Monday - Sept 23 2024

Started by Onewolf, September 23, 2024, 08:27:20 AM

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Morning all,

It's a three day work for me.  I plan to drive down to Dalton GA on Thursday to pickup 1400 sq ft of 2 ft random carpet tiles for the train layout room floor.  I have been working on painting the 20 pieces of 16 ft baseboard trim.  It takes a while!

Hope y'all have a great week!



Morning all,

Doug, that's a lot of baseboards to paint but I'm sure you will get it done in no time. A layout build is in the future.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning.

I'm back home from my trip to the Anthracite Modelers annual meeting at the Reading Museum in Hamburg, Pa.  There were a little over fifty people in attendance, and we had it all.  Great clinics, some amazing models on display, and the ability to wander the museum when not otherwise occupied.  My head is ready to burst with everything I learned, and I'm fired up to "hit the bench". 

Of course, being home means coming back to the weather forecasters dartboard theory.  Forecast was for rain to start late this afternoon, so I had planned to mow the lawn before it started raining.  Yep, everyone guessed correctly, it started raining in the wee hours of the morning and is still raining lightly.  Bummer about the lawn, but the silver lining is I now can model without guilt. 

I hope everyone has a great day!

Vietnam Seabee

I don't know about Doug, but I'm getting anxious to get this preliminary stuff done and have him get to building a layout ;-))


Afternoon all,

I, too, am anxious to see what Doug will do with all that wonderful space!

Glad to hear you had a good time at the Anthracite Modelers meet, Jerry. Been a long time since I've visited the museum in Hamburg. When we're up there, visiting family and friends, we stay with friends in Deer Lake so we're just down the road. Never have time to get over there when the museum is open.  :(

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Afternoon, all.

Late check in.  Already have done some errands, gone to the grocery store and picked up lunch.  Pharmacy trip and lawn mowing await.  



Today's work is determining the size/width of the trestle bents that will hold the truss bridge (over the road.)  I think I have this worked out:

The constraints are (a) enough clearance for my largest car (60' passenger) and (b) a max size for the mud sill at the bottom of the bent while (c) preserving the 'batter' (angle of the diagonal posts on the bent.)

I also glued the diagonal parts inside the truss.  Sanding those to fit is where the Ultimation sander really shines.  

Tomorrow I have an outpatient procedure.  5 minutes to do it, but it's under general anesthesia...  I'm waiting for the scheduling call.  But until then, it's liquid diet for me, and I'm hungry... 

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

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