The Modeler's Forum

The Mainline => Baggage Car - Daily Chat => Topic started by: jbvb on February 18, 2025, 11:09:33 AM

Title: Tuesday Feb. 17 Late Lounge
Post by: jbvb on February 18, 2025, 11:09:33 AM
I passed by the Lounge for the 3rd time today; no lights, no smoke in the chimney so I got the key from the windowsill and opened up.  A little late to cook, so oranges, bananas and grapes for fruit, a box of Congdon's Donuts, fresh bagels with butter, cream cheese or lox to apply to taste, coffee urn heating up with Track Jack blend, hot water next to it for tea, hot cocoa, butter and rum handy.

Wind continues to howl over the NH seacoast, but the sun is bright if you can stay downwind of a large object.  Mount Washington reported 161 mph yesterday but 0 mph today.  Given what I hear above me, I expect something broke.  I was outside tending the critters and breaking ice for a while, but now I've got computer work to do.
Title: Re: Tuesday Feb. 17 Late Lounge
Post by: ReadingBob on February 18, 2025, 11:20:53 AM
Morning all,

Been busy running around this morning.  Started the day with a 2 1/2-mile walk, ate a small breakfast, cleaned up, dropped my tax stuff at the Post Office, picked up a new string trimmer/edger, stopped at Crumbl on the way home for a couple of cookies.  Now it's time for lunch.  But...all that running around this morning frees up my afternoon for some workbench time!   ;)

Have a great one!
Title: Re: Tuesday Feb. 17 Late Lounge
Post by: Philip on February 18, 2025, 11:39:55 AM
G Morning!

Doc appointment earlier today. Thanks for the track jack!  ;)

More snow today so......yippe. modeling! 
Title: Re: Tuesday Feb. 17 Late Lounge
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on February 18, 2025, 12:53:39 PM
 Anybody home ? Stopped by today to report the extreme cold weather here in Minnesota. Many schools closed and temps dropped to minus 27 with a 40 below wind chill last night. Will be getting warmer slowly this week....Tommy
Title: Re: Tuesday Feb. 17 Late Lounge
Post by: jbvb on February 18, 2025, 01:18:11 PM
Tom, I'm impressed.  My mother told me of occasional winters where it would hit -30 in my town, notable because that killed everyone's peach trees (Reliance is hardy to about -20).  I recall -20F once or twice while I was growing up.  But I haven't seen -30 in the 37 years I've lived here. So far our low for this winter is about -7.
Title: Re: Tuesday Feb. 17 Late Lounge
Post by: deemery on February 18, 2025, 01:30:10 PM
I remember -30 one night in central VT, with winds like we're having now.  WIndchill was predicted to be -100.  We put our military cold weather gear on, stood outside, and agreed "It's cold out here!"  

Back to the Ambroid kit, I'll start on the posts between the windows on the car sides.  Those are already painted, so it's just a case of cut-and-glue.

Title: Re: Tuesday Feb. 17 Late Lounge
Post by: GPdemayo on February 18, 2025, 02:27:37 PM
Afternoon all.....
Title: Re: Tuesday Feb. 17 Late Lounge
Post by: KentuckySouthern on February 18, 2025, 04:04:18 PM
00 at first light today 8) Sunny make makes the current 140 tolerable.

Been working on the layout today. Think I will take out the bridge I did last week just in the 'right' location

Thnx for the snack  ;D