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Messages - cuse

The HO / HOn3 / HOn30 Line / Re: HOn30 Tribute Diesels
January 11, 2025, 04:40:22 PM
I love those HOn30 boxcabs!!!
Morning All!

Wow...Greg's quite the blabbermouth today  ;D  but that Western Omelette sure sounds good

One more weekend of visitors and I promise I'll get rolling. I've decided to build one more module to make an L-shape and then I'll get serious about track planning & actually building a model railroad again. I've got great concepts, scenes, construction methods, and priorities in my I'd like to think that once I 'break the seal', progress will come fast.

Stay warm and have a great day!
Dioramas / Re: Wood Cutters Shack
January 08, 2025, 10:33:52 AM
Quote from: Larry C on January 08, 2025, 10:21:26 AMJim and John thank you both so much. I was actually pleasantly surprised just how well the kit finished off. Between the very detailed instruction booklet and the detail parts it was a really fun build.
Yes...opening a box of sticks was pretty daunting, but the instructions are great. 

There's no way I can build this...but I CAN do Step 1, and then Step 2.... ;D

very rewarding!!
Dioramas / Re: Wood Cutters Shack
January 07, 2025, 08:35:47 PM
Very nice work...the HO version is the best thing I've ever built. Beautiful

Hello All...

I booked my NNGC hotel in St. Louis in september...that's about all I have to report. Lots of holidays, visitors, and obligations getting in the way of the trains. But they're on my mind.

I already know what's next, just need to carve out a few hours to get the framing for the next module done...then I swear it'll start to look like a train thing again.
Dioramas / Re: Hollis Pest Control [diorama]
December 28, 2024, 10:10:49 AM
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Saturday - Dec 28 2024
December 28, 2024, 10:09:40 AM
I'm quietly enjoying all of Doug's progress...on average, we are both pretty productive. Unfortunately, he's way above average and I've been stagnant. Maybe  today, I will relocate the location of the layout (in the same room) as my vision for it is being refined every day, in my, theoretically, once I get my hands a little dirty - progress should come fast.

My wife's brother and his boys are coming tomorrow, so I just don't know...lots of hosting and entertaining this month, not to mention a trip to Costa Rica, and end-of-year work stuff are hopefully lightening up soon. Daylight ahead  ::)
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Monday, December 23, 2024
December 23, 2024, 04:06:12 PM
Morning All,

The fact that I'm saying "Good Morning" at 4pm should show you where I'm at  ;D

Thinking about the trains, but nothing new to report...busy busy

Happy Holidays

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Friday, December 13, 2024
December 13, 2024, 09:14:33 AM
Best Wishes Tom...piece of cake!

got back from Costa Rica late last night and off to work this am...

My favorite time of year to get organized, set goals, take stock, etc...trains will play a big part in my discussion with myself  ;D
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Friday, November 29, 2024
November 29, 2024, 01:07:00 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on November 29, 2024, 09:01:42 AMMorning all,

In his recent YouTube video update of his layout Doug Foscale said he's going to take it down and explained what he's going to try and salvage and what he was unhappy about with it.  He'll be building two new layouts, one in HO and on in On30 (at least that's what I think I heard).  Both should be interesting.

I'm off to JoAnn's Fabric later this afternoon to pick up a new Ott Light for my workbench.  It's too hard to see the tiny stuff clearly without that extra light.

Have a great one!
I get it Doug. I feel your pain.   ;D
Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
November 24, 2024, 02:43:52 PM
OK...finally something worth sharing:

Here's the initial concept. There are two modules, so far - both 4' tall, 4' long, and 2' deep. I've put a lot of thought into how easily they can be joined, moved, wired, track access, lit, etc and I think this is a plan that will suit me. The backdrops don't extend all of the way down because I just used what I had on hand and figure that my intended scenery will extend up quite high for dramatic forested mountains. Also, at this point, I have no plans to build more until I (a) finish the scenery, etc and, (b) feel like it  ;D

They are so tall because I want to feature mountainous scenery and two separate lines, one of them being HOn3 and the lower, more complex one being my usual HOn30...mostly because I already have so much track & rolling stock. I plan to have a pretty simple track plan, especially on the upper level, just meandering along the mountainside and over bridges and through tunnels.

I'm a big fan of continuous running, so, at some point, I'll create a "hidden" loop behind the modules. That's the reason that I have the cabinets & modules so far from the back wall...there's room back there for a nice workbench, plenty of storage, and great access for hidden tracks, wiring access, etc. Someday, I'll decide whether I want to have a back-to-back configuration with turn modules at the ends or a "run around me" with a duck under from the outside and a large operating pit in the need to decide for now...It's time to start planning the modules - I've got some scenes I want to prioritize, so I'll need to start scribbling.

Layout Tours / Re: Cypress Creek Railroad
November 18, 2024, 09:35:43 AM
Love your layout and modeling, in general, and I can certainly understand how you feel about a "layout".

I just tore mine down after several revisions and am building on a modular basis. I expect I'll find it more satisfying to make a little more visible progress on a small area, rather than face the entire beast at me, that's when it starts to feel like work...and I don't need more of that.
Hang in there Dr Jeff. You'll be outta there soon.

According to my plan, at least, this should be a productive train weekend. It's been a really busy work week and hosting friends last night, but after the big clean up, I hope to get my two module "shells" into the house, upstairs and mounted to my cabinet benchwork...If I actually get it done, I'll post some pics so you all can see what I'm up to. A bit more carpentry to do in the barn first, but it certainly seems doable (if Murphy permits)

I've always been way too lazy and sporadic in my modeling to post a real build thread, but this new challenge sure fits my needs. I have a precise scene and kit that would fit - so I'll seriously consider it. Kudos to the fantastic Keep It Rusty kits donated for the prizes.

Layout Tours / Re: Shadowlands and Tellynott
November 03, 2024, 07:33:27 PM
That is truly impressive...

I may have said this before, but you've elevated benchwork to an art form. Can't wait to see what's on top

Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
November 03, 2024, 07:31:38 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on November 03, 2024, 03:38:45 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on November 03, 2024, 01:37:10 PMLooking forward to this new adventure, John!  Should be fun.

Only until he comes up with another plan, next month!

He's not wrong lol
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