a little tinkering with layout stuff yesterday while keeping one eye peeled looking for the :o NASCAR race to resume. Quite a sight when it did get going.
More layout work now is the plan, the Doll is off getting her antique booth in shape and getting out of the house for the day. Big sale at their store this weekend. :-*
I hope everyone has a fine day, Happy Presidents' Day :o
Mornin,' All!
11, feels like -5 and headed all the way to 13 today here in the northern mitten. The grey blanket is firmly in place, leaking WGFA here and there and it's indeed "very cold" here. Plow guy just showed up and cleared me out, but the hand work I had to do to clean off the car left me chilled to the bone and the hot chocolate took awhile to kick in. The Good News is that we're in the penultimate week of Febrewery, and March is only two weeks out.... Ahhh... the thought of Spring!
Yesterday's festivities got me started on waitresses for HoJo's, which means that the fried clams will be headed to the table shortly. I hope. Need to make plates, serving utensils, etc....
Happy President's Day! Make it a great day, All, and stay safe!
in Michigan
Well good morning...1050am. Burr 19°
Another storm moving in the Bluegrass Tues/Wed. Enuff already.
Spent some time at National Training Center Rick.
Browsing the forum this am. Have a great day.
Morning all,
Putting together all the 1099's, W-2's, final pay slips, etc. to send off to my tax preparer. Fun stuff.
More workbench time later on today. I'm waffling on adding lighting to the background flat I'm currently working on. The design of the kit makes it slightly challenging. I'll have to make the final call when I hit the workbench.
Have a great one!
Late morning all,
Have a great day ya'll.
Good afternoon, all. Closer to Raymo than Dave, we got about 9" yesterday, followed by hours of rain & sleet. Crunchy on top but not crusty enough to walk on. In between banks of clouds the temperature gets up to the high 20s, f it wasn't so windy I could get out either the XC skis or snowshoes. But I have more paperwork, and when I take a break I'll copy more of my B&M Eastern Route layout thread here.
Fun trip to $ store around noon. 100 wind 15-25 right to left...feels's cold :o
Good Afternoon;
Karl, it has been 53 years since I moved from scenes just like your photo, it still feels cold and I still do not miss it. I started out slow today, not sure why but just did. Took my better half out to lunch and brought the two King Charles we have along, or they brought us along, not sure which. I am now at the workbench and will be working on electric today for flour mill project.
As for the weather here in Florida, you folks up north do not want to know, garage door open, enough said. Have a great day.
Quote from: Jim Donovan on February 17, 2025, 03:23:00 PMGood Afternoon;
Karl, it has been 53 years since I moved from scenes just like your photo, it still feels cold and I still do not miss it. I started out slow today, not sure why but just did. Took my better half out to lunch and brought the two King Charles we have along, or they brought us along, not sure which. I am now at the workbench and will be working on electric today for flour mill project.
As for the weather here in Florida, you folks up north do not want to know, garage door open, enough said. Have a great day.
You literally could not pay me enough to live in Florida, Texas, the other Southern states or southern California. I'll take the snow and bluster we have today (wind chill of +7 right now, 45 mph gusts) over heat & humidity every day!
Afternoon modelers.
Speaking of winter. There are beautiful days this time of year. A bit of sunshine makes the ice-covered trees glisten. And I had to feed the birds this morning.
Some ne'er-do-well has filled your pizza oven with baking soda. The cardinal does not seem pleased.
Howdy folks,
It looks like sneaux was the order of the day up north. It was cold here at 45F and getting colder as the week goes on.
Wishing everyone an early spring.
Have fun,
It was actually a beautiful day today. Almost made it to 36°. A heat wave for February!
Kind of agree with Dave. 80+ is a killer for me. I get lazy and don't want to leave the a/c. Winter weather highlights the fear of falling to these old bones. :o
UP becomes DOWN in the blink of an eye :o
Us Yankees get terrified of the weather all y'all's in the South manage and other than a little craziness, we deal fine with the hands we're dealt. Ain't America a great place...again
KSriding the Lake Effect