North Pole Square of The Polar Express

Started by carl b, September 18, 2021, 12:56:56 PM

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Hey Carl:

As I said it looks great. Keep the photos coming. I'm very much enjoying your build.


carl b

Will do Karl. Next update is tomorrow Nov. 11

carl b

In the movie, the Polar Express coach car was one of several carrying children to the North Pole. 

See a still of the movie car here:

I already had a Labelle Co. Interurban car wood kit on hand, that will do. It's the first one I've ever built.

The instructions are single spaced typed, run together, and assume complete familiarity with coach car terminology and parts identification. I have neither, I freely admit to building 95% structures.

Spreading all the parts out shed very little light on this project. I had to do much on-line research and learn some new stuff....The wood is well machined and fuzz free.

These larger pieces are "window posts", which are separately applied in between each window. The smaller sizes are "Mullion casings" and are installed in the narrow gaps.

The scribed siding is underneath the windows and short lengths are spliced together to make the necessary length.

I have glued the passenger doors at the ends, and am building up the front and back doors.

"Bumpers" & "formers" are used to assemble the three sections together. I pre-painted many of these parts.

The clerestory has the window casing itself, and inserts to provide some definition between windows.

Till next time...more of the same...


PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

carl b

Thanks you Curt. I am building just this one car.


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln



I just got caught up with your build. Fantastic work!
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

carl b

Appreciate your comments Jerry and John. Thanks!


Hey Carl: 

It's coming along nicely.


carl b



This is the first build of a LaBelle passenger car I can remember.  I have a couple of those kits put away, so I'm watching this closely!

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to



Labelle has notoriously tough instructions.  I've built at least one of everything they have ever produced.  I did a series of construction article for Rick Steel about twelve years ago that cover most of the weird stuff that you can run into.

Here are two links that should get you there.  First is the page that shows about ten "How To" articles that I did and the second is the one specific to interurbans.

E mail me on the side if I can help .    Looks like you are on your way.

see ya
Did you ever notice how many towns are named after their water towers ! ?

carl b

Dave- Thanks for following.

Bob- Appreciate your offer & thoughts. I have accessed your articles on Labelle's site many times!
         I forgot to mention those resources in this thread. I highly recommend them.

carl b

Much fiddling, gluing, sanding and adjusting to get to this point.

The roof is not shaped correctly out of the box, till you make it that way. Adding pieces and sanding them down to the contour desired. As Bob P. mentioned, there are some helpful instructions concerning a few procedures to build these kits, on the company website.

I want the interior lit, but with opaque white windows. I am building an LED board with 3 lights, and it will tuck into the roof.

The underframe details were applied, and I worked from other sources I found on-line.

The roof was finished, painted and then glued on.

This will be a static model just for the foreground of the scene. I'm sure these are the wrong trucks, but I'm not being picky. I may have some Kadee couplers somewhere....

Till next time...


John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

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