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Messages - ACL1504

Morning all,

I guess I'm spoiled here at 51 degrees and for me it is cold enough.

I'm in the train shed working on the Winter Challenge.

Have a great day everyone and for my northern forum brothers, stay warm and safe.

Have a great day ya'll.

Quote from: elwoodblues on January 12, 2025, 04:03:44 PMOkay Tom, Inquiring minds want to know, how many #11 blades did those stringers take? 8)

The stringers look great, well worth the time and effort.


Thank you for the compliment on the stringers.

Only two blade were used here. The tip did all the cutting and it wears out fast for this type cutting.

Quote from: deemery on January 12, 2025, 02:11:54 PM"Patience, grasshopper, Patience!"  And a fresh X-Acto knife blade!!



Exactly, a fresh #11 is a requirement.


Dioramas / Re: Blacksmith's Shop
January 14, 2025, 07:45:34 AM

Very nice diorama and overall excellent modeling.

Thanks very much for showing it.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Tuesday January 14 2025
January 14, 2025, 07:42:58 AM
Morning Craig and others,

Thanks for keeping the mothballs out of the forum Craig.

Pam has bowling today at noon so I'll go and watch. No bowling for me lyet.

Nothing else is new here.

Have a great day ya'll.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Monday, Jan 14th
January 13, 2025, 09:00:49 AM
Morning all,

Not much on my agenda today other than modeling.

Have a great day ya'll.

You don't need to be perfect. My stringers are on a structure that is supposed to be old and worn with little or no maintenance.

A bad cut can also look like a rotten section on the stringer.

My stringers are cut as you can see in the next photo. Next, I'll weather the stringers and cut some steps and railing posts.

Done for today.
The pencil is pointing to the broken piece and not interfering with stringer.

Again, patience grasshopper, patience!

The next photo shows another piece missing. I didn't worry about this one as the stringer was long enough for my use on the structure.

Here is how the stringer looks when cutting with an Xacto #11 blade. I should add here a fresh #11 blade.

If you don't mind me giving some free advise, I'll say that if you aren't the patient type, don't cut your own stringers. The cutting needs to be precise and carefully done. It takes me a little over an hour to cut a 10 inch stringer from the HO scale 2X12s. I cut two 10 inch pieces.

Using my template piece, I started cutting the stringers from Northeastern Scale Lumber 2X12s.

You can see in the photo above that one angle piece split from the stringer.

All is not lost, just use the end of a toothpick and glue the split piece back on the stringer.

Here is a photo of some stair stringers from Micro Mark. I've had these for several years and never used them. After measuring them, I found they were basically HO scale 1X6s, They are very fragile and flimsy.

You get what you pay for here.

Back in a few, Diet Pepsi time of course.
The rear of the Flat Iron will have an outside stair case. There are stair stringers available commercially if you chose to go that route. Many years ago I was scratch building a structure for a contest and the commercially ones weren't available. I didn't have time to wait.

I decided to scratch build my own stringers. The photo below is of the scratch built stringers.

Here's what I learned from the experience. I'm sharing it here to save you some aggravation if you ever want to try your hand at scratch building some stair stringers.

I thought 2X8s would be large enough to cut the stringers. Not so, as it didn't leave me much for the steps and they were to fragile.

I then tried 2X10s and again, not good either for the same reason.

I then went to 2X12's and bingo, perfect. BTW, a 1:1 stringer is also made from 2X12s.

The next photo shows a short piece of stringer I made several years ago. I used this as a pattern/template for the Flat Iron stringers.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Sunday Brunch 1-12-24
January 12, 2025, 12:58:25 PM
Quote from: Mr. Critter on January 12, 2025, 12:46:22 PMBonjour à tous.  I've foregone breakfast in lieu of mail-ordering an out-of-production "diorama kit", namely Builders in Scale Kit #9, TideWater Wharf.  Had been staring at it for a few days and seeing its lighthouse in my soup, hearing my AMEX card bleating plaintively, scuttling along the floor toward my iPad as I slept. Got fed up and pressed the button.

Apart from the lighthouse, it has a ship-chandler/sailmaker's loft, a wee coffee shop, and a monstrous boatbuilder's hangar.  I've got a bee in my bonnet about building a vaguely-Atlantic pierhead micro layout or two, thus my justification.

I added a (relatively) inexpensive old brass HOn3 D&RGW boxcar to the order, unpainted, because (a) the postage stayed the same, and (ii) one can never have too many little boxcars, and I presently have precisely none.


The Tide Water Wharf is a very nice kit. Congrats on getting it. Looking forward to the build if you post it here.

Quote from: Larry C on January 12, 2025, 11:22:34 AMTom those walls look fantastic; keep up the great work.


Thank you for the compliment. I'm still at it.

Quote from: Keep It Rusty on January 12, 2025, 01:53:34 AMEnjoyong this build, Tom. A great kit with some nice additions - that stain glass in the shop front looks great!


Thank you for the comment. I kind of wish this was a kit. The stained glass does add a bit more to the overall appearance.

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