Monday, August 26, 2024

Started by Zephyrus52246, August 26, 2024, 07:28:28 AM

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Morning all.

Going to have record heat here today, up to 97.  I have a trip to the grocery store on tap for this morning.  Glad I mowed yesterday when it was only 93.   8)  

Did some layout work yesterday, hope to get back at it today.  

One plus to driving to near Chicago for the van order was a trip to Lombard Hobbies.  I'd never been to their store before.  I've never seen so much rolling stock in one store.  I had to feed my tank car addiction with a Tangent three dome car.   ;D



Good morning. 

Another foggy start to the day, though it is again forecast to be sunny.  Seems like one step forward and two steps back with the boxcars I have been working on.  It has been one thing after another from mismatched touchup paint to a truck mounting hole with stripped threads.  I'll spend a few minutes this morning working to fix the issues while waiting for the fog to lift.

I hope everyone has a great day!


Good morning.

Today is a regular work day for me. 

We are about 2 weeks into a rainless period.  The green stuff I call a yard is turning brown. About 20 years ago when the subdivision was originally created it was previously a cattle ranch so my yard is basically a former cattle pasture with about 50% weeds and 50% tall fescue.  Over time I plan to overseed with Kentucky 31 fescue to evolve it into more grass and less weed.  No irrigation system is planned so the 'lawn' has to survive on its own.  :)

Anticipating basement drywall delivery tomorrow. Which is good that it hasn't rained.  When the red/orange clay/dirt gets wet it's slick like an ice rink.  One time I was driving my Expedition around to the basement garage door 2 days after it had rained and it was still slick enough that my Expedition slid 35-40 feet down the hill before it would stop.

Edit to add: Drywall delivery just got postponed until Wednesday.


Vietnam Seabee

Jeff.... If you get back to the Chicago suburbs another get train store is Des Plaines Hobby

btw.... I agree about Lombard Hobbies...I stop in there often as the grands live in Lombard and we're up there frequently


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Yes, Terry.  Des Plaines hobby is my usual stop as we're usually going to the northwest 'burbs.   The dealer was in St. Charles and Lombard was closer, and I was curious to see what they had.  



Morning all,

Those Tangent cars are really nice.  A bit pricey, but well done.  I think I have two.  A wine tank car and a gondola.

Back to work on the 1:1 painting.  Anyone in the neighborhood feel free to drop in and grab a roller.  It's fun!

Have a great one!

Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Morning all,

We ran several errands this morning and now I'll clean vacuum the SUV.

Later I'll continue work on a small shack I have on the workbench.

Have a great day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


 Morning, record heat advisory now in the 90's here with light winds, high humidity / dew point today and tomorrow. Watching the sky as we have warnings for severe weather today due to the conditions. Possible 102 to 105 heat index will keep me indoors. Miss the Chicago area hobby stores. Many had a great inventory of RR items. Those Tangent cars are really nice. Grandson turned 19 yesterday...we are all getting older. Keep thinking positive !!
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Yes, it is a hot day here to. Managed one hour outside and now have given up for the cool basement.

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