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The Mainline => Scratchbuilding => Topic started by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 07:14:51 PM

Title: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 07:14:51 PM
I'm re-posting this RR-Line thread because Kanthima has started on another house for my model Newburyport. So far, she's done 13 styrene structures for my model Newburyport, MA. That's about as many as I've done, but she insists it's my layout, she just likes to build what I ask her to.

19-Apr-2021: My wife, Kanthima, was an architect in Thailand until the 2007-8 economic crash. Recently she put aside her painting and sewing to build a 'mass model' of a tropical house out of paper and wood. I asked her if she'd like to try some New England structures in HO for my Eastern Route layout, and she agreed. Looking over the materials, she chose to try styrene. Here are her first two, before she'd done roofs:



The left one is 38 Washington St. in Newburyport, MA. The right is 24 Winter St., next door. My own models of 28 and 34 Winter St. are to the left in the lower photo.

24 Winter (downhill) clearly started out as a center chimney colonial from before the War of 1812. I haven't found when 38 Washington was built (Newburyport's assessors are lazy, listing only rough, inaccurate dates for buildings with well known history). I think it dates from after the Eastern RR arrived in 1838, when what had been an outlying residential area got rapidly filled with dwellings and businesses. At any rate. here are recent photos:


24 Winter from the uphill side. A center chimney is visible in 1930s photos. I've asked around, the Flying Yankee bar was downstairs and the owner & family lived upstairs through about 1960. And a photo shows light-colored clapboards at that time. We didn't have room for the whole El.


38 Washington with 24 Winter behind it. 1930s photos show both dormers and bays, with two skinny chimneys suitable for cast iron wood/coal stove or coal furnace. This will be Berman's Variety or Canepa Fruit on my layout, the upstairs was also residential in the 1950s.


Here's the scene as it was 4 years ago. 38 Washington's roof not being seated is my fault. I owed her of airbrushing, whereupon the windows get installed and she or I can do the roofs. And then I make scenery around them.
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 07:33:22 PM
So far the walls are Evergreen 4041 .040 spacing clapboard siding, though if I'd warned her in time 38 Washington would be .050 spacing because it was built later when the larger exposure was standard.

20-Apr-2021: Here's 180 High St., the Pettingill-Fowler house. From 1906 to 1956 it housed the Historical Society of Old Newbury. Then the International Order of Odd Fellows took it over. When this photo was taken, I think it was single family but now I believe it's been condo-ized.


Here's her model in progress:


When we returned from a road trip we got a Tichy package which moved this forward.

26-Apr-2021: Kanthima's work got some compliments, which pleased her. Back to work:


She built 180 High's roof, so I had to get on the stick and start a foundation. I use drywall screws to simplify leveling. She also finished the structure of 40 Washington St.


t will be stuck in the back as long as this layout lasts. Here's a view looking uphill:


And she came upstairs to see how 180 High looked in its final location:


Seashore Trolley Museum track work didn't really start till Wednesday that week, so I had time to airbrush the roofs and sidewalk, then do more scenery and foundations.
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 08:00:43 PM
3-May-2021: Kanthima's work stalled over the weekend; Tichy mailed our order the next morning and USPS got it here Saturday. Evergreen UPSed theirs the second day and it may get here tomorrow. She's done an exquisite job on the 2 story entrance to 182 High but I'll save that till the building has all four walls. Meanwhile, today we got out the airbrush.


This masking job took 30+ minutes, so is deserving of a little immortality.


And here she is applying white paint over white and gray styrene. Not at all easy to tell how your coverage is, but her first job came out decently. I made some more sidewalks and painted them and other things Concrete. Then we went out to shop and get a nitrogen refill.

15-May-2021: We were well into Track Season at Seashore, so I'd been limited to painting and building foundations for her. 182 High St. in Newburyport was mostly complete, awaiting more slate from B.E.S.T.


This is the view from the downtown side, with B.E.S.T's Colonial Georgian behind it. Paint is Scalecoat White and Flat Grimy Black. Screw adjustable foundations are a big timesaver if you don't want to limit your urban areas to foam or plywood slabs.


This is from across the street. My friend Mike's house is in the background, but the roof isn't on right. 181 High St., an 1850-ish Georgian that goes where my camera is sitting, is in the design stage. This angle needs that overhead light off, sorry.

17-May-21: IIRC the 1953 Caddy came from Model Power. Here's a prototype picture from 2011. It was white 10 years earlier, and probably had been since it was built.


This is a very fancy entrance and the interior pictures you can find on Redfin for 182 High show a very fancy interior. Kanthima asked about modeling the portico's carvings and frankly I couldn't tell her how to in HO scale.
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: Orionvp17 on March 08, 2025, 08:07:13 PM
Good to see this alive again!  Yay, Kanthima, and thanks James!!

in Michigan
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 08:28:38 PM
You're welcome, Pete.  
In May 2021, Bill Gill posted a photo of John Nehrich's decorative carvings:


And Dave Emery posted decorative carvings he'd made:


Then a 5 month gap in this thread over the summer of 2021 while I worked on 1:1 track at Seashore Trolley Museum, but Kanthima kept busy and I found time to paint and build foundations and sidewalks.

4-Oct-2021: Here are Kanthima's High St. structures, painted and on basic foundations.


This is the east (river, depot) side of High St., with from L #184 (BEST Colonial Georgian), #182, #180 by my wife.


This is the west side, #171/173 (Lynch's Pharmacy), #181, #183, all by my wife.

5-Oct-2021: After a number of nice comments about Kanthima's work, I replied: Kanthima has substantially completed 9 styrene scratchbuilds since April while doing most of the household chores and making a lot of sewn crafted items for a show last weekend. I try to avoid leaving messes, because I will hear just complaints if I do. These models lack interiors or details like electric meters, downspouts etc. so their chances of Merit are slim. Kanthima knows about the AP, member Orionvp17 and others have encouraged her but at the moment we're dividing the labor - she builds & roofs them, I paint them. She may choose to try for Merit in the future, as the Downtown Newburyport peninsula needs at least 30 more structures. She has a logo she puts on things she sews. I'll ask if she'd like me to print out a sheet of HO-size copies.
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 08:41:18 PM
14-Nov-2021: It had been more than a month. Kanthima was working on things to sell at her first craft fair, but recently shifted back to
Newburyport structures. These are 7 and 15 Strong St., both of which still stand (unlike 5 Strong, which appears at the right of both pictures).



#15 (left) was built around 1850 and is 2-family. #7 is more VIctorian and is single family. Both have had more recent additions trimmed off to fit the space I left when laying out Newburyport 13 years ago. As I type, she's got them masked so I can paint the roofs - glimpses of white styrene between the shingles are off-putting. She's also mostly finished 31-35 Washington St., a boxy structure which might have been built as apartments in the early 1800s. But that didn't make it to this afternoon's photo session.

We were out of Evergreen clapboard (I bought a 12x24 sheet of .040 spacing last order). When I fix that she plans to start on the house at the corner of Washington and Strong. That will be her 13th styrene scratchbuild since April.

24-Nov-2021: I painted the undercoat on the roofs of 31-33 Washington St., 15-17 Strong St. and 7 Strong St. the other day. Then I
started on 31-33 Washington's foundation. But I didn't get around to posting any pictures till this night.


An old photo shows this building with flat sides and front. It may have been built as two large half-houses but in my era I believe it was three apartments on each side. Now it's been condo-ized with additions behind. Nid (Kanthima's short name, almost everyone in Thailand has a given name on their documents plus a short name used by everyone they know personally) did the foundation in styrene brick sheet because she wanted to model the steps.


Here are 31-33 Washington, 15-17 Strong and 7 Strong. She's working on the house at the corner of Washington and Strong, hoping to have it assembled by Sunday for the Tour de Chooch.


The difference in era between 1823-built 5 Strong St. and 1890-built 7 Strong is quite visible here. 15-17 Strong falls somewhere in between. The footprint for the Newburyport Depot is visible on the left.
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 09:13:39 PM
16-Feb-2022: Some work got done during the darkest months of Winter, but now I've gotten some more airbrushing done and Kanthima has installed windows in several of her buildings. 38 Washington (the buff 1850s store/apartment building) is finished except for the store's door.
She thinks she made it last year, but neither of us can find it now. Another won't take long.


From the right, 24 Winter (Flying Yankee bar/grill, owner lives upstairs), 38 Washington St. (Canepa Bros. Fruit one of whom also lives upstairs), 28 Winter (residence) and a bit of 32 Winter (residence).


This photo was taken during the construction of a grade separated 4-lane bypass to re-route US 1 away from Newburyport's downtown. I believe at least some of the funding came from the Reconstruction Finance Corp. It was opened in 1935. This is what Kanthima worked from for 38 Washington before modern renovations, and the basis of my narrative about 28 Winter's history.

17-Feb-2022: US Rt. 1 Bypass construction demolished 4 or 5 whole blocks of a dense, old part of Newburyport. Library of Congress has pictures and plans documenting some of the more noteworthy old structures. Last I tried, searching "HABS Newburyport" would find them.
I think the construction photo above came from Digital Commonwealth, Massachusetts' on-line ?photo? archive. There are a good many more.

21-Feb-2022: Today was in the 50s, quite warm for almost the Equinox. Even on the coldest days I sometimes doff my hat while working under the layout, as that can be pretty strenuous, but sitting still airbrushing can get chilly.


I got out scenery materials and tools and started work on an RR-Line Challenge project: Creating settings for the 17 new structures on
High, Winter, Strong and Merrimack Streets. 171-173 High St. now has grass around its foundation. It needs three sets of steps plus signage for Lynch's Pharmacy (right).

Kanthima was happy her efforts turned out well. Since we married, she's done a lot of exploring creative techniques: Baking isn't
something you'd do at home in Thailand's climate but she took over bread-making from me and regularly bakes jelly rolls, macaroons etc. She's been exploring cuisines and foods new to her. She's also worked on painting and crafting with cloth and yarn.

Historically, the neighborhood bakery was Leighton's, at the corner of Summer and Pleasant, on the umodeled side of US 1. I could see her getting seriously interested in detail, which I'm sure Pete would applaud (because of how much AP Structures values detail). But at this time we had empty space to fill.

Orionvp17 commented:
QuoteFor the record, decades ago I did a connected farm building for one of my Maine HOn30 modules, and deliberately left the steps off, because in early 20th century Maine, adding the steps to the building indicated that the building was "finished" and was therefore taxable. The judges didn't like that much, but I
had documentation and did earn my Merit Award....

In a number of Asian, Central and South American countries, you see rebar sticking up from the columns of a one or two story building for the same reason. Provision for an extra floor someday is a lower tax bill until someday comes.

27-Feb-2022: As of this afternoon, all 13 of Kanthima's structures (since April) were painted, but one still needed its windows and doors installed. While waiting for scenery glue to dry this evening, I shot some photos.


The west side of High St.: 171-3 (Lynch's Pharmacy), 181 High, 183 High. All scratchbuilt by Kanthima.


The east side of High St. at Winter St.: #180 (Pettengill-Fowler House), #182 (Wood-Moseley-Foley-Nason House), #184 (B.E.S.T kit I built).


Looking up Winter St. from Washington St. to High St., left to right: 180 High St., 34 Winter St. (my scratchbuild), 28 Winter St. (my scratchbuild).
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 09:31:51 PM

East side of Washington St., all scratchbuilt by Kanthima: Closest is #38 (Canepa Brothers Fruit), #40 (Rite Price Gen'l Merchandise), #42 past the tracks.


View from the future depot site towards High St. : from left 40 Washington, a bit of 181 High, 182 High, 184 High, 33-35 Washington (pumpkin), 42 Washington (yellow), 15-17 Strong St. (old Floquil antique white). Kanthima built everything except 184 High St.


These didn't sit square till they got final foundations: From left, 33-35 Washington St., 42 Washington, 17-19 Strong St., 7 Strong St., 5 Strong St. (5 Strong is my scratchbuild, others by Kanthima).


A view no human can get at: Up Strong St. from Merrimack to Washington, featuring my friend Ron's anachronistic Lotus: From the left, 5 Strong (my scratchbuild), 7 Strong St., 17-19 Strong St. and 33-35 Washington St. (all others scratchbuit by Kanthima).


As one might see from the rear platform of a train departing towards Portsmouth and Portland: From left, 24 Winter St. (Flying Yankee bar), roof of 38 Washington, 40 Washington with 180 High St. behind it, 181 High, 182 High, the roof of 184 High, 33-35 Washington St., and 42 Washington.

The Washington St. grade crossing had automatic gates in my era, some of the parts are on hand. Kanthima says if I build the Newburyport depot's enormous roof, she will do the brick/stone ticket office/waiting room/baggage room that kind of huddled underneath it. I actually think the roof is the easiest part, except there will be many, many, many strips of 'slate' shingles. Rowley has a roof at least 1/3 the size..
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 08, 2025, 10:01:54 PM
12-Mar-2022: Kanthima recently got a close look at Tom Oxnard's structures and has tried adding more detail. Here's Strong St. with 113 Merrimack St. in place at the downhill corner:


The front canopy is styrene with a newspaper roof, the awnings are styrene covered with real cloth with a fine pattern. I'll re-photograph 113 Merrimack after I get to its foundation.

Then her HO activities paused for about a year. In 2024 Kanthima scratchbuilt 114 Merrimack St., her first brick building.  It had a lot of history, starting with being Newburyport's first firehouse but then devolving into retail.  After the Mr. India restaurant left in the early 2010s, its owners wanted to demolish it to build condos. The preservationists resisted but then the winter of 2015 deposited lots of snow on its roof. The owners somehow didn't shovel it off, the roof collapsed and the building was demolished within the week:


The condos that replaced it are sooooo ugly I won't photograph them, but Street View has.

Today she started work on 109 State St., a house that looks maybe 100 years old. In my youth, Allen's Hobby Shop was in the walk-out basement. That was where I got my first HO track and equipment.

Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: Dave Buchholz on March 09, 2025, 03:13:28 AM
She's a keeper!
I wish I could get my wife interested in some aspect of the hobby!
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: DaleM on March 09, 2025, 06:20:24 AM
Some very nice work. Thanks for posting here so we can all see what a great job Kanthima and yourself have done on these structures.

Quote from: Dave Buchholz on March 09, 2025, 03:13:28 AMShe's a keeper!
I wish I could get my wife interested in some aspect of the hobby!

I feel the same way. My wife tolerates my hobby at best. She would much rather I tossed it all in the dumpster and made the train room into a spare bedroom. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN...LOL.
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: GPdemayo on March 09, 2025, 10:39:57 AM
Sounds like you and Kanthima are having fun James, great work by you both..... 8)
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: friscomike on March 09, 2025, 11:03:21 AM
Howdy James,

 Kanthima created some excellent structures.  Her work shows her architectural training.  

Have fun,
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 09, 2025, 11:38:18 AM
Thanks, Dave, Dale, Greg and Mike.
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: ACL1504 on March 09, 2025, 11:56:58 AM

Kathima's models are fantastic. Very unique and extremely well done.

Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on March 10, 2025, 02:19:49 PM
 You are one lucky modeler. Maybe a partnership with Best Models to add to their New England structures is in the cards. Kanthima's models are top notch. Thanks for sharing...
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 11, 2025, 11:50:12 AM
Thanks, Tom L. and Tom B.  I'm acquainted with Brian Bollinger and occasionally talk to him about kits. But a lot of people talk to him about kits, and B.E.S.T. has developed so many he's sold some (like the Clam Box kit whose build I posted) to other manufacturers.
Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: GeorgeD on March 11, 2025, 07:18:08 PM
I remember some of Kanthima's excellent builds on the RR-Lime.  I didn't realize how many buildings she built.  I agree with Pete, her work should be judged.  Her structures are a nice addition to your layout.

Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: deemery on March 12, 2025, 08:46:29 AM
When you visit James' layout and look at the structures in Newburyport, the -street scene- works extremely well.  All the structures look like they belong.  They're built to a uniform (excellent) standard, they're the appropriate size, architecturally they fit together.  This is a case of the whole being greater than just the sum of its parts.  

Title: Re: Kanthima's Scratchbuilt Structures
Post by: jbvb on March 12, 2025, 05:03:26 PM
Thanks very much from both of us, George and Dave.