Tuesday - December 26, 2023

Started by GPdemayo, December 26, 2023, 10:36:18 AM

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Morning all.....back to the daily routine and getting ready for the new year. Is it me or do the years seem to be flying by at warp speed?

Y'all have a great and don't forget the after Xmas sales..... ;)
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the more you get into it, the faster it seems to go.  :o

Have a good holiday season everyone.                                                       Thanx Thom...


Good Morning,

It is time to diet and start to remember and think about the future. There are only so many model/kit/dioramas to make before you need to take a nap.

I am clearing out most of my used NCE devices and rock bottom prices. I have,

- 10 Tortoise servo motors
- 19 NCE BD20 block detectors
- 2 NCE AUI detectors
- One Mono Tam Valley Frog juicer
- One dual Tam Valley Frog Juicer
- One Hex Tam Valley Frog Juicer

Private message me if you are interested.


Morning all,

I'm taking my last vacation day of the year today.  Just relaxing and perusing the X-mas presents from yesterday.  A couple of neat kits (not that I really needed anymore but I don't know what else to ask for).  Maybe some workbench time after lunch.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Oops.  I was going to say, "good morning", but it looks like the morning has slipped past me already.  What did Greg and Thom say about how fast life flashes by? 

I'm working on an old Durango Press kit, photos upcoming as I make more progress.

i hope everyone has a safe and rewarding day!


I survived a quiet Christmas, so it's back to the daily grind of the retired guy.  I did a bit of work yesterday, cut the walls for the brickworks office building.  I need to do the design work to locate the window and door openings.

window-door design.jpg

And a reassembled wall, after scribing, snapping, and gluing the parts back together.


Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to



After a quiet day at home yesterday!  :)

Not sure what's in this week's future.  Maybe some bench time!
I haven't done a thing on my building in over 2 weeks.

Everyone have a great day!!  ;D

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Good afternoon!  Late checkin after 6 days of Christmas Cheer. We had the whole family staying at our house so we had lots of activity.  The layout got a workout.  I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

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