Wednesday - Nov. 15, 2023

Started by GPdemayo, November 15, 2023, 06:59:02 AM

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Present.....good morning all.

Another gray, up north type day here in Florida. Haven't seen the sun in a few days and it kind of reminds me of the Northeast and upper Midwest.  :(

Have a house in Melbourne Beach to work on, but still waiting for the structural drawings.

Y'all have a good day.

Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Morning all,


As Greg said it is dreary here today. Pam says it looks like a snow day. I'm not sure what a snow day looks like but it is overcast and misty.

Have a safe and healthy day ya'll.


"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Jim Donovan

Good Morning Everyone;

Still feels good to say that. Our daughter and family have headed back to Ohio so the house is again ours. Today I hope to put a new printer on-line allowing me to print a 12 x 12 cardstock sheet for cutting in the Silhouette Cameo craft cutter. Also hope to continue work on 'Deb's Fashion and Clothing Mfg. Co.'. I got into using a craft laser and 3D printer while forum was down and this structure will use both extensively.Hope everyone enjoys the day.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Still alive, been busy getting my life back on track, renovating everything in my life. Almost ready to get back to modeling.

Have a great day.


Good morning everyone, it's going to be another clear sunny 80 degree day here in the beautiful Sonoran Desert 60 miles northwest of Phoenix. It's great to have the forum back and to be communicating with fellow modelers again. It's been a type of hobby wasteland witthout the forum. Thanks again Craig and Jim.
Jeff Firestone
Morristown, Arizona
modeling the New York Central in rural Ohio in the late 1940's


Good morning. 

The sun is shining this morning.  That happened a couple times last week but the upstate NY overcast arrived within an hour or two.  Will today be the day the sun stays out and we have blue sky?  I'll let you know tomorrow. 

Planning to work on some freight cars today.



Morning, all.

Quite a shock to read through my emails today and discover the forum is back.  Certainly good news.  Thanks to those that got it back up and running.

Today a haircut this morning, then mowing/mulching the leaves and then putting up the Christmas lights on the porch as it's in the 60s today.


PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

I actually forgot(from yesterday :o ) that the forum is back up. SMH

Today has been taken over by chores and with the weather I don't want to do any crane painting.

Tomorrow I'll be late since I am chauferring Dad to VA again.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning/ afternoon as I'm posting just before noon. Still checking out this forum after it not being around most of the past year.


Good evening from wet and cold Netherlands , very good to see familiar names here, have a nice day all .
I love photo's, don't we all.


Afternoon all,

Been a busy day at work.  I'm just now getting around to checking out the forums.  The extent of what I got done yesterday was to rattle can spray some roofing paper included in the kit I'm working on.  I hope to get more done over the upcoming (long) weekend.  ;)

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Good Day All,
It is good to be back and seeing many friendly faces/voices !!
Happy birthday Craig and thanks for your efforts in resurrecting our virtual sandbox, I sure have missed the camaraderie here.  And a happy birthday to you as well.
Hope all are well and I'm looking forward to seeing what all have been up to.
Also nice to see that Bob (ReadingBob) is still gainfully employed.  Sure wouldn't want him retiring to far ahead of me !
All the best,
Modeling the Atlantic & White Mtn Railway


And I am remiss in not also thanking Jim Donovan for his efforts as well in getting this site back up for us all to enjoy and share our model railroading efforts and adventures!

So thanks you to both Jim and Craig, very much appreciated,
Okay back to our regularly scheduled programming,
Modeling the Atlantic & White Mtn Railway

Jim Donovan

Happy Birthday Graig and Jerry. Hope you both had a great day.
Holland & Odessa Railroad

Rail and Tie

Hideho Neighbours! 

Great to be back. Lets make this forum great again!

Thanks Jim for making this happen.


Darryl Jacobs
Inter-Action Hobbies

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