Monday, July 22, 2024

Started by ACL1504, July 22, 2024, 08:21:15 AM

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Morning all,

I've been in the yard working for the last two hours, so, what is your excuse?

Hopefully I'll get some modeling done later today.

Have a great day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford



Is sleeping in and working on my second cup of coffee an acceptable excuse?  Once I finish my coffee and wash my cup I'll be out mowing with my brush hog.  Modeling this evening if I'm not too tired. 

I hope everyone has a safe and rewarding day!

Jim Donovan

leMy excuse? slept till 7 and enjoyed two cups of coffee. Watched a little news as well, what do the Chinese say; 'may you live in interesting times'? Well check that box.

Will be doing some honey do's later and some layout work I have been putting off till I felt the mood hit me. Doctor appointments and Deb having knee surgery will fill up this week starting tomorrow with her surgery Thursday. Hope everyone ha a great day.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Good luck with the surgery tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Jim.
Back from taking a car in for inspection. Hope the fact we caught every red light and a train crossing on the way to the dealership is not indicative of what the day is to be like. Will stop and see the vampire on the way to get the car back this afternoon.
Can't take too much excitement today after vacationing last week.
Whatever you do today, do it with passion!
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Good morning,

The hedge trimmer is due for a work out today. Then there is a couch that is feeling lonely. What should I do?


Morning all.

I woke up late and live a time zone west of you are my excuses. 

Wife just left for her MRI.  Mine from two weeks ago didn't look great, I meet with neurosurgery later in August.  I suspect she'll have the same issue, but we'll see.

Need to pack later (without the dog noticing, as she gets hyped, even though she will go with us), for our trip tomorrow.  Mowed Saturday with the deck lowered a notch and will do the same today so it doesn't look like a jungle when we return. 

Good luck on the surgery tomorrow for your wife's surgery, Jim. 



Morning all,

Jim, best of luck to Mrs. Jim.

I was out the door before 6:30 a.m. for my morning walk.  Still only doing 2.5 miles but it's better than nothing.

After lunch I may clean out the gutters in the front of the house.  I won't be getting on a ladder.  I have an attachment that allows me to pressure wash them while standing on the ground.  It's unwieldly and I'll get soaked but it works.  Then some workbench time.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


 Morning, hope all have a great time with their vacation travels and visits to the doctors end up well too...Happy Birthday or Anniversary to those that I missed...was sunny but rain coming later today. Those Foscale free kits he offers make you get a taste for lunch with a malt. Have a great day !
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota



Very well done with the name and look of the build.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Great pictures today.

I've been busy with lighthouse tours, baseball games, and summer orchestra concerts, to name a few.

And progress continues on the Reading 2100, soon to be in new livery as American Freedom Train 250


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


I finished the photo building flats.  A view of part of the section, and a view of the whole 9 yards  (actually more like 3 yards...)


I cut the buildings from Scenicking backdrops, and then laminate (transfer tape) to mat board.  I trim the mat board, then color the edges with red or dark grey artist markers.  Then I used double-sided carpet tape to attach to the photo backdrop.  (I'm actually scanning the Scenicking items, doing some color adjustments, and in a couple cases, cloning, then printing to matte photo paper.  I can also slightly scale/change the size of the individual buildings to fit.)

Tomorrow I'll put the structures back and take more photos.  I do have one structure to build, and also to finish sidewalks and roads.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Hello Dave, thanks for the pictures of the overall look of your project. It shows how much effort you've put into your layout. Can't wait to see the finished look with a train running in front of your city. Great job.
Jeff Firestone
Morristown, Arizona
modeling the New York Central in rural Ohio in the late 1940's

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