Shadowlands and Tellynott

Started by Mark Dalrymple, July 04, 2019, 05:24:25 PM

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Hey Mark:

Looks just great. Keep the pics flowing.

Mark Dalrymple

Hi guys.

This is a bit of an experiment to see if these photos arrive as intended.

Here is a geographical map of my fictional layout. This is south Westland and north Fiordland.

And here I have attempted to give a pictorial interpretation of my track plan.

Cheers, Mark.



Now that the forum is back, I can't wait to see your progress on your layout. I have see some photos in the Narrow Gauge Mag, but now your updates can be more frequent. It looks like a wonderful project. Looking forward to your next post.

Frank / Erieman 


What Frank said.....and don't forget, we love pictures.  ;D
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

Mark Dalrymple

Quote from: Erieman on November 14, 2023, 09:08:26 PMMark,

Now that the forum is back, I can't wait to see your progress on your layout. I have see some photos in the Narrow Gauge Mag, but now your updates can be more frequent. It looks like a wonderful project. Looking forward to your next post.

Frank / Erieman

Thanks, Frank.

I'll have to catch those up who haven't seen that progress, but I'll intersperse it with my current progress.  Lots to do...  I have a couple of major structure builds on the go - one just in the design stage, one a bit further on.  We have a modelling weekend next weekend so I hope to make some good progress.

Cheers, Mark.

Mark Dalrymple

Quote from: GPdemayo on November 15, 2023, 07:02:42 AMWhat Frank said.....and don't forget, we love pictures.  ;D

Thanks, Greg.

Yep - there will be loads of photos.  I'll try and show all that messy trial and error stuff in my design stage that I feel is so important in getting the scenes right.

Cheers, Mark.

Mark Dalrymple

Hi guys.

There is lots to catch up on, but I thought I'd start with the beginnings of a new project.  So - I have always wanted to build the Hyde pulp mill, but don't own the kit, and have spent enough time with Master Creations kits to know I'd rather scratch-build it anyway.  I also wanted to change it up significantly.  Now as you all know by now - I spend a lot of time in the design phase.  So I'm going to try and walk you through some of that process.  Just a glimpse of some of the mess I create on the way to the glossy end picture (I hope).

Firstly, with a pretty good idea of building sizes and shapes, and some idea about what I might be able to do with these shapes, I started looking at track arrangements.

Photo 1 - The cork roadbed to the right is the main line.  A downwards gradient starts on the main line about where the word 'goldfoam' is written.  A curved set of points leave the main line just out of shot leading to the straight track and then the short wye.  I also tried curved and straight turnouts in place of the wye.

Photo 2 - This led to various structure configurations such as pictured here.  Things felt rather congested and teetering on the edge of the world.  You can see I have built cardboard mock-ups of the main structures.  the main mill I built as two separate parts, as I always intended to create some sort of angle in the middle.

Photo 3 - I briefly flirted with the idea of a switchback, but it quickly became obvious that this gobbled way too much space.

Photo 4 - After - and I'm not going to lie or sugar coat this - days of trial and error and taking photos and looking at them on the computer and mulling things over - it finally dawned on me that there might be room on the main line for two sets of curved points to service the mill.  Now I know for many of you this would be a no no, but my trains are just an excuse for me to build a miniature world - and that miniature world looking cool is my number one priority.  So here we see two Peco curved turnouts on the main line.  Aesthetically they look lovely, and they both fit in easily before the gradient starts.

Photo 5 - And so finally I settled on this as the best way of getting trackage to my pulp mill.

This was just the first problem - now I moved on to final tweaking of the track, the positioning of those structures, playing with that angle, potentially adding changes in height, and adding additional buildings to the complex.

More soon, cheers, Mark.


Mark, Cheers,

I like the idea of the curved turnout off the mainline.

The first photo of the mockup buildings looks better to me. But then it's your railroad.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Mark Dalrymple

QuoteI like the idea of the curved turnout off the mainline.

The first photo of the mockup buildings looks better to me. But then it's your railroad.

Thanks, Tom.

Its turnouts, plural.  By putting in two curved turnouts in a row, both on the main line, I was able to get a bit of separation between the two tracks feeding the mill and also get a bit more of a curve kind of following the curve of the main line.  This meant I could get a bit more spread between the various mill structures and keep things back a bit more from the layout edge.  Regards the buildings - we have a long way in the design phase to go yet.  I'm waiting for that eureka moment when I say - ohh, that works!  I certainly hadn't got there by this stage.  I'm just really checking to see if things will fit.

Cheers, Mark.

Mark Dalrymple

Hi guys.

Photo 1 - I drew a bit of a plan to get my head around what I was trying to achieve.

Photo 2 - I stole some pre made moch-ups from my Thorndike mills kitbash mock-up.  This was to help me visualize the mill extension.  The walkover to the left will not be included.  I tried adding the smaller part of the Thorndike structure to create a U-shape.  I was also playing with different heights here.

Photo 3 - Here we are looking from the front.  In my usual fashion, when things are looking a bit too cluttered - add more.  Here I am trying the idea of a river running through the mill.

photo 4 - Her is a view back the other way.  You can see the tunnel porthole here.  I tried the small Thorndike extension back the other way

photo 5 - A better look at the little enclosed courtyard area created with the small extension this way around.

Photo 6 - An aerial view.  I was still very uncomfortable with how close these structures were to the front of the layout.  I'm liking the river idea.

  More soon, cheers, Mark.

Mark Dalrymple

Hi again.  Part 2.

Photo 7 - Here I am addressing the closeness of the structures to the layout edge.  I added a kink in the trackwork back the other way following the main line around.  This added a bit of length to the two spurs and pulled the structures back from the edge.  I also made the tracks parallel.  The angle between the two tracks and the main mill and storage/ shipping building had been bothering me.  I also took out the 45 degree angle between the two halves of the main mill structure and replaced it with a 90 degree angle.  This pulled the building right back from the edge.  I then took out the main part of the Thorndike structure and put the extension in its place, doing away with the extra right angle.  Also the height difference has been removed.  This was my eureka moment.  This simplification and reduction in the size of the complex seemed to pull the structure together.  This is the moment where I said out loud 'now THAT works'.

photo 8 - The side view showing the reduction in the size of the extension.  Note the small extension is on slightly elevated land - a small variation in height.

photo 9 - A view back the other way.  I like the main mill and shipping/ storage shed parallel.  These two structures will be joined by an aerial walkway.

photo 10 - Finally I tried adding some height to the hopper.  I'm a little undecided - but I think the added height differentiates the various roof lines enough to merit the extra height.

photo 11 - A view from above and in front showing the entire complex.  The chipping shed at right feeds the hopper with an aerial angled covered conveyor.

More soon, cheers, Mark.

Mark Dalrymple

Hi guys.

I cut out a foundation out of a piece of 16mm MDF and glued for block courses of Wills plasticard to the side.  These were mitred on the corners, taped and puttied.

The walls were marked out on clapboard siding and openings cut.  I then weathered my wood using Golden 'Titan buff' dirtied up with a bit of Woodland Scenics slate grey and stone grey, dabbed on and smeared and then lightly wiped off with a paper towel.  Finally I gave them an A&I wash and weighted them down to dry.  Here they are with windows and doors in place.  I will be scratchbuilding a few doors and I also kitbashed a couple of doors. adding frames from L-shaped Evergreen strip styrene and thresholds from strip 10x2's along with a few other small alterations.

First the main mill.

And here is the extension and chipping shed.

I still have the shipping/ storage building, boiler house, pumphouse and hopper walls to do.  I likely already have enough ready for my modelling weekend.  Stripwood is stained and ready and the doors shown in these photos are now primed and ready for a top coat.

More soon, cheers, Mark.


I've always liked that kit, looking forward to see how this looks when you get finished Mark.  :)
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

PRR Modeler

I will definitely be following along again.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Mark Dalrymple

QuoteI've always liked that kit, looking forward to see how this looks when you get finished Mark.  :)

Thanks, Gregory.

Yep - its a pretty neat kit with all the different smaller structures, and the overhang makes it pretty unique.  I hope my changes, additions and setting enhance it's good points.

Cheers, Mark.

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