Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Good morning from Wisconsin. It was a lovely 32f degrees feeling like 25 per the app. I took the bins to the curb this morning as it was too windy overnight. High today is supposed to be in the mid 50's.

Rick, I have commission weathering but it's very manageable. Based on what I have, it's  3 days of maybe 4 hours each day should get all the March 15th stuff done. I do have 15 cars, all with crappy Rapido curvy roof walks to do for a friend. 4 are 100% done, 5 are 50% and 6 are still to be started. I'm not counting those as they are fill in work and all the cars have late 1950 build dates on them and the friend models 1965. So dirty but not a lot of rust and once I start a car it goes fast, but there is no rush. I'm been showing those GN cars on my FB page.

Time wise, without my golfing trips/adventures I have excess time but I'm not planning to fill it. While I'm not complaining I have missed 1 January trip, 2 in February and there are 2 scheduled for March. 16 golf events is what is scheduled again this year. I have since Covid averaged 11 per year. As Terry says look at all the dollars you saved! I'd rather be golfing but the left hand just has not recovered along with the rest of the body's left side, it is only at 30% strength. That hasn't changed since November. Heck, I can't even really use a drill while helping out at layout construction. I have always been a good gofer but now I'm really good at it. 2 layouts not counting mine are being built with another big one planned to start in April.

The only trip planned for either of us until Summer is because of the niece's wedding 5/24 in Pasadena. For us the last 20 years that's almost like a miracle that we have zippo planned till then. We will head to Maui on 5/6 till 5/20 when we will then go to Pasadena. Stay at a AB&B till 5/27 with the family and then till 5/30 at my sister's. From there we plan to drive to one of my brother's places in Vegas for just a few days as we will deliver one of his vehicles. After that it's either drive the long way home via the Grand Canyon and Mt Rushmore with a rental or fly home. The brother has offered his plane. It depends on how we both feel!

Today, there are 2 packages to be signed coming via the USPS. Unusual for the signature but one of the commission clients orders instead of being shipped direct here went to his old address. The people there are sending it to me but want a signature. 1st world issues!

Be well, enjoy the day


Present.  ???

Plan to make some sawdust today... 


Good morning Curt, Rick, Larry, ACLTom, Dave, Mike, TomO, Karl and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfasts Curt, and Rick.

Curt, that is a lot of critters.  :o

Rick, I'm mostly set up, just need to set up the modules.

Larry, if you want to rid yourself of the white stuff, do what I did, move south.  8) 

Dave, I agree with you about the sea otters. ;D

Mike, hope the cut wasn't too bad and it heals quickly. 

Currently 52F and cloudy here, and no, I don't miss the cold weather.  ;D  Yesterday was spent setting up the office / train room.  I got the computer setup, the modeling desk put together, the module frame assembled, the shelving unit put together and most of the modeling stuff I brought with me put away.  When I put the modules together the last time they didn't go together straight and has a slight curve to them.  Before I put them together this time I plan to sand the curve out of them.  That probably won't happen tonight as there is a hockey game I plan to watch.

Have a great day everyone.

Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Morning, Under the weather today. Gena yesterday, me today. Upset stomach and headache.

Sorry about the pinky Mike!



Morning everyone

Curt thanks for the coffee.
God what a house full you have there.
Sometimes parents can be a PITA!!

Rick I like your breakfast better.
Hope you get the pictures of the little guys playing.
Star should have a nice day at the beach.
Great picture.

Tom I'll look for the update in a few minutes.

Morning Dave.

Mike OUCH!!!!!!

TomO after reading that you make me feel like I do nothing.
I get the feeling you really miss playing the game of golf.

Morning Karl who's cleaning up the sawdust pile?

Ron sounds like your ready to start modeling again in small scale!

Morning Greg have a nice day.

Philip hope you and Gena feel better as the day goes by.

Weather in South Jersey sunny/30.
The grandson left early this morning had to go take a test for some kind of certification.
Not sure what the day will being.
I'm almost done with the new pilings.
So I should be able to put the deck on today or tomorrow.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Jerry, I miss the competitive aspect of the golf. Until June last Summer I could play with any of the guys in the events no matter their age, I was 72 then. My game sort of fell apart the end of June and in July I was completely lost on the courses and physically. Then my stroke in August ended all of it. But, happy to be here


PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Today for breakfast is coffee, sugar donuts that were just delivered, OJ, and soda.

Starting out at 60F and hitting upper 70's today. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy here. Yesterday I finished the loader on the headframe, installed the wheel on top and glued together the 2 part NBW's on sheet one of three and weathered them. This is a very tedious job. The three sheets are different sizes based on where they go on the headframe.

I realize now I won't be done for the contest this month :( . Oh well, I wasn't going to win anyway, but I wanted to participate.

Yesterday's rescue will be today. I'll try to get the NBW's mounted but probably not. Found out yesterday that Dad will have at least 3 more days of IV antibiotics which are being delivered today.

Tomorrow Dad has a follow on appointment with the hospital infection disease doctor. He saw the PT nurse yesterday but again a waste of time.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Larry C

Good Morning,

Curt thanks for the coffee and doughnuts; been awhile since I've had a sugar donut.
Hey if you don't make the deadline just keep going; you're doing a great job on the build.

What's the plans for today.

It's 31 with a high of 47 in New York; we need to start getting rid of this white crap. Haircut later this am; the lady that cuts my hair makes out like a bandit since there's not much hair left. Maybe some more work on the Shop roof.

Have a great day!!! Be well and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Morning all,

Curt, thanks for breakfast. Sorry to hear your dad is going through a rough time. Hope he gets better very soon. You have a lot on your plate.

We have bowling today and then late lunch with friends at our local watering hole.

Don't think I'll get any modeling done today.

Have a safe and happy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning crew! It's 41f degrees heading to mid 50's. Rain is being guessed for this afternoon.

An uncertain day with no plans and no must get done tasks. Even the honey do list has been done for a couple weeks.

Terry has the big pots out and what looks like 20#'s + of ground chuck 85/15, tomato sauces in the can and thawed homemade from the garden last season are out on the counter or in the refrigerator. This means she'll be making spaghetti sauce today. I will avoid the kitchen unless I am requested.

Enjoy the day


Morning everyone

Curt thanks for the coffee & donuts.
Keep plugging along with those NBW's.
Hope Dad is starting to feel better.

I saw the update Larry very nice.
Hate getting a haircut they make a lot of money on guys with little hair.

Tom hop you and Pam have a good day with the pins!!
Saw your update to.  Nice tutorial on the windows.

Weather in South Jersey cloudy/43. Late on 58.
Spring (honey do list) cleaning inside the house today.
Then some bench time later on.
The pilings are all done.
A few more things to day then a thread.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


ADVIL ACTION Day in Michigan, grey, damp, "warm" ~400 but the bones be aching :o Rain all day is the best guess.

I spent the day adding a partial 3rd deck to the layout. I built the first 2' x 8' base.  More such today. It will be at approximately 32" level that can be a switching area I can work from a desk chair.  The main level of the layout is in the 48" baseline level, with give or take a few inches as it steadily spirals up to the top level avoiding a helix.  Big ideas, sometimes, usually, fall flat.

That's about it here.  The snow is gone, LarryC, except shadows and ditches.  Fewer deer in the yard as they seem able to forage better.

Happy Paczki day, Fat Tuesday the real legitimate day that they were specialty treats, but the almighty $$$ has corrupted another tradition.  Now it's from New Years to probably Easter.  :-\



Good morning Curt, Larry, ACLTom, TomO, Jerry, Karl and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and donuts Curt.  Even though you might not finish the flatiron build for the contest, it has been really fun to follow along.  Good luck with the rescue today.

Larry, maybe you should ask for a discount for the haircut.  ;D

ACLTom, good luck with the bowling and enjoy lunch.

TomO, enjoy your day.

Jerry, good luck with the "honey-do" list, hope you make it to the bench.

Karl, sounds like you played carpenter yesterday, with a lot of progress.

Weather here is currently 64f and cloudy.  No modeling last night as I decided to watch the hockey game, the Habs won in overtime.  Not sure what tonight will bring, I still have a couple of bins to unpack (modeling stuff), maybe that will get done tonight.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Morning crew and thanks for the coffee Curt!

Feeling better and the blood pressure is ok but elevated @ 136/87. Need to cut the salt. I just never learn! No excuses.

Tylenol is part of my diet Karl. I can relate.

I managed to work a bit on the blues joint late last night, perhaps a update later.

See ya all around the forum.


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