Building a Gallows Turntable for the Horace and William Creek R.R.

Started by DACS, June 19, 2014, 08:05:08 PM

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You are lucky I just happened to drop in for a look see.  I have not been into the forum for a loooong time now.  Too much time, so little to!  Strike that.
Why is because I have pretty much dropped out of model railroading and gone back to building scale wooden model ships.

What puzzles me about my thread here, is all the center mount tubing and electrical wiper work I had put here, is gone!  I had taken this all the way to even showing how I built the actual pit and the end support wheels.  That is all gone....!!  This thread was 10 pages at the very least.

The ring rail support beams, are the same as the full size template.  The dimension I actually changed, was the ring rail diameter.  The beams are not that width.  I did not widen the bridge assembly either.   It had to do with the scratchbuilt spider assembly.   I am sorry for the mix up.  Here I thought I was perfect.  Ignore the drawing I made.  I should probably go back and do some editing there.

If you will notice on this page, I am using the actual drawings, cut out and glued to the scale lumber I am actually using.  I am glad you caught this.  I did not notice my screw up.

If you just follow the drawings, you will not go wrong.  I have built two functioning turntables for myself,  and they are identical and they operate flawlessly.  I built two for another railroader and they are operating flawlessly also.

I am never having another birthday.  The candles for the cake are starting to cost too much!


I do not know what happened with the thread, but there are several pages missing.  It took the building of this T/T all the way to completion!  Including everything seen in the first pic.


Unless the administrators have it all saved somewhere, should I redo the missing last half?  That was a lot of work...gone!

I am never having another birthday.  The candles for the cake are starting to cost too much!


Hi Dave.....good luck with the ship building, but I hope you get back to railroading also.

I understand your interest in ships. I have 3 unfinished Billings Boats kits and 1 not started (the Blue Nose) that I hope to get back to one day.
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Hey Gregory, thank you for dropping in and your great comment!

There is a pic of the turntable at the very beginning of the thread.  I do not have a pic of it on my module.  The HWCRR is pretty much defunct.  In my above post, I said they "operate" flawlessly, it should have read "operated."  Typo!!

I will re-post a little later, some pics of the table as it appeared on the missing pages of this thread.  I may also take the time to redo the pages of the missing thread.

I stated also, earlier in the thread, that I could not show how I built the locking mechanisms, because I could not find the file of the pics.  Well, I found them in a hidden file.
So, I may go back and do some editing there also.  Including the how to on building the locking mechanism.

I am never having another birthday.  The candles for the cake are starting to cost too much!


I, for one, am looking forward to seeing more photos and how-to posts on this great project. 

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Yes, I saw that you were using the paper as your background temp,ages...that's what was confusing....I' so glad you did drop in for the "look see"., as it does make it all come together.  And I did wonder what became of the rest of the series, as it did seem a little  'unfinished'.  That explains a lot.  If you find that the rest was somehow dropped by mistake and they can republish, that would be awesome.  And if they don't, and you still have them and want to repost...that would be even " more awesomer". Hehe.  Anyway, I have rad this like ten times, prepping myself.  I've gotten all of my materials RESIZED, RESCALED for the Spider into HO....EXCEPT the center bushing setup.....still trying to figure out what to do there....along the lines you did....I'm sure I'll come up with something soon.

I just want to add, that this has been a great inspirational and instructional series.  I thank you very much.   I will strive to be as concise and precise as you.  You know the saying....copying someone's work is the best form of flattery, or something like that.  I hope to make you proud!

I'll be looking to see if the rest gets reposted.  Good luck on the ship building...hope to see some posts on them somewhere.  I'm sure they'll be as awesome as this.
:) :) :) ;)
Warmest regards,

Charlotte, NC area


Dave,  sorry, I forgot to address my reply to YOU, forgot to add your name.  MY BAD.....getting excited to start soon.


Charlotte, NC Area


As long as the bushing and center post are small enough, it will be okay.  It does not show that much  anyway.  You will probably have to do the axles differently as the tubing I used is about as small as it gets.  Unless of course, I don't know what I am talking about.
I can get very small bushings, it would just mean your center would be different as far as the spacing of the sixteen axles.  But, it is not impossible.
I can go to my hardware store and see what the smallest available is and let you know.  If you cannot find them, perhaps arrangements can be made to get them to you.  If that would be okay and help you.


I am never having another birthday.  The candles for the cake are starting to cost too much!


I think I may have found a solution today.  Since I am building this in HO, I naturally had to shrink down your hardware list, starting with the 5/8" tube down to 3/8" OD.  I found a brass bushing with an 3/8" ID, and enough wall thickness to give me some 'meat' to drill thru, and then found some Nylon type bushings to reduce the inside of the 3/8 tube to be able to hook up to the gearbox.  One advantage I my have, besides your guidance, is that I work in the architecture industry, and I have design software such as Adobe, Autocad & Revit to help me with the scale reductions.  So I can calculate the new 16 axle locations on the center bushing setup.  Also, if my measurements were correct, the TT pattern was 50' long, and I'm stretching mine to 65', as I have some 3-Truck Shays & Climaxes.  I'll be 'mocking up' the new center setup tomorrow, both on the computer on physically....

I appreciate the offer for parts help...and if my theory and 'mental assembly' doesn't pan out, I'll take you up on it.  I'll keep you posted.

One thing I may take you up on is advice as to posting my version of your exquisite version on this forum for us HO'ers.

See ya'll soon.

Logger Mike
Charlotte, NC.


Another thing that I'm having to do differently because of scale change is the spider wheels.....I'm starting off with N-Scale 36" metal wheels and axles, so Yes, I'll need to rework them.....but welcome the challenge.  This is going to be some much fun!


Mike, I have lost my copies of the thread, so this is going to be a little more difficult to replace than I first thought.   I am pretty sure I have all the pics though.   I am going to have to go over it all very carefully, so I do not leave anything out.  As this goes, please do not hesitate to ask me about any part of it.  That way, all aspects will get covered.

I am very flattered about your enthusiasm with this.  Posting this in the HO section would be great!   I would be glad to work with you on this. 


I am never having another birthday.  The candles for the cake are starting to cost too much!


That'll be great for any qui dance you may offer as I go along.....I'm pretty certain that I'll have plenty to do just getting up to the stage of the last post showing....So "you have some time" hehe. ;D

Thanks for the help so far is much appreciated.

Going forward!




"Qui dance" was supposed to be "advice" :-[ :-\



Well Mike, I thought it was french?   Does not qui dans(c)e mean: "the one who will make you dance?"  Referring to a person... Or something like that? :D


I am never having another birthday.  The candles for the cake are starting to cost too much!


Dave, I think so....but my French is A LOT rusty.. :P

Have started The HO CONVERSION....with my own little adjustments....Base is built, Bottom ring base built, going to start on Spider Assembly itself  today.  Am taking pictures and writing narrative along the way....Will start posting in New thread Shortly.


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