Tuesday - November 9, 2021

Started by ReadingBob, November 09, 2021, 06:48:07 AM

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Morning all,

Another day with more code to test and programmers to deal with. 

More of Howard Zane's layout.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Good morning Bob, and those checking in later.

Looks like yet another nice day for some outside work.

Photo is from Dick Elwell's layout.

Everyone have a great day!


Morning. Another DR's appointment for my mother today, it's that time of year.


Another day of batting a contract back and forth, with microscopic analysis...Gotta keep my eyes on the prize and foot on the pedal.

I'm going to break out my Sierra West Woodcutter's Shack and (at least) take stock of where I'm at since I abandoned it sometime last year. Progress feeds progress, so I need to remove all of the hurdles I can. Sad that I need to grease the wheels so much to enjoy my hobby, but other things just fill my beehive of a mind right now...hopefully, not for much longer.

Life is good. Enjoy your day!




Very nice days to be inside staring outside.




Morning all,

In spite of my best intentions, I'm not doing anything on the layout or builds. Just don't seem to be interested.

Have a great day.

Tom  ;D

H. Zane layout -

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Have things to do with Dad tIday. The landscaping I did yesterday on the layout really looks bad so I have to think about what to do about fixing it.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Keep It Rusty

Morning all.

Been a beat. Busy with the other part of my life all last week!

Lots to catch up on here. Hope everyone is doing well!


I'm 80 today so I have to get serious if l'm going to complete all the kits that are in tubs and on shelves.
Jim Mueller
Westchester and Boston Railroad



Happy birthday.............    When we are five or six years old we want two or three birthdays in a year........ now that we are up here........ we only need one every five or six years.  ! ! ! !

Have a great day.

Did you ever notice how many towns are named after their water towers ! ?


I'd say "You're only as old as you feel" but some days that's Pretty Damn Old!  :-)  Happy Day!

Bob, in a Mac group there was a discussion on investing in hardware to decrease build time.  Reminded me of the Olden Days in the mid '90s when two of us worked hard to produce a system that maximized concurrency to drop system build times (several million lines of code for an Air Traffic Control system) from 2 hours to 30 minutes.  That gained big benefits during integration testing.

Nothing to report on the modeling front.  Over the weekend, I did build one of the Tichy Jib Crane kits (I need a bunch for the Laird Stone loading docks.)  That's a bit more difficult to build than I expected, lots of small fiddly parts and fishing scale chain through small openings....

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Happy B-D, Jim.  I'm at work.  Quick break (rare over the last 3 days).



Quote from: jrmueller on November 09, 2021, 10:11:46 AM
I'm 80 today so I have to get serious if l'm going to complete all the kits that are in tubs and on shelves.

Happy Birthday neighbor!

Don't feel old...our high school is celebrating it's 100th



Good morning everyone. Comcast outage this am. Heard it was a big one. Funny how losing the Internet -- something we didn't even have not too long ago -- seems so disastrous now.

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