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Messages - cuse

Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
February 09, 2014, 09:20:44 AM
Thanks guys. Jeff, I wanted to compliment you on your SRMW build, but I still couldn't sign in. Unless I hear back from admin, I think I'm done trying (dozens of times).

This morning I got in my Model60 just mocking up and visualizing where I'm going to place yet-to-be-built structures. I think I've got some good ideas.

I put in a temporary little group of trees and I think that, along with a fence, It will provide enough visual separation to squeeze Shaw's Ridge next to the pulpwood yard.

I have a Bar Mills barn and a Bar Mills Hurst Boiler that could fit nicely on a little dock as shown. I copied and cut out the full size directions to create crude mockups.

On the wharf, I'm back to Groovy Jeff's CCK Carolina Pulp & Paper. That's the footprint on the wharf (main building only)

Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
February 08, 2014, 01:06:48 PM
Thanks guys.

Today, I got some more done. I painted and weathered some nice detail castings for the Bar Mills Shaw's Ridge I'm building. I also attached a sign, some lamps, and the bases for the skylights that I have yet to build. I'm not usually patient enough to do too much detail work in a bunch, so now I'm walking away for a bit.

I really found painting the castings a lot more enjoyable than in the past. Maybe I'm maturing  :o

I have only to build the 2 skylights and all of the window awnings to call it a day on this cool kit!


Dioramas / Re: Davetown - Patti's Tea Garden
February 07, 2014, 06:27:17 AM
Another great build for Davetown. I'm looking forward to the landscaping.

Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
February 05, 2014, 08:19:20 PM
Here's a picture by Roughneck Dave I swiped from the other forum. It's got to have been taken from an elevated position and that's Gregg Demayo with the camera and myself with lips pursed to blow on the water surface for bigger waves  ;).

Nice pic David. I wanted to thank you for your kind words but, alas, I am still shunned.

Modeling: Wall Techniques / Re: Stone walls
February 01, 2014, 08:52:44 AM
That last one might be just what I'm looking for. Thanks for sharing.

Stone walls are everywhere in NE and are such a "character" feature.

Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
January 28, 2014, 08:36:40 PM
I managed to get my Model60 and a little more tonight. I added the roof and a couple of small touches to the Bar Mills Shaw's Ridge kit. There are quite a few distinctive features still to be added to this one. I never saw this kit before the EXPO and I generally scour the Bar Mills web site, so it may be a relatively new one. It certainly has some great character (when it's done), particularly on the roof. It looks somewhat complete now, but I'd say it's only about 65% there, as the box full of parts proves.


Wow...even your tools scare me  ???

Great project!

Very impressive project!

Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
January 26, 2014, 07:28:42 PM
I wanted to do a gravel roof, but wanted to add some color to the building. The main roof will be red/orange-ish rolled roofing.

I spread glue and scattered a thin layer of fine reddish brown ballast I have had laying around in an unlabeled tupperware (90% sure it's Woodland Scenics). I dribbled a little more white glue/water and "pinched"  a little more ballast wherever the glue was pooling. When it set up a bit, I pressed it down with a piece of plastic to get a more uniform look. The color looked TOO uniform to me, so I pinched a variety of Bragdon's weathering powders to break up the color a bit. I'm pretty happy with it - I'd like to add a bit of litter to finish it off.

Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
January 26, 2014, 05:37:13 PM
More progress on Shaw's Ridge. That's it for today, I think.

Next up...the roof


Kit Building / Re: laser art rocky point lighthouse
January 26, 2014, 05:25:31 PM
I built it in N of my favorite kits. Careful with the roof details, they're delicate (probably more so in N).


Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
January 26, 2014, 02:55:20 PM
BTW, that gap at the bottom is makes it easier to plant the shrub that will conceal the corner.  ;)
Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
January 26, 2014, 02:52:03 PM
Here's what I'm working on...Shaw's Ridge by Bar Mills. I got this kit at the Expo for no reason or intended placement (which you can all understand). It's just a cool little structure!. What you see here is a very basic shell, there is an extended front with two garage doors, external roof supports (never heard of 'em, but they look cool), a couple of skylights, awnings over the windows, and a shed roof off of the wall with the big sign.

Dioramas / Re: Davetown Books
January 25, 2014, 08:38:21 AM
Great work Dave!

I always feel an onset of Glaucoma when I visit Davetown (better get to the dispensary) 8)
Layout Tours / Re: Backwoods NE in Florida
January 19, 2014, 10:44:35 PM
Thanks for the compliments guys.

Today, in bits and pieces, I got a bit done. In the N scale area, I placed about a dozen figures, some details from the scrapbox, and planted a row of telephone poles including lines. I also went through my kits and stared at an undecided area for a while before finally deciding what could fit without compromising the scenic spaciousness I'm trying so hard for. In the photos I'm mocking up a Pulpwood loading yard. In the distance, the raw wood walls are from a Bar Mills Shaw's Ridge kit which I was nervous about until I rubber banded it together to check the footprint. Directly behind it will be a Fos Enginehouse that I am determined to hide among the trees. So there will need to be some pretty dense natural growth right behind the Bar Mills kit to isolate the enginehouse scene.

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