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Messages - Onewolf

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Sunday - Aug 25 2024
August 25, 2024, 07:31:31 AM
Howdy all,

Yesterday I organized/cleaned the basement so there are locations to drop off the drywall which should be delivered on Tuesday.  Today I plan to pressure wash the front sidewalk/porch (the East TN clay really stains stuff).  And then I will get some real work done.


Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Saturday August 24 2024
August 24, 2024, 07:28:19 AM
Mornin' all,

I'm planning to get the basement organized this weekend so they have spots to deliver the drywall on Tuesday.

And I have some real work to get done

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Friday, Aug 23
August 23, 2024, 10:50:22 AM
Good morning all,

One of my future neighbors happens to be a general contractor (they are currently building a 'compound' at the other end of the subdivision. Their compound will be a house/garage, detached workshop with MIL apartment above, and a detached garage/barn). He will be handling/coordinating the drywall hanging/finishing and painting of the unfinished areas of my basement.  It sounds like the drywall will be delivered on Tuesday and the drywall crew will start hanging late next week. I was anticipating having a much longer wait for the drywall/painting so this would be a big win.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Thursday 22 August 2024
August 22, 2024, 07:47:19 AM
Good morning all.

It's a full week of "pay the bills" work so I haven't gotten much accomplished in the basement.  I am hoping to get the 7 new ceiling duplex outlets (for lighting) wired up/installed today.

Layout Tours / Re: Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II
August 20, 2024, 05:13:59 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on August 20, 2024, 04:07:17 PMLots of fun!

Do all the materials to build the layout have to be taken through the workshop?

Cheers, Mark.

Yes, but the layout room is a 'clean' room. No sawing, sanding, etc.  All benchwork construction will be done in the basement 'garage' space.  Same as my previous layout.
Layout Tours / Re: Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II
August 20, 2024, 05:56:18 AM
Here is the design/plan for the previous layout (three level mushroom)\

Lower level:

Middle level:

Upper level:
Layout Tours / Re: Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II
August 20, 2024, 05:46:29 AM
Here are very preliminary drawings of one layout design that basically works.  It needs a lot more refinement/details before it would be ready to start construction.

I really liked my previous layout design which was a 3 level mushroom, but I would like to keep the new layout as a more simple two level layout. For the new layout I want a want a large classification yard, locomotive service facility, and passenger train service/station.

I am dropping the base elevation of the levels by 2". The previous layout elevations were 42"/62"/82".  This new design base elevations are 40" and 60".

Lower level:

Upper level:
Layout Tours / Re: Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II
August 20, 2024, 05:31:40 AM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on August 18, 2024, 01:18:40 AMNice place, Doug.

Would love to see a plan of the lower floor so we can dream about what we might do if it was our space...

Cheers, Mark.

Here's the basement floorplan/dimensions.

Good morning all,

Yesterday I roughed in most of the un-switched 15A outlets. This morning I finished the un-switched outlets and roughed in the four 20A switched outlets.  All I have left is to tie/tack the romex (mostly in the open ceiling) and zip tie some of the long vertical runs along the metal studs.

Edit to add: UPS delivered 600 pieces of Atlas flex track from Yankee Dabbler this morning.  400 Code 83 and 200 Code 100.  Surprisingly, track has gotten more expensive in the last 8-9 years.  :o

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Sunday - Aug 18 2024
August 18, 2024, 11:45:51 AM
Quote from: deemery on August 18, 2024, 10:12:03 AMDoug:  I wired my train room with every outlet pair having one outlet switched at the wall, and the other always hot.  That way i can hit the switch on my way out of the train room and be sure that everything is turned off.  I'd do the same thing in bedrooms, too. 


The four 20A outlets on one wall switch will provide layout one switch on/off functionality.  As I discovered on the previous layout I have to spread the DCC boosters around the room to handle the DCC track bus line length limitations (even with 10GA track bus line).
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Sunday - Aug 18 2024
August 18, 2024, 07:02:40 AM
Good morning all.

This morning I ran the 14/2 romex for the 7 new ceiling outlets for room lighting in the layout room. Up and down the ladder about 50-60 times.  Once Lowes opens at 9am I will get additional anti-short bushings for the metal studs in the basement walls and then start running the 12/2 romex for the fifteen un-switched 15A outlets and 4 switched 20A wall outlets. I'm getting the basement walls ready for drywall hanging/finishing (which I will definitely be hiring out).

Layout Tours / Re: Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II
August 16, 2024, 06:14:48 PM
Link to photo album of the deconstruction of the prior layout:

When I disassembled/demoed the prior layout I was able to save all the electronics (DCC control, power boosters, circuit breakers, occupancy detection, turnout control, etc).  I saved all 115 turnouts, and all the flex track that wasn't glued down (Mostly Atlas code 100 in the lower/upper return loops.  The Peco code 100 I had recycled from the previous layout was permabonded/glued and was not saveable.  Almost all the visible track was glued/caulked and painted.  The track on the homasote (main yard, loco service) scraped up with some homasote stuck. The track on the Woodland Scenics foam roadbed pulled up LOTS of foam.  I was lead to believe I _might_ be able to use a pressure washer to get the homasote and foam off the approximately 400 pieces of painted flex track so I saved all of it.

Unfortunately the only item that seems to have gone missing during my move was the large plastic tub containing the painted flex track with stuff stuck to it.  So I will never know whether that track would have been saveable.

I have already ordered 200 pieces of Atlas code 100 and 400 pieces of Atlas code 83 flex track from Yankee Dabbler. Can't wait until I'm ready to start laying track.   ;D

Layout Tours / Re: Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II
August 16, 2024, 03:22:38 PM
Quote from: cuse on August 16, 2024, 03:18:01 PMWhat a beautiful home. Congratulations!

The view off of the porch is inspiring...I can almost hear the steam whistles echoing through the valley

Good to have you back.


The Norfolk Southern main line between Knoxville and Chattanooga is about 1.3 miles away from my house (on the other side of the ridge) so I frequently hear trains going by. It's all at grade crossings and sometimes the train drivers go crazy on the horn button.
Layout Tours / Re: Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II
August 16, 2024, 12:52:26 PM
For posterity, here are some photos of the exterior of the house.

My house is about 100 ft away from the neighbor on the left

And about 120 ft away from the neighbor's house on the right. They have some sort of tiered planter project going on.

The back side of the house.

I had to get grass seed down in mid June to keep the yard/dirt/clay from washing away. Given the drought/heatwave we were in I didn't think any of the grass seed was going to sprout, but the monsoon started in mid July which allowed some of the grass (and weeds) to sprout.  I will overseed in late Sept/Oct and again in March to fill in the bare areas.

From down near the back property line looking back up the hill to my house.

My back yard neighbors.  Their fence is the back property line. It's about 100 ft below the house elevation.

Layout Tours / Re: Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II
August 16, 2024, 11:17:30 AM
The two unfinished walls in the basement garage area will be drywalled/painted when the layout space walls are finished.

I boxed up (and filled with peanuts) the 12 bay roundhouse. It will be interesting to see how well it survived the move and 18 months in storage.

Before disassembling the prior layout:
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