Scratchbuilt O scale Fishing Boat

Started by robert goslin, January 21, 2025, 05:11:06 AM

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Mr. Critter

I love this thing.  It just looks right.   And those night shots...  It could be a fishy-smelling Christmas decoration.

Well done, that man!

robert goslin

Thanks Tom, Jeff, Greg & Mr Critter.

I'm really happy with how it turned out.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

robert goslin

I have now added a couple of figures. I generally just use Preiser knockoffs, as the layout has about 80 figures all up.  I then repaint them, and re-sculpt if needed.
For these two, the seated one I just repainted, added a scratchbuilt sombrero, and a cigarette to his hand.

The tall one was a tourist, so was wearing a cap, and had a camera hanging around his neck, so I did a bit of surgery on him.
He is actually a 1/43 scale figures so in 1/48, scales out to 6' 4". He is known locally as Little Juan.

Down at Puerto Bogarto

Night time

Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back


Mr. Critter

Let's see.... Boatbuilder, hat-maker, cigarette roller, scenarist, casting director, and folk artist.

What a pile of little stories.  Wonderful scene. 

robert goslin

Thanks Philip for following along.

Thanks Mr Critter. I always enjoy scratchbuilding.  And a lot of the time have too, as what I want isn't available.
The figures I buy in bulk lots, so many are repeated.  Some I just paint in different colour clothing, but many I have cut and repositioned limbs, and / or added bulk to them to make them look different, sometimes with the same figures actually next to each other.
And many are wearing sombrero's so the hats were scratchbuilt from card circles for the brim and paintbrush handle ends for the crowns.
I've never found O scale Mexican civilian figures anywhere, except for western style bandits.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

Dave Buchholz

Any pics of the actual addition for the wiring of the lights?
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario

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