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Messages - Oldguy

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Friday, November 8, 2024
November 08, 2024, 03:09:56 PM
Oh wow.  Still around I see.  Trying to get my mojo back.  Hope to post more builds.
Kit Building / Re: FOS Kone Shack Build
November 17, 2023, 11:40:55 AM
Kit Building / Re: FOS Kone Shack Build
November 17, 2023, 11:05:20 AM
It is a great little building.  I added a bit to the side of mine (a part of another FOS kit) for burger sales.
 I need to figure out adding photos all over again.  Hurumph.

Thank you Thank You Thank You!

Nice to see others work and get some help with mine.

Keeps looking better and better.
Kit Building / Re: FOS Barlows BBQ
January 31, 2022, 09:16:38 PM
Been slow going.  I have decided to replace the diner side, the one with a door, with a new piece.  I have ordered replacement siding from both Mt Albert and Northeastern.  It'll be interesting which will arrive first.  But then, Tuesday, we are scheduled for an ice storm followed by 12 inches of snow, so who knows when they might arrive.
I have gotten most wall covered in Antique Iron powder and trim painted white.  The two whitish pieces are the front and back walls of the center section.  These get covered in corrugated siding, hence the vertical guide lines.  I replaced the front wall window with the takeout window from the diner section.  It has a shelf, but it doesn't show well head-on.

I have modified the diner take-out  bump out, to accept a door, turning this into a vestibule (seen in the first photo).  All I had to do was finish cutting out the opening and add some 4x4 trim.  I have a selection of RSLaserKits screen doors and choose the one shown.

Since I do plan on adding some interior lighting, I had to go back and add some horizontal members to support a floor card.

It keeps getting better and better.
Kit Building / Ragg's to Riches Dolores Conoco Plant
January 27, 2022, 10:40:36 PM
No, I am not doing a dual build.  At least not at this juncture.  I ran across this kit sometime ago and mentioned that I would be interested.  Then an e-mail, online payment, and it arrived a lot sooner than I thought it would.  I hadn't seen anyone build a Raggs to Riches kit and this one is limited (I think) not by numbers but by time and thought I'd share what was involved.

I loved the attached box note.

The contents include a bound set of instructions and very detailed at that.  The contents include some nice resin tanks a role of tape for the metal, a syringe for glue, besides the laser cut parts and strip wood.

In a quick read of what was to be done I noted that he recommends a Sherwin-Williams bonding primer.  This product requires baking it on.  Apparently, it almost eliminates any chipping.  Not sure if this will fly at my house.  Or might have to invest in a cheap metal mail box and install a 100-watt lamp for baking.  I have until summer to worry about this.
Kit Building / FOS Barlows BBQ
January 27, 2022, 10:26:15 PM
Up next is another eatery.  Everything looks fairly standard.  A copy pages of what-to-do, bracing diagram, and parts diagram.

Come close to running out of clothes pins and had to bring out the big guns to finish up.  At this stage I had added the nail holes and once the glue dried, it was off to the A&I bath.

I liked the original paint scheme, so It'll that way.  I will use Antique Iron for the main house and diner section.  Not sure if I will add an overlay of sponged-on Heritage Brick.  Trim will be Vintage White and the middle section will be Yellow Ochre. 

The kit had the diner section have a take out window on the end.  I wanted to change that to the main door ( screen door vestibule) and at the same time eliminate the long side door.  The take out window would be moved to the middle section where I envision the BBQ pit to be located.  Unfortunately, the diner siding is unique and nothing I have on hand.  I thought I might have some, but can't locate my odd ball stash.

I will use a tilt out window on the middle section, which will require filling in the opening a bit.  I was concerned over this siding as well, but finally realized that it is a card covered in corrugated siding.  Woo hoo! 

Now where is that odd ball siding?
Very nice.
Finished Kits & Dioramas / Re: Fos Oyster Skiff Kitbash
January 27, 2022, 10:37:48 AM
Cool.  We rode that ride right after it opened.  One couldn't see a boat in front.  The stone arch had one look up right before  . . . . . . .  Well, you know.
Superb work.
So this one is done and waiting planting.

Kit Building / FOS Lucks Gas & Burgers - Free kit #36
January 25, 2022, 10:35:12 PM
So I bit on a FOS promotion; buy one get this free.  I'll admit it was a fun build, even if I didn't vary from the provided photo.  I was trying to get photos using a cell phone and most never were made.  I liked that the parts were level with the clapboards.  I have found some that one side was a half a board off from the adjoining side.  This made painting a waist band so much easier.  I t was a simple matter of lining up all the sides and apply tape to the back to hold everything in place.  Spray the lighter color, dry, apply more tape and spray on the darker tone. 

I did replaced the corner strip wood with corner posts as I wanted to light the interior and any corner bracing would eat up a lot of the inner space. But to do this, I need to support the adjacent slots and apply weight to the side.  So I use some craft sticks which worked slick.
One item that I absolutely love is the included gas pump.  Perfect for my era.  All I needed to add was some line for the hose.  The wire was added for handling and then trimmed down for placement.

I used some Ngineering aluminum shades and 0402 LEDs to light the inside and under the canopy.  A piece of 1/16" brass tubing to carry the wires through the base board.

The lighting looks better in person since my camera fights for focus
I did some light weathering, for now, and added some bits and bobs.  I have planned where the tracks will be installed and road surface applied.  But those items will have to wait until it gets installed.
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