Friday, September 27, 2024

Started by Zephyrus52246, September 27, 2024, 08:39:29 AM

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Morning all.

Hopefully all our Floridian/Southeastern U.S. friends are safe from the storm. No rain here, though we could use some.  

Maybe some layout work later, maybe just a lazy day.  

A Huey from the airshow.  


Jim Donovan

Good Morning Jeff and everyone that follows. We live in the middle of Florida about an hours drive north of Orlando. We were lucky, it got windy (perhaps 30 mph in gusts) and some needed rain, otherwise fine. Now just 50 miles to our west I suspect that was is another story entirely. Since I've lived in Florida since I was 17 you get a feel for these storms. Unfortunately the media has over the years decided the average American is stupid and needs to be spoon fed every little deal and almosts hyperventilates over these nature events. 

Truth is, if you live directly on the coast (no matter the state) any Hurricane better be taken serious if it is pointed in your general direction. If you live 10 miles inland anything over a cat 1 again is an issue, 25 miles inland for a cat 2. Category 3 and up are different animals, if you have a strong lock on its direction (i.e. it is moving fast) and it is not coming your way fine, otherwise pay attention. If it might be a cat 4-5 and it is coming your way try to keep up with me because it is time to leave, now. 

Anyway back to modeling. A MMR friend has talked me into having a scratch built I made (Pam's Flour Mill) entered in the Sunshine Region judging, so for next week I will be redoing this model so it should at least get the required 88.5 points. I would like to get over 100 points for my own feel good but I will be happy so long as mine is not the lowest judged model being displayed. I will be posting updates on this build as I plan lots of changes. Here is how it is sitting currently on the layout. Have a great day folks.


Holland & Odessa Railroad


Speaking of rain (we've got it again today) it is playing an interesting role in my latest HOA skirmish. They (it?) indulged in a favorite tactic of multiple nonresponses to their exterior maintenance demand. They even asked me to send them a color sample of the intended color they had specified we use. Gave me until Sep 30 to complete the task. Well, we haven't had three back-to-back days of non-precipitation since early last week. And, the specified stain goes on sale, 30 % off October 11 saving us almost $100.00. Spahn and Sain and pray for rain.
Best wishes to our southeast members.
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Morning all,

We're a little east of where Jim is so it was pretty much a non-event for us.  Some wind, some showers.  Nothing much.  Certainly not any worse than some of the typical thunderstorms we get later in the afternoon.  Like he said, though, over on the coast it was a much different story.  The local stations ran a continuous coverage of the storm.

My HOA story, with regards to painting the exterior of the house, goes back several years.  We wanted to change the color (it was a pastel pink/white combo).  So, we picked out new colors, sent in the application to the HOA and waited.  Eventually they sent us a nasty gram telling us our house needed to be painted.  No kidding.  Better half got on the horn with the HOA management company and explained to them we were waiting on approval of the new colors.

Back to work on the mobile home build.  Coming along.  Soon time to prep a little base for it to sit on and turn it into a small diorama.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Late morning all,

We had rain and strong winds yesterday. Lost power for about an hour from 9-10PM. This morning was clean up - pool had trash and leaves, the yard was full mostly of small broken branches from area trees. Other than that, no major issues.

Spent the morning cleaning up the property.

Have a safe and healthy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Nice sunny day here...4 open house layout tours in the cities to see tomorrow if Sandy let's me out of the store...hope all are safe that are affected by the strong storms...Tommy
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Late check in....

A lot of rain/wind today.  The rain is mostly gone but it's still windy. 

I finished installing the baseboard in the train layout room, but I still need to patch/paint the nail holes. I also painted the remaining baseboard/trim I need to finish the basement 'garage' space.

Now it's time to start humpin' the carpet tiles from the upstairs garage down into the basement.  Yay!


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