Backwoods NE in Florida

Started by cuse, December 21, 2013, 08:35:32 AM

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I love the concept of the shadow box. No lights shining in your face; a focused view of the layout and an easy way to keep the layout clean when not in use.


This morning I trimmed some homasote scraps to the approximate landforms and placed them back on the modules to help visualize the design. On the left (hotel) end, I'll have a nice low trestle over some tidal flats, lots of trees on a low hill along the anticipated photo backdrop and "hugging" Martin Machine. In front of the hotel, I plan to elevate the little lighthouse up on a stone pedestal and surround it with rip rap and some little fishing shacks on stilts with some precarious walkways and staircases made of weathered strip wood. I'm not sure how I'll handle the little station, but if I leave it there, I'll put it at least partially on pilings and rip rap. I hope to fool around with seaweed and tidelines around this area.

On the right (wharf) end, the wooden wall is/will be Fos' Executioners Rocks main building, which I would like to elevate dramatically. The two paper buildings will be from Bar Mills Cundy Harbor. The beautiful Red Hook 2 warehouse, will likely be saved for another module, as I think Fos' Printers Row would make a more appropriate row of background structures on a slight elevation. Check back tomorrow, when I'll likely change the whole thing around.  ;D



There are some great mini scenes to be had in those John. I like what you are doing.



This is really looking very good. Perhaps when you get to the back drop, you can blend in the braces by using some of the colors in the back ground.

Again, looking really good. Of course there is still tomorrow to come. ??? ???

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Hi John

I'm watching your progress - I really like the way your using visualization aids to help with your design. I think it's a good idea to wait until you have your backdrops before you finalize anything.  I think it's very important to use size to create depth in the scenes.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Wow John!  Things are moving right along and looking terrific.  You and Tom make me feel like a real slacker.  At least when I compare the progress I'm making to what Tom's doing I can justify my snails pace by telling myself I'm still working and he's retired.  I can't do that when I compare my progress to the progress you're making!   :o

I have that little water tank set aside for you and, if you haven't seen it yet, the DVD from BEST on building vehicles that features none other then the forums master truck builder Mr. Raymo.  Just give me a holler when you want them. 
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Thanks guys. Benchwork is fun because you can really make a jump quickly. Today, I actually ran a train - before you congratulate me, remember it's just a small stretch of track through two modules. My wife's brother is coming into town this week and I wanted to at least blow the whistle a bit. I was a bit disappointed by my Blackstone loco's performance through the Peco crossing...hopefully, another set of feeders on the other side will help. In the meantime, I will follow ACL Tom's example..."The Judge will be blamed for everything until he joins the forum."

A box arrived from Mr. Foscale today also...Printers Row...another masterpiece to put on my shelf for a bit before I steel myself to jump in (maybe Reading Bob will be free for a bit of help ::) ).



Quote from: Cuse on December 27, 2015, 08:22:18 PM
Thanks guys. Benchwork is fun because you can really make a jump quickly. Today, I actually ran a train - before you congratulate me, remember it's just a small stretch of track through two modules. My wife's brother is coming into town this week and I wanted to at least blow the whistle a bit. I was a bit disappointed by my Blackstone loco's performance through the Peco crossing...hopefully, another set of feeders on the other side will help. In the meantime, I will follow ACL Tom's example..."The Judge will be blamed for everything until he joins the forum."

A box arrived from Mr. Foscale today also...Printers Row...another masterpiece to put on my shelf for a bit before I steel myself to jump in (maybe Reading Bob will be free for a bit of help ::) ).


It could happen John but first I need to get through The Red Light District which I just started (I'll do a thread once I get far enough along that I have something to show).   ;)
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.



Your new layout concept is coming together very nicely. I was thinking that your new layout and mine have one huge thing in common other than being new to us in concept.

My second level will actually be a shadow box as well. When the third level is up and the lights are installed for the second level, I'll have a shadow box effect for the second level. Now I'm getting excited for us both.

Fantastic start my friend.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Always great to have a train running.   ;D



Here's what I'm working on now...test fit temporary photo backdrops. My buddy printed on heavy photo paper (which seems sufficient), but he wants me to note any changes or sizing ideas and he'll reprint on a "vinyl" which he feels will make a more permanent product. Pretty interesting sitting next to a pro and watching him work...feathering clouds, etc..."you want anymore evergreens over here?".

Just masking tape for now...eventually seamless and perfectly flat.



The backdrops are beautiful.....I think that the scale of the trees are spot on the right scale for the buildings in front of them.


John, this is really coming together nicely. That inside brace is still troubling me though. I know you probably have  your own reasons why it has to be inside, but if it were me I would have put it on the outside, it still would be just as strong. But then you couldn't put anything on top of it.



Great backdrop John , blends beautifully .
I love photo's, don't we all.



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