Happy Valentine Day - Feb 14, 2025

Started by Jim Donovan, February 14, 2025, 07:26:29 AM

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Jim Donovan

Hope everyone remembers the Hallmark Card promotion day! Woke up to the smell of dark french roast coffee! Simple toast with jelly on the menu today. Weather? Well let's just say you should be down here in Florida today!

I worked on making and installing just ten outdoor lights on the flour mill yesterday, those hair thin magnetic wires are a pain in the a@@ to thread and solder. But it is done and who knows what we will get into today. I do know I am taking my sweetie out for dinner later.. Have a great day. folks.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Thanks for opening Jim. Florida weather!!! Why what's wrong with a little So. Central Wisconsin Valentine Day weather? It's a bit crispy at an actual -1f degrees but feels like -15. It's heading to a warm +25 degrees this afternoon! Ok bundle up if your going outside for the daily walk as I guess in Florida there will be no bundling up needed...

Good morning! We don't do Valentine Day in our house. Just a money grab. Dinner though is messed up. Most of our Friday fish fry places are booked in the 6 to 7:30pm time slots. If Terry really needs her Walleye or Perch today it maybe at the. 5pm senior time. Not the end of the world if we eat early.

I'll see the train room quite a bit today. No available work sessions or operating sessions as the MadCity train show setup is today. Most of the guys I operate with are either setting up club modular layouts or are volunteering for show functions for the local NMRA

Enjoy the day


21 heading to 30 today.  Snow coming this weekend, at least a foot they say.  And one forecast says it'll change to sleet and freezing rain late Saturday, I hope not!

More work on the Ambroid car today, I should start assembling the sides.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Morning all,

I better not forget Valentines Day. Our first date was on Valentines Day and we got engaged on Valentines Day. Would have been married on Valentines Day as well had it been on a weekend but we had to settle for the 10th instead.

Just finished my walk. Might spread some mulch later and then hit the workbench. 

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Morning all.

Eight degrees here this morning and more snow today.  This will add to the 8 to 10 inches we had earlier in the week. 

I've got a four day weekend with nothing planned.  Need to finish the roofs on the FSM kit. 



Good morning folks,

Jim, thanks for opening.

Looks like a decent day is in store here.  The sun is shining brightly and it will warm to 56F.

Have fun,


G Morning! We celebrated yesterday. We picked up our new glasses and we don't like the new view....dust everywhere. We have been married 48 years enduring the test of time. 

We also bought donation items for the flood survivors. The volunteer truck is leaving next week.

I'm in the middle of 3d printing and about to declare UNCLE..I give up.

Paying more utility bills today. Thanks for the coffee and have a great day!

p.s. Forgot to mention the beloved Hobby Lobby visit!


Good morning everyone.

Jim, thanks for the second cup.

Barstow, CA weather: very windy with temps in the upper 50's.

Star and I will walk some of the OHV trail here to see how muddy it got from yesterdays rain.

Have a great day everyone.


Hazy bright and cold, teens after a single digit start.  Another big snow to start after dinner time and last well into tomorrow. 

No plans, yet, but it's early.

Best to all the sweetheartsout there today.



Mornin,' All!

14, feels like 6 and headed to 26 under a thin grey blanket here in the northern mitten today. Supposed to be "good" all day, and then have the WGFA kick in tonight and tomorrow morning just in time for the Division meeting.  Why am I not surprised??

Errands today, then more bench time.  Make it a great day, all, and stay safe!

in Michigan


Morning All,

For the first time, my wife and I agreed we didn't need to "participate" in the Hallmark holiday. We had date night last night anyway.

I hope to make some real directional progress this weekend as my track/layout planning is becoming clearer and my benchwork base is pretty much ready to build upon. I'll share to my layout thread soon.

Have a good Friday for those of you that don't have Saturdays all week.


Good morning from the lower Merrimack Valley. It's clear, windy and just below freezing with a few inches of very crunchy snow on the ground.  Our weekend forecast is pretty definite about rain late in the storm, but if I go out with the kid before noon we won't need to work on Washington's Birthday.

I was tinkering with track yesterday; my inventory of Code 83 is way beyond what I need to finish the layout so I'll see if any HUB people need some.  Back upstairs after lunch to install a guardrail on a turnout where I pushed the limits a bit (it looks like a streetcar switch, but I work with them a lot in 1:1).


Afternoon all,

No card exchange here either, but we did exchange gifts. She got a pair of earrings she picked out last month and I got a gift card for the local hobby shop.

I'm in the train shed working on the flat iron. Update to follow later this afternoon.

Hope all are having a great day.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

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