Thursday November 7, 2024

Started by Jim Donovan, November 07, 2024, 08:16:48 AM

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Jim Donovan

Good Morning All;

Good news, political ads have stopped, bad news ads by trial lawyers promising millions for your suffering will now fill the gap. Oh well.

Today's plan calls for more CAD work on the re-worked Flour Mill. I enjoy it and it is coming along. I have a vision in my mind of how it will look with historical photos to reference, loving it. Learning a lot.

Hope everyone has a great day. Dave I did not have the issues you are running into, not sure what doctors you are using but in Florida there are a couple organizations that are the true pros for this stuff. St Luke's is probably the best and Mid-Florida a close second. These days I ask how many of this (fill in the blank) surgery they have done, if they know the number I don't want them, I want the person who says 'too many to remember'.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Good morning,

I wish Youtube would allow me to exclude all the references to political videos.


Quote from: MartyO on November 07, 2024, 08:46:29 AMGood morning,

I wish Youtube would allow me to exclude all the references to political videos.

I wish my YoutubeTV subscription would provide me with a Youtube premium subscription to eliminate all ads on Youtube.


 Morning, a chilly 39 now heading to the upper 40's with overcast skies. Hope all have a great day...Tommy
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Afternoon all,

85 and cloudy here in Lake Mary.  I think I'll open a new (okay, old/new) kit this afternoon.  Of course, I'll take some pictures of the journey.  ;)

When I had my cataract surgery done, I wasn't required to give myself any eye drops before or after the surgery.  It seemed like everyone in the surgery center gave me eye drops but I didn't have to deal with them.  They inserted some kind of disk into my eyes, along with the lens, that dissolved and dispensed medication.  I went with the mono vision option.  My left eye is good for close up work and my right eye is good for distance.  No need for glasses.  Kind of odd, but your brain gets used to it in no time at all.  8)

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.

R Edington

Afternoon everybody,

 It's sunny and 66 degrees out. Calling for more rain tomorrow.

 I need to get the bag-n-wagon out and vacuum the leaves this afternoon.

  Working on a craft paint carousel that will hold 84 bottles.
Will be cut on the laser out of 4mm plywood that's available at the local big box store. The base measures just over 12" wide and 12" deep. The bottom will have a drawer to keep brushes and stuff in.

 Have a great day

Jim Donovan

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Having problems getting signed in yesterday, morning all.....
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

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