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Messages - Keep It Rusty

An inaugural hello to those I haven't yet "met" - welcome to The Modeler's Forum! I'm Craig (I manufacture craftsman kits under the name "Keep it Rusty") and I am the forum's admin. Seeing the increased traffic over the last few weeks is wonderful. As many of you know, this forum rose again from the ashes, so seeing it prosper all over again really is a treat - especially for me.

In regards to a point recently raised, as explained elsewhere, I find zero issues with having two sets of "daily" threads. In fact, it's encouraged to use this forum to continue traditions founded elsewhere - after all, it's that level of passion that will allow this forum to continue to grow and prosper (what is a forum without a community?)

With that in mind, I only ask one thing - that we promote and encourage a unified community. Without that, we are breaking the most important rule: to have fun!
1280x720 is a great, and recommended, viewing size.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Saturday, February 8, 2025
February 08, 2025, 04:46:40 PM
Just adding my two cents to the discussion: I see no issue with having separate daily chats - especially seeing as we are serving as a new home for another forum.

The only time this could ever be an issue would be if it creates a divide in the unified community. It's important not to try and recreate what was, but embrace this new home and fuse together the best of both.
Here is a tutorial I wrote for uploading photos:;sa=page;p=3

There is currently a 5mb upload limit on photos. There is no need to resize images except to be under the limit in order to successfully upload but your consideration for disk space Is appreciated!
An excellent kit! Doug Foscale now has the molds and may one day do his own version of this.
New Details, Tools & Accessories / Re: Corrugator
January 17, 2025, 05:54:26 AM
Fantastic insight. Makes me want to crack out my Myford lathe! Great work Bernd. Very interested in keeping up to date with your progress.
Dioramas / Re: Hollis Pest Control [diorama]
January 16, 2025, 02:16:06 AM
Thank you very much guys. It remains one of those dioramas I have had the most fun with!
Dioramas / Re: Wood Cutters Shack
January 16, 2025, 02:15:06 AM
Excellent work!
New Details, Tools & Accessories / Re: Corrugator
January 16, 2025, 02:13:47 AM
Bernd, as a kit maker this is endlessly interesting.

I tried .among my own a few years ago with 3D printing, but failed the task.

Those gears are giving some really excellent results! If you have access to a horizontal mill and dividing head, the options are limitless. You could make tooling for standing seam roofing too then.

I'd love to acquire one from you if you could make another! Great work 
Quote from: jbvb on January 03, 2025, 08:57:06 PM1. In 2014 I'd started a Freight Car Photos topic in the Rolling Stock forum.  It had been idle since 2018, so I figured it would be OK to add something relevant to experiment.  I did see the "Do you really want to update this old thread" warning, but went ahead.  Now the "Rolling Stock Forum" page shows me as the last person to update that topic (Today at 7:58 pm), but when I open the topic I don't see either post.  Will my new posts eventually appear?  Or am I just annoying the Forum software or management?

2. Does the "Insert an Image" button on the top toolbar fetch the image and store it locally to the Forum?  I think so, as the loading time is faster than I'd expect for re-fetching the image from the remote host.

3. Is Modeler's Forum constrained regarding image storage? My backup of my personal RR-Line threads is almost 1 GB, but the way I saved pages by making PDFs with my browser may not be very efficient.

Aside from those questions, the two new topics I've created under Scratchbuilding (images copied from RR-Line) are working fine.

Sorry for the delayed response. Just getting around to this.

1) There is an issue with this thread. I will have to do some digging, but it may have got botched when the forum was pulled over to phpBB (different forum software) a while ago. A few things were lost. Do not post in it until I have had a look. The thread has been fixed. Your latest post is now visible and you can continue posting in the thread.

2) The "Insert an Image" is not an upload tool. It only links to an image already uploaded either from your Gallery or elsewhere on the internet. You can use the Attachment function if you want to upload inside a post.

3) There is no limit for your Image Gallery :)
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Tuesday January 14 2025
January 14, 2025, 05:37:14 PM
Quote from: westtexjohn on January 14, 2025, 03:26:33 PMIs there a topic on this forum for "Layout Electrical"? A topic that includes DCC installs, turnout installs/control etc? LED use and structure lighting.


Happy to add this tomorrow. A category for all matters of electrical work at scale is a good idea. 
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Tuesday January 14 2025
January 14, 2025, 05:12:05 AM
Morning all.

Some housekeeping of the forum today. We now have the following categories:

  • The Yard
  • The Mainline
  • The Roundhouse
  • Forum Contests
  • The Freight House
  • The Marketplace

Topics that were in now removed categories have been moved to one of the above. This keeps certain areas of the forum from mothballing.
Scratchbuilding / Re: How I mill my own strip wood
January 12, 2025, 02:02:30 AM
Interesting thread. Thank you for sharing!
I don't use an open fence spindle molder (otherwise I'd about to be nominating that), so the table saw is the only tool I'm glad when hitting the off button. I truly love it as a tool, but I always pause for thought before firing it up  8)
Enjoyong this build, Tom. A great kit with some nice additions - that stain glass in the shop front looks great!
The HO / HOn3 / HOn30 Line / Re: HOn30 Tribute Diesels
January 11, 2025, 05:33:46 PM
A great, inaugural thread for this new section of the forum. Thanks for starting Bernd!
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