Sunday - Dec 29 2024

Started by Onewolf, December 29, 2024, 06:35:42 AM

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Mornin' gents,

Making some progress on the benchwork.  For those that say I am making great progress I would point out that building benchwork goes (relatively) very fast. It's like framing a house, that goes very fast, but everything after that slows down a lot.  For instance my house build took less than 2 weeks to install the main 16x6 support beam, install the floor trusses, frame the main floor, and install the roof trusses and roof decking.

And I have a LOT of benchwork to build. I plan to build all the benchwork before I start laying any track.  I would guess at least another 2-3 months of benchwork building.

As a bonus, today I am primary on call SME. This just means I need to monitor phone, email, and chat such that I can be online assisting backline support within 30 minutes.

Hope you all have a great Sunday!


This is where it steps up from the 36" elevation lower return loop/staging to the 40" lower level height.



The cut off pile is growing....

The sub-roadbed for the upper return loop above the helix. 


Morning all,

Doug the benchwork is looking like it did when you lived here. It will be a fantastic layout for sure. When trains are running I'll come up to visit. We have other friends in the area also.

I'm working on the Winter Challenge today.

Have a great day ya'll and stay safe.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning.

Mid-40's and a rainy gray day.  My son arrived yesterday afternoon for our Christmas.  We're taking a road trip today despite the weather, he'll only be here another full day before he leaves for home. 

I hope everyone has a sunny, safe, and rewarding day!



It was foggy when I got up and took the dogs out.  Now it's just grey and dreary, but warm-ish.  Some drizzle expected today, and warm (50s) rain tomorrow.

Right now I'm pondering whether I strip the mis-aligned roofing template from the styrene subroof.  Or maybe I'll just cut and glue another paper template over top of the mis-aligned one...  Anyway, subroofs and roofing (slate shingles) are the primary focus for today.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

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