
Started by madharry, December 20, 2019, 12:40:55 PM

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Hi I have been missing in action for awhile. On a recent cruise to the Canary Islands our ship lost all propulsion and was towed back to Tenerife. We spent four extra days there and then four days at sea before returning to Blighty. To relieve my boredom I bought a fun thing which being a Cathedral is topical around Christmas time. It is a three D jigsaw which builds without glue into a nice model for the princely sum of 7 euros.
Here is the box.


The parts all pre-printed both sides on foamboard and they basically fit together with tabs. As a background model in a diorama it might work well.


The parts are very well made and the fit is very precise. The instructions just comprise of drawings identifying which parts go where.


Hey Harry:

Very cool. It's amazing what they can with this stuff.


PRR Modeler

Very neat Mike. I've been on 15 cruises and never had a issue like that.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Hi Curt,Yes it was a bit scary we were 40 miles from Tenerife cruising to Lanzarote when the electric motors to the props failed.Suddenly our cabin is shaking like a martini shaker ( 15 deck) as the captain is using the side thrusters to avoid grounding.A MayDay call and two tugs are pulling us stern first back to Tenerife.
The 3D puzzle intrigues me as it shows what can be achieved for not a lot of cash. I intend to dress it up so you will think it only cost $7.00


Glad our sea adventure had a happy ending.

I've always wondered how well those 3D puzzle come out and if they are worth the cash. The one you found is quite impressive.

Thanks for sharing and I'm anxious to see how it turns out.



Thanks for following Jaime and Karl.


Sounds like quite the adventure aboard ship.....neat cathedral Mike.  8)
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Sorry for the cruise 'excitement' Mike.  Glad to see you were able to build on the experience :-)

We brought back a kit for the Templar "Church of the True Cross" from one of our trips to Spain.  It's on my "to be built" list, along with a gazillion other kits. :-)

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Thanks Greg and Dave.
With so much white foam board corners showing I decided to use a brown felt tip pen to "paint" the parts to make the model more realistic. Also some of the parts show white daylight around small crosses etc. I decided to use a knife to remove these. Tedious but necessary.

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