Friday 31 January

Started by PRR Modeler, January 31, 2025, 07:13:35 AM

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All thanks for the condolences, it helped.

A bit of background of this cat...

We got this cat from one of our breeders customers last Sept. it was four years old and was in a sorry state. It's fur was all knotted up and it's eye was crusty and had a bad temper, biting everything, hissing and scratching at any touch. We took him to the vet and was diagnosed with feline herpes. 

After 4-5 vet visits the eye was good and had learned to be a normal cat. He had lived with a large dog that had abused him and took all his food. The owner made adjustments, but it scared the cat. With my daughters love and care over the next two months the cat was a fun loving animal that made him love him.

All was good until early January when one day while cleaning his eye blood showed up. More vets visits it did not get any better. We took him to our normal vet and in three days he went into surgery and that is when they found the cancer behind the eye and into other parts of the head. The doctor said the cancer was the fastest spreading version he had ever seen. That was the end.

It is amazing how an abused cat could turn into a loving member of the family and leave so quickly. It hit us all really hard! We will miss him.


Wife's best friend lost her dog to a similar very fast cancer in December.  It's tough!  We lost our previous dog to cancer, but thanks to the vet oncologist, we kept it well under control for about 2 years (until she got an inoperable tumor in her chest.)  I still miss her!

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

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