Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Good evening Jerry.

Rained most of the day so nothing exciting happened today.

I'll have a virtual breakfast stout with you.

See you all in the AM.

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Have a early morning VA appointment with Dad. I'll be back later.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Yesterday's 500and rain is today's 200 with wind and snow, 25 mph to ~40  :o
Spring was short in duration

Little going on today.  All the best to everyone.  :-*

Larry C

Morning Morning,

The morning beverages are ready for your enjoyment along with blueberry waffles,
Irish butter, NYS syrup with crispy bacon and/or pan sausage.

What's going on in your world.

It's 41 with a high of 47 in New York. Rained hard overnight with the temps above freezing so
a good amount of the ice in the driveway is gone. Nice to have it a bit warmer for a few days.
Worked on a couple of modeling projects yesterday one of which was the Shop roof; hopefully more
on that today. Other than that not a whole lot going on here either.

Enjoy your day!!! Stay safe and be well.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Morning all,

Thanks for the breakfast Larry.

Its a cool 48 here this morning with a high of 68.

I'll do a little more work on the flat iron and post an update later.

I'm taking Pam out to dinner later to a new restaurant we found in Winter Garden.

Have a safe and happy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning everyone.

Carmel By The Sea weather: possible rain sporadically for most of the day and a high of 57.

Larry, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
have fun at the bench.

Karl, that's a big change in weather:

Curt, hope all goes well at the VA.

Jerry, hope the decking goes well.

Mike, hope the finger is much better today.

Philip, hope you have some acetone nearby.  ;)

Ron, has any modeling started?

Greg, any fun planned for today?

ACLTom, how was bowling and hope all was well at the vet.

TomO, what's new?

Hope everyone else looking in is doing well.

Looks like there's more rain today but I'm going to drive along the coast and get some pictures.
Might even try for a sunset.

Morro Rock taken from the dog beach.

Have a great day everyone.


Good morning folks,

Curt, thanks for opening.  Good luck at the VA.

Larry, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.

How is the rest of the crew today?

It's a bright cold morning after two days of rain.  It's 39F now headed to 57F.  

My finger finally stopped bleeding (blood thinners) and the pain is minimal now.  I can use my hand some without pain.  

I'll have another rest day with little activity.

have fun,


Good to all.....a little work and maybe a nice lunch, if Pegi can fit me into her busy schedule.  :)
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Good morning Curt, Karl, Larry, ACLTom, Rick, Mike, Greg and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Larry, glad to hear that the weather is getting warmer.  At home they are calling for rain this morning turning into the white stuff this afternoon.  Glad I'm down south.  8)

Curt, hope your dad's VA appointment goer well.

Karl, enjoy your day.

ACLTom, enjoy dinner with Pam at the new restaurant.

Rick, no modeling yet as the modules are still boxed up.  Maybe I'll get them set up tonight.

Mike, glad the hand is finally getting better.

Greg, have a great day.

Presently 52F and sunny here.  Hopefully I'll get the modules unboxed tonight, at least that is the plan.  When I built them I guess they weren't exactly square as the is a curve of about 1/4" over 6 ft.  The plan is to sand the edges to take the bow out of the modules to make them go together flat.  We shall see how that goes.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Morning everyone

Larry thanks for the coffee & breakfast.

Weather in south Jersey cloudy/51.  And that's the report for the rest of the day.
Oh wait the sun just peaked out for a minute.
Not sure what the day will bring.
I'm getting a late start.
I'll be back later to see what everyone is doing.

Everyone have a great day!!  :) 

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Back from the VA. Dad has been referred to yet another doctor for his liver this time. Next week both Wednesday and Thursday will both be multiple appointment days.

I found out last evening that my favorite uncle that's already in poor health fell cracking his head and fractured his femur. Not good at his age.

Tom what restaurant?

Rick nice photo.

Mike I hope you're finger is better.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good evening to all no matter what side of the aisle or country you sit on.

I have a friend among the group of guys I operate trains with. I know a friend! Anywho, he is the former owner and founder of a rather large southern Wisconsin Beverage Distributor now run by his 3 daughters. He sent out an email stating there is now an excessive amount of liquor being returned from Canada to the national distributors that per law cannot be re-sold to the general public. It can be gifted to groups but not sold. It can be raffled but not sold. But for a raffle donation to him we can have as much as we want. Oh what a world we live in.

I didn't know alcohol was sold to liquor stores on consignment and if not sold by certain dates can be returned to the distributors. That's what he says is happening.

The fireplace I loaded with a few logs that are flaming away. The makings for s'mores are on the table. The popcorn popper is right there with the popcorn kernels in that metal container. Beverages are frosty sodas, water and beers in the refrigerator. The harder stuff of choice is behind the bar, indulge as you want!

I'm done with the train room today.

The physical this afternoon was ok with a stress test on the treadmill to be maybe scheduled. The ECK, not EKG says my heart thankfully is fine. That was my big concern and I feared there was an issue. Next Wednesday I do get a major lab. Both my Endocrinologist and the GP I saw today ordered up tests. There will be many vials of my precious blood gratefully given over to the blood suckers! The results of those tests will determine if the treadmill stress test will be needed. Also the results from my strength test taken this afternoon popped up on my medical portal about 90 minutes ago. My left hand is up to 41% from 30 at the New Year! My left arm has increased to 35%. So trending correctly and I'm thrilled.

Enjoy the evening


Good evening Tom and anyone else stopping in.

Tom, that's great news about your physical and especially about the strength returning to your hand and arm.
Interesting story about the liquor distributor.

I'm just relaxing watching some TV shows after walking around a good portion of the day taking pictures.

See you in the AM.


Evening Tom 

Good to hear your doing a lot better.

Rick hope you got some good pictures for us tomorrow.

I'm having a nice Eagle Rare nice tonight.

See you all in the am.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Breakfast today is coffee, cereal, bagels, muffins, OJ, and soda.

Started out with a walk at 47F and calm. Today we're supposed to find out if Dad is done with the antibiotics or if he has to have a new course. After chores today nothing is planned except some workbench time. Oh yeah, I have a haircut scheduled for early afternoon.

I should finish the headframe today except the cable which is added later. If I do I'll update the build thread.

TomO it's great to hear about your physical improvement. I never knew liquor stores worked like that.

Bob I hope you're feeling better.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

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