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Messages - darrylhuffman

I personally find large molds are both hard to handle and tend to be "flat".

Unless you are modeling a cut through a hillside your rock surface will not be basically flat.

I like to build my support for the rock face using blue or pink foam sheets and then applying individual molds.

Your rock is great looking.  I wish I had it myself.

But if I had a large one piece mold of that rock I would end up cutting it into smaller pieces.

In fact, I usually end up cutting up my Bragdon Enterprises molds to make smaller ones.

Thank you so very much, John, for posting these photos.  Almost better than being there in person.  Almost.
Layout Tours / Re: Canyon Diablo
November 30, 2016, 05:57:44 AM
I like that you have designed your WYE so that all three turnouts are easy to reach.

I built one with one turnout out of reach and it gave me all kinds of problems.

Looks good so far.
Thank you again, Jaime, for all the great photos.

I have made my reservations for the Denver convention next year.

Can I buy you a cup of coffee in Denver?
Mark, I stained the boards with black leather dye and alcohol before assembly.

After the walls were done I used a VERY dilute mix of Testors Thinner and Testors Flat Rust.

This is the standard color I use for most of the mines I have built.

This photo is of one a built a few years ago in HO scale.

John, I sold my SLR Nikon FtN a couple of years ago and only use my Apple iPhone for photos.

So I have no filters.

When I take more photos I will use natural sunshine in case my living room lighting is the problem.
Kit Building / Build Challenge 2016 Yankee Girl Mine in HO
September 24, 2016, 07:26:40 PM
I failed to take step by step photos but I thought I would share my progress on my HO scale Yankee Girl Mine.  This is not an accurate scale model but simply something I am building for a new HOn30 layout.

Board by board.  The odd looking corrugated siding on the roof is from a problem that comes from photographing Paper Creek Models roofing paper.  I think the phrase is it creates a Morie pattern.
Layout Tours / Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build
September 10, 2016, 10:50:56 AM
I will be following this with interest.

I have tried the MicroMark and Alumilite.

I have an unopened box from Smooth On to play with.

I find making castings addictive.

And just as expensive as other addictive products.
Kit Building / Re: Cutting strip wood for templates
September 09, 2016, 06:13:53 PM
I have a Shay Wood Mitre that works for me.

But you can't buy those anymore.

MicroMark makes a nice little sanding block that allows for true and accurate sanding.

As I scratchbuild everything, I don't use any templates.

My methods are very easy for building board by board which is how I build everything.

For you I recommend cutting the pieces a little too long and then sanding them to the exact size needed.
Layout Tours / Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build
September 09, 2016, 02:14:49 AM
John, I just read your comments on wearing gloves while using the hot glue gun.

I have burned my fingers so many times I wonder why I never thought of gloves.

Thanks for the tip.
My favorite part of the Narrow Gauge conventions is always the manufacturer's room followed by the contest room.

Thanks for sharing, Jaime.
EXPO Pictures / Re: 2015 Expo Contest Room entries
April 02, 2015, 07:17:19 PM
Jaime, my old friend.

Thank you so much for the great photos.

You have saved me at least $1,000 and a round-trip coast to coast flight.
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