Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Curt posted: "Rick the link for the photos are there but not the actual photos. That trail is very steep."

I've run into that a few times here in other posts.
Come back later and you should be able to see the pictures.
If not let me know.


Have a fun day all.....

Rick.....Pegi and I took a day off, ran some errands and just relaxed.  ;D
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

Dave Buchholz

Crunchy freezing rain on the North Coast. High winds coming later.

Speaking of crunch, we will be watching the Daytona 500 later today. Yesterday a friend of ours, Cletus, set a NASCAR record. He is the first DRIVER ever to be crunched by a rookie Canadian female driver....TWICE in the same race.
Congratulations Cletus!!
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario


Light snow and high winds on the fruitless plains of S Central lower Michigan, anothe inch or two so far. Temp is 240 wind is 17 gusting to 32. "Feels like" 40

Had a deer right up at the back window yesterday checking out the bird food...tried to step up on the deck, slipped and ran off scared.  The critters are having quite a time finding food...


Our cat Miss Black was interested. 

NASCAR on today, kid named Butterbean Queen won the ARCA wreckfest yesterday. 

Went with a couple friends 30+ years ago to Daytona, in a little Mazda 323, left Fri came back getting home midday Monday.  One day of 800 race in 70s, made the rest of Spring drag on relentlessly. I'm not the fan-atic I once was. 

We'll time to conjure up breakfast. 

Be well all

KSin a snow drift up in the Mitten


Morning all,

Very tasty breakfast Larry, thanks.

Pam and I had a great time at dinner yesterday. The food was excellent as well as the dinner partner.

I got a lot done on the flat iron yesterday and will do so again later. Thanks for all the comments and I'll have an update to follow this afternoon.

Rick that is some kind of scene. I think I see a "wittle bittie" truck down the step.

This forum sure has a bunch of posting going on. I'm finding it hard to keep up with everyone and do my build.

What a fantastic community we have in modeling and railroad modeling.

Have a safe, warm and happy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good Morning all,

Well it poured buckets of rain all day yesterday. Floods again.

Huge snowflakes and a cross wind going on currently!

Another hunkering down day like a Jerry Kitts boxcar!

Thanks for the coffee Larry!

Have a great Sunday!



Good Sunday morning from Wisconsin. Slept in late, 6:45 and I feel surprisingly pretty good. It's 18f degrees now and the high around noon should be 20. The WeatherChannel app and the local TV weather weenies are saying it then starts to drop. A slow hourly descent to -6/actual temperature tomorrow morning at 6 with a "real feel" of -30. Fun

I did attend the MadCity train show from 9:05am till 1 when I had enough yesterday. Purchased nothing and was pleased and disappointed. I did make an offer on a box/case of Bluford Transfer Caboose but definitely was not going to pay $100 each. I thought my offer of $1920 was fair but the lady seller did not. I have a few buddies working the show today and 2 will make offers below mine and then a third at 3:30 just before closing at 4 will make my offer again. I can weather and sell these if I buy at $80 each but adding my costs to $100 I am uncomfortable trying to sell a model with no graffiti at $150-170. $130/140 Will sell and I wouldn't feel like I'm gouging. There were some NOS (new old stock)Kato Sd45's undecorated I texted a weathering client about at $90 each. He said no while I was at the show but last night texted asking if I was going back today. One of my buddies will buy the 6 or whatever is left today for me. I'll add LED's, ditch lights, a decoder and speaker. Then send it off to be painted. You can never go wrong buying new Kato HO scale locomotives. Those were the only things of interest to me. Freight cars other than Athearn BB seemed to be listed at suggested retail prices. The BB were mostly in the $10 to 15 range. The layouts while seen before were nice there were IMOO 3 that stood out. Andrew Bobis's  Santa Fe All the Way layout is spectacular. I first saw it at Trainfest in Milwaukee in maybe 2021 because Covid killed the 2020 show. It's just gotten bigger and better. The bridge scene at Victorville is from that layout. The other 2 were the ModUTrack layouts one in HO and another in N.

2 hockey games today for the grandson at the local arena.

Enjoy your day


Good morning folks,

Larry, thanks for opening, the coffee, and the tasty breakfast. Good luck on the roof.

Curt, congrats on the finish of the tipple, and good luck with the flashing.

Rick, off-roading in an RV, wow.  That grade looks steep.

Gregory, wishing you a fun day.

Dave, crunchy rain does not sound good.  Stay warm and enjoy the race.

Karl, thanks for the photo of the hungry deer.  It's still winter up there!

TomACL, Flatiron is looking good.  I like the diners.

Philip, hope you escape the flooding.

TomO, Brrr.  Sounds like the train show was fun.  Good luck with the stealth purchase.

How goes the rest of the crew?

It was a stormy night with tornados and wind sweeping through headed east.  I can see we didn't have any damage.  The sun is peaking through now.  The high is forecast for 57F and 20s tonight.

I sprayed another coat of color on the boxcar and it seemed to stick better.  I am letting it cure for a couple of days, then I'll put a final finish coat on it.  in the mean time, I mounted couplers and adjusted the trucks to a proper height.

I started looking through two kits, one a model T panel truck and the other the tool shed from Interaction Hobbies.  i am planning on concatenating the shed with a water tower.

Have fun,


Morning everyone

Larry thanks for the coffee & breakfast.

Curt the tipple is looking fine.

Rick great shots but that does look steep.

Morning Greg.

Dave enjoy the race.

Karl great shot of the deer.

Tom glad dinner was nice.  And your right there is alot going on here.

Philip do they still make boxcars??

TomO hope you get the trains you want.

Mike I hope it worked this time.

Weather in South Jersey cloudy/misty 49.
Rain the rest of the day.
Hopefully another hour at the ench today.
Still not feeling that great.

Everyone have a wonderful day!!  :)


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Good evening everyone,

Guess I'm late for breakfast and coffee. 8)

Bar is open, if you come in come join me by the fire, I'm currently sipping on a glass of 15 year old Dalwhinnie.

Spent the day going stuff that needs to be done before I leave for Florida.  I did manage some time to work on the module supports, everything is pre-cut and pre-drilled (mostly).  Hopefully I'll get the assembly done tomorrow.

Have a great evening everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Good evening everyone.

Star and I did an interesting hike today.
I'll tell more about it in the AM.

Ron, I'll join you for a virtual glass of Dalwhinnie.

Good night everyone and hope to see you all in the morning.


Quote from: Rick on February 16, 2025, 08:32:10 PMGood evening everyone.

Star and I did an interesting hike today.
I'll tell more about it in the AM.

Ron, I'll join you for a virtual glass of Dalwhinnie.

Good night everyone and hope to see you all in the morning.
Me, too!


I'll join you Ron.

I threw on a few more logs that way it will be warm in here in the am.

Looking forward to your adventure Rick.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Good morning from chilled Wisconsin. The actual temperature is -6f degrees per the WeatherChannel's weather app. The "real feel" is -19. The high for the day will be +4.

The coffee is hot. Hostler blend with available shots of whatever you desire this morning! Sodas, juices, milk and waters are in the cooler. The hot chocolate and hot tea is in those things that say hot chocolate or hot tea! Just an English muffin today with bacon or ham from the local grocer with a nice melted American cheese. No eggs today as they were $5.29 a dozen yesterday.

It's a medical day for the wife and I am the chauffeur. This afternoon hopefully will be spent in the train room. I have about 7' of track to replace on the mainline and the east end of the layout remodeling will be done for track work. I am going to test for a week or so before I ballast. The 3 latest Blue Point switch machine installations went very well with Terry helping me 3 times for less than 5 minutes each time. So far so good.

Reefer containers, regular containers and container chassis are on the agenda today. My pusher purchased a customer's collection. He gave me first shot at buying from him. 50 chassis, 20 reefer containers and 100-40' containers are coming my way! There were over 250 well cars available but I passed on those. I will lightly weather everything and then put them on the Facebook HO scale buy/sell groups.

I did not purchase the Bluford cabooses yesterday from the train show even though she would have sold them for $90 each at 3:30 yesterday, down from $100. The 6 Kato undecorated Sd45's were gone.

Enjoy the day


Good morning everyone.

Barstow weather: Increasing clouds, with a high near 71.
But the wind will be back.  :-\

Coffee, sodas and OJ are ready.
Bacon, egg and cheese on a fresh baked croissant for breakfast today.

Ron, hope you can get those supports assembled today.

Jerry, sorry you're still not feeling better but glad you're getting some bench time.

Mike, the tool shed was a good choice.

TomO, hope your buddy got everything you wanted at the show.
Nice picture of that layout and hope your grandson won.

Philip, it will be spring before you know it.
In the mean time sounds like good modeling weather.

ACLTom, I agree about all the activity here.

Karl, nice picture.
Did the deer eventually eat?
If that was Star she would have been going crazy looking at the deer.

Greg, more relaxing today?

Dave, what did you think of the race results?

Curt, any more kit progress yesterday?

Larry, hope your weather is improving.

Hope everyone else looking in is doing well.

Star and I hiked the Rainbow Basin Dry Falls Trail yesterday morning.
A short hike of 2 miles and only 361' of climbing.
Interesting because there was no trail but a series of washes to walk through.
Interesting rock formations that had great colors.
I shot video and drone footage and will start working on that today.
Gym and Walmart to top off the fish water tanks.

A short video from yesterday's hike and then a photo.

Have a great day everyone.

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