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Messages - hairball

I built and assortment of O scale facilities to service the PUGWUMPS BROTHERS RAIL SERVICES.

This is an elevated oil tank built from a picture and I think I used an On30 scale tanker from Bachmann.

mike lynch...........HAIRBALL
Dioramas / Re: WALTHAM CLOCK COMPANY ho bash
January 11, 2020, 03:23:11 PM
OPA..............those are Campbell roll shingles.

From the looks of it I might have used ROOF RED floquil or testors a very little bottle.

Judging by the amount of blackness to the shadowing in shingles, must be a very dark mix of USMC BLACK Fiebings leather dye and 99% pure isopropanol rubbing alcohol...........that's less than 1% water.

I would use an ink bottle drawer snorkel and just keep adding snorkel fulls of dye to the mix till I got the desired look.

Hard to be 100% correct but I think I might have used dullcoat on it also ??  George of FSM wrote about it its strange reaction to painted roofs washed over with alco ink, actually aging the roof cover.  Wrote the article in Narrow Gauge and Short line gazette  late 80's early 90's ????

The stone colour was done brewing up a heavy coffee and tea idea why I did that.  Later was to discover FW acrylic inks and alcohol was better.

mike lynch.............HAIRBALL
This scratch built structure was created just for something to build.

Its clapboard siding, raised  seam rusty roof , painted in a 3 diff whites floquil paints to achieve that worn out look without being killed.

The figure is good old zeke pugwump leader of the clan, aartista figures and the 3 pooches.  Last time I saw those pooches as they disappeared in the modeling room, never to be found.

I love these short 5 days builds.

mike lynch ...HAIRBALL
Scratchbuilding / Re: RUBBLES DEPOT tom yorke #117
January 08, 2020, 06:00:02 PM
Well I hope you get to build them, HO I guess.>>  If HO would be a higher demand for it,  more than O 

I still have one I built as a gas station , pretty neat swing away from station, but we had REGENT gas stations around here that used that turret design.  If I cannot find the build pictures on a CD will retake them..

mike lynch-------------HAIRBALL
Scratchbuilding / Re: RUBBLES DEPOT tom yorke #117
January 08, 2020, 12:00:52 AM
dr BENDOVER , is never going to get the kind of money $54,999 he is asking.

Look at the high prices he tries to get and now a lot of his stuff .......yorke re-issues deeply discounted.  He only got up to year 2000 kit rights.  Branline has done the newer ones.

Look at prices of FSM kits, a #205 Wilfred bramble, that used to sell easily for $800 ++ , saw one other day for $390 range.

mike lynch...........HAIRBALL
Dioramas / Re: JOHN ALLEN fsm style engine house
January 05, 2020, 12:39:01 AM
thank you , there is still more to come, just have to give the site breathing space .

a few pictures of my john allen style EH o scale scratch showing the nail head impressions applied with pounce wheel.  Be boring structure without the nail holes and the lifted clapboards

Dioramas / JOHN ALLEN fsm style engine house
January 03, 2020, 04:27:55 PM
John Allen of Gorre and Dapihid fame was the inspiration for this one along with George Sellios kits #35 the early one and his later #135 better one , plus his John Allen XXX special kit.

I scratch built this in O scale.

Not a lot to explain on it, pictures tell the story ?

mike lynch..........HAIRBALL
I do not think I have built a wood clapboard or board and batton sided wall WITHOUT NAIL HOLES since 1988.   Mikie likes them and gives that added bit of detailing that makes your model stand out.

I believe I bought my set of 3 from VINTAGE REPRODUCTIONS ?? in Colorado after looking at their advert in a NGSLG magazine in the late 80 's .  I used them in HO and now O.

mike lynch..HAIRBALL
Are you applying the folk art paint with the small pointed tip brush , one clapboard at a time.

Try a stiffer 1/2" wide brush and go side to side ONCE ONLY , per paint load in brush.

mike lynch............... HAIRBALL
Scratchbuilding / Re: Great Lakes Lighthouse Build
January 01, 2020, 01:23:12 PM
Dunkirk NY usually middle of May the giant swap meet for vintage car parts, been there many times since 1990.

I have always wanted to build a tapered conical lighthouse, I actually collected a few Cardstock cones that thread is wrapped around , about 5-6" tall.  This would be fine for HO but sadly short and narrow for anything in O scale.  The surface has a dimply finish on it and would easily paint up perfectly.

Food for thought for anyone wanting to build an HO one.  Would look like georges FSM one.

mike lynch.............HAIRBALL
Scratchbuilding / SQUARE water tank On30
December 31, 2019, 02:38:34 PM
I only ever built 2 water tanks the round open top one and this one the square design.

Zeek Pugwump is hanging around waiting for the Pugwumps brothers rail services shay to come back and pick him up after younger brother Lionel ran into town for a bottle of Screech Liquor for the boys.

All wood is northeastern scale lumber, colouration of wood is Fiebings leather dye marine corp black, metal filler pipe is from grandt line.

The C & S cinder bear trap stack is a PSC item, appears a seagull has decided those Pugwumps might be good for spare food so has decided to hitch a ride and hang around for a while.

mike lynch   Madmike3434    HAIRBALL
Kit Building / Re: SS LTD Roundhouse
December 29, 2019, 03:33:56 PM
I had never seen this release from SS ltd, any idea when it was issued.

OH, by the way outstanding build !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mike lynch...........HAIRBALL
Scratchbuilding / Re: Open top water tank O scale
December 28, 2019, 08:05:25 PM
Rich its an older build, pre 2012 when I bought shazzbott my 1935 Chevrolet roadster.  Now want to build models again, this car is no fun and I got 2 others completed on the road. 

Have been collecting a lot of stuff to start up again on On30.

If I head to new Orleans/baton rouge area in the spring will look you up.

mike lynch
Scratchbuilding / Open top water tank O scale
December 27, 2019, 09:47:23 PM
scratch built o scale round top open to air, with ducks or seagulls. ?

mike lynch
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