Sunday, Nov. 14, 2021

Started by Zephyrus52246, November 14, 2021, 07:42:03 AM

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Morning, all.

Hawkeyes won an exciting contest yesterday, hopefully the Patriots will do the same today.  Still working on the home projects.  As it was a home game yesterday, there was no way I was going to try to go to Lowe's for the impact driver (that I still can't find  :o ).  Moved stuff on the layout looking for the driver, so that counts as layout work, doesn't it?   ::)   


Jim Donovan

Good Morning Folks;

Jeff tools have legs and cords tangle when not watched, seems to be a couple of laws of physics Sir Isaac Newton missed. Woke up a little on the chilly side, which normally means it is simple cold up north. I am finally making some progress on Skeeters build, hoping for some more today.

Keeping with the water theme here is a photo I took on recent trip to NH. This Hydro station and bridge are both over 100 years old and both still operating. Where else would you find a pump house made with Marble.

Jim D
Holland & Odessa Railroad


Good morning!  Chilly here as well this morning, but at least the sun is out.  Nothing planned for today, so things are wide open.  First, coffee.


Morning all,

I have a couple of small 1:1 stuff to do today and then some modeling. I'm going to try to get more done on the Pub Crawl build.

Nice and cool here this morning.

Have a great day.

Tom  ;D

F&SM -

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

A couple of chores then some train room time. UCF played horrible yesterday and deserved to lose. Wife decided to spend an extra day at her friend's house so she's back tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision



Still back to baseboards and refinishing the oak floors.


Back from a whirlwind trip to New England for a funeral.
One thing COVID hasn't affected is the crazies on I-95. Had forgotten how stressful that drive really is.
Clear calendar today and most of the coming week. Now, to stay focused.
Carpe diem!
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Morning all,

Sure can't argue with BandOGuy about the crazies on I-95.  I take it from FL to SC on our way to PA and then peel off and head West before heading North again just to avoid as much of it as possible.  It's really nuts around DC.   :o

Workbench time this afternoon.  Maybe I'll get something done.  ;)

More F&SM.


Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

Keep It Rusty

Morning all.

Happy Sunday. Little planned for the day — always a great plan for a Sunday.

Have a great day.


Good morning.  Attempt 3 at posting.  My internet is very slow.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Had our first snow of the season last night. Looks like 2 to 4 inches looking out the window.
Trees and grass are all covered with the white stuff. Snowplow just went by, so now we can go out and see how the roads are....
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Morning. A little late this morning posting. Needed to hit a couple of the big retail stores this morning before they became as nutty as Route 95 drivers.

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