What building is this?

Started by Erieman, May 23, 2017, 10:40:16 PM

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I'm speechless! What a superb model you've built. I'm giddy just seeing what a fantastic job you've done and knowing I'll be the new owner is wonderful.

Really, superior modeling my friend.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


So I get a call from Mr. Erieman - John do you have the FSM Rock Bunker Kit? Can you check if these castings are part of the kit. Picture shows up on my cell phone.  I need the castings for my special project.

So I check the yellow box inside the wonderful yellow box and sure enough here are the castings that Frank needs.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


So I tell Frank I'll make a couple with the molds I'm making for my scratch build job.  I don't know if the mold will fill - haven't had much luck making real small resin castings. And I make a couple and the look like I expected. 

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


So I didn't want to let Frank down,  because he's making a special build for a special friend so I decide to make a spin casting machine to try and fill the molds.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


So my high tech low cost spin casting machine is a success.

Here are a few of the castings that I was able to produce this afternoon.

As I protected the process I was even able to fill the mold enough to cast the shaft on the gear box.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


And here is the spin casting machine. A needle in the right place to get the air out and I was able to get enough centrifugal force to fill the mold. It was a fun little mini project.

Frank the casting will be on their way this week.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


after a bad start with the water towers in the building, I used spray cement to attach the wood siding to the plastic inner. I installed the wooden siding wet onto the plastic inner. As the wood dried, it shrunk. That was problem one. The second problem was installing the second wooden piece onto the plastic form at the same time. About an hour later. both pieces were dry, but they has shrunk apart from both ends, hence about 1/16 gap at both ends. BAD.

I ran out of wooden siding, so it was another trip to the LHS today to pick a package of 1/32 thick with 1/16 spacing. I has to recut the plastic inners, then formed four pieces of wood. Now I let them dry for several hours, then applied double sided tape to the plastic pipe inner. They now fit nice and tight and look beautiful. Strapping comes next then weathering, then the water barrels will be done.

With John Siekirk's help, the next area will be the platforms around the building. As you may have noticed, John cast me a motor and drive mechanism for the conveyor. I love progress. I'll post a pic tomorrow.

Frank / Erieman


Good Morning All,

Now that much of the pruning has been done outside, it is time to get back the the subject at hand. Both water tanks have their new wooden skin on them. Now I need to apply the metal bands to the barrels and add some leak effects to them. A little glue to the base and I'll be done with the barrels. Then I can build the wooden supports at the rear of the slanted roof.

Next up will be the awning over the sorting / delivery platforms.

Frank / Erieman


PRR Modeler

I will second Donato with beautiful job.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Curt and Donato,

Thank you fore your kind words. Progress is really underway this past week. I have finished the awning over the platform. The water tanks are also completed. Notice the banding around the tanks. The low portion of the tank has bands closer together and less close towards the top of the tank. The legs and associated bracing for the platform are still be completed. The final major element will be the water tank on the top of the structure. Here is a pic of the current status.

Frank / Erieman


Hey Frank:

very nicely done. You have more patience than I do.



Quote from: postalkarl on September 28, 2017, 07:30:21 AM
Hey Frank:

very nicely done. You have more patience than I do.



Thanks for your kind words. I don't know about patience. Someday's I wonder what I am doing in the hobby. Only kidding. I really enjoy building scratch structures. I already have a couple more scratchbuilds in the cue. My wife thinks I'm crazy. NOT.

Well I spent the afternoon finishing the railings on the base of the structure. All the railings are done and it was time to mount the structure to the base. I also finished the light that will be mounted on the edge of the building overlooking the platform. I made the light fixture a bit too long, so the light will have to be one of the last item installed. As part of the shipping component, there will be a 1" block of foam under the building and the post will fit in a hole in the foam. That's one way to handle my mistake! Now to start the water tank and support on the roof.

Here is a pic of the two building elements clamped together.

Frank / Erieman



I'm very amazed at the quality of these structures. They are absolutely wonderful and will look natural in The Town of Tahope.

Really fantastic and superior craftsmanship Frank.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

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