Monday - September 27, 2021

Started by ReadingBob, September 27, 2021, 07:24:32 AM

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Morning all,

I have to confess....nothing got done at the workbench yesterday.  I just didn't have the motivation to do much of anything.  Now it's back to work.   :(

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Morning, all.

I've had no train motivation for a couple of weeks.  I'm also headed to work today.   :P



Good morning! I spent the last 3 days playing with the Grandkids.  I'm trying to let some of that energy power me into the layout room. We will see how well it works by the end of the day. I hope everyone has a great day. From the F&SM:

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Have a busy day at the house today. The shower install starts today with the demo of the old tub area. Also the freezer repair guy is coming today and luckily there is a extended warranty on it..

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision



Slowly slowly I am finishing the 1:1 outside work for this year. Just some pressure washing and Winter prep for the garden is left. Then it is back to the modelling.


Morning everyone

A crisp Autumn morning in South Jersey sunny/55.

Nothing on the modeling front over the weekend.
Well not really I did finish the small back roof on the Mill.

So there is only one more to go.

Everyone have a wonderful day!! :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

Jim Donovan

Good Morning Folks;

The weekend was great, go USA with the Ryder Cup win! I plan on playing 9 holes myself today. Then some bench time on my current effort. Love the photos guys. Hope everyone has a great day.

Jim D
Holland & Odessa Railroad

PRR Modeler

Great start to the shower job. The team showed up 40 minutes early :)
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Morning all,

Thank you everyone for the messages and emails. I'll answer each one as I get to them.

Both leg surgeries to remove the skin cancer were successful and no skin graft was done. Nor do I have any stiches to close the openings. They want the wounds to heal naturally. As a result, I've been confined to bed for the past week. I'm allowed to get up and play in the train shed for two hours per day starting today.

This Thursday I have the MRI and in two weeks I should have a better understanding as to the next step with the heart. What is really strange is I don't feel any different than I did 30 years ago. However, it seems like much has happened since my recovery from Covid-19.

I'll try to check back with ya'll in a day or two.

Have a great day ya'll.


In keeping with Reading Bob's photo -

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

PRR Modeler

I'm glad you're doing good at this point Tom.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Opa George

Tom, glad to hear of your progress and best wishes for continued progress and good health overall.

Seems like a lot of people had or have grandkid visits this week.  My grandsons were over yesterday and after some work from them on the layout (painting the surface of the swamp) they proceeded to run trains for two hours.  They developed their own system of operations, with one at the town end of the layout sending goods via flatcar, and the other at the swamp terminal, receiving goods by unloading the flatcar.

--Opa George
George Nagle
Twin Mountain Barge & Navigation Co.
Harrisburg, PA


Great news Tom...hope you have a speedy recovery...
Craft paints work fine...nice weather to enjoy today...
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Afternoon all,

Tom, best wishes for a speedy recovery...but be patient and do what you should.

How do the Navy Seals say it?    "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast"


Keep It Rusty

Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery, Tom.

Had a nice morning visiting with Mike Engler -- he has an excellent logging railroad.

Back to work now though!

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