Bergen Houses

Started by madharry, December 26, 2017, 06:28:31 AM

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Good looking row of buildings Mike



Thanks Curt and Jim for following along.
Mike :)


Madman Mike,

     Move your wrinkly old overseas arse!  My half blind as a bat grandmother moves faster than your current set n glue practices:

     The above in no way can be directed to you Sir.  I'm enjoying your building of a very cool layout indeed

For some reason, I'm captivated with everyone else watching, you go girl!.  Keep up the great work bossman.   

           Ok, I'll go now.  Thanx Thom...


Thanks Thom, BTW I'm am working on my glutes to ensure they are not too wrinkly while working on the model - it is called multi-tasking........ :)



Mike this is a very interesting project, will you do it as the photo shows , with the water?
I like the way its going, looking good. I have never been much of a scratch builder but I think I'm getting the itch to try.
Ontario, Canada
The Great White North

My Layout Venture->


Yes Lynn the block will plumbed in to the Norway show layout and there will be a harbour, boats etc............
The layout is due at an exhbition in Sep 2019 and I am still wrestling with the detail. :-\



Mike I can see this will be an awsome scene with the water included.  ;)
Ontario, Canada
The Great White North

My Layout Venture->


I have resolved to finish these so I can proceed with my ship kit. I have started to attach the sides and rear to the fronts. A lot of finagling going on but I am getting there.

I added some more window displays. The orange store has a motor boat and out board motor. Pels Design has a display of fine chairs. The courtyard leading into the restaurant/bar has been paved.............



Hey Mike:

They are looking really great. Love all the signs.


PRR Modeler

Great looking row of buildings Mike.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Was going to visit Bergen , this way I don't have to  ;)
I love photo's, don't we all.


Quote from: Janbouli on April 11, 2018, 03:25:01 AM
Was going to visit Bergen , this way I don't have to  ;)
It's worth the visit, anyway.  And the mountain trains are a lot of fun.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Thanks Karl, Curt and Jan for your nice comments.

The rear of the buildings will not be seen. So doing an Earl Smallshaw etc the rears are 2mm thick cardboard. Somewhere down the line I made an error and in the measuring the front heights against the backs, I found a small difference of 1.5 to 2 scale feet on the apex on three of the structures......

So I used small pieces of wood cut to size to rectify the matter before I start fitting the roofs. The pieces of wood were cut from free coffee stirrers!



The roofs of the actual warehouses are finished with beautiful Terracotta Pantiles. I could go two ways with this and the cheap option would be to use Scalescenes paper download pantiles. I have got some sheets in stock so the cost would be zero. However I am only going to construct this section of buildings once. So having saved a bunch of money on my cardboard and coffee stirrers...........

I am splurging $60 on five sheets of Redutex - the difference between the two is obvious from the picture. I am going to use three different tones to give the block of buildings some variation.




I have added blinds and curtains to the windows of the buildings as per photos of the real thing. Next I cut the cardboard roofs which are all slightly different given the size and different heights of the structures. I then added thick wooden beams to the apex of each.


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