Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Morning all,

Thanks for the bagel and OJ Curt. Nice and fresh. Pam and I went to Bella Italia Restorante on Tilden Road. The food was excellent.

I need to clean up the shed today for a few SBGs coming by tomorrow. After that I'll do some on the flat iron. I'm getting close to finishing it and getting it on the layout.

Happy to hear TomO got a good physical report.

52 here this morning and not a cloud in the sky. Going to the mid 70's by this afternoon.

Have a safe and healthy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning everyone.

Pacific Grove weather: Sunny, with a high near 58.

Curt, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
Hope dad continues to do better and you have a good time at the bench.
All the best to your uncle.

Jerry, decking done?

TomO, with the improved arm strength are you seeing an improvement in the golf game?

ACLTom, glad you had a great dinner with Pam.

Ron, I've got a good feeling I know what you'll be doing tonight.  ;)

Greg, I'm sure Pegi made a nice lunch for you.  :)

Mike, glad the bleeding has stopped.

Larry, how's the shop roof?

Karl, maybe some better weather today?

Philip, figure out what to do with the lights?

Hope everyone else looking in is doing well.

Spent yesterday morning taking pictures along the CA. coast and dodged some rain drops too.
I really enjoyed the scenery in this area of the country.
I have to hang out in this area for about a week or so waiting for my mail.
Found a nice spot to spend the night and there are many deer here.
Star went nuts seeing them.
One doe was very curious about Star and got within 10 ft.
Gym this morning and more walking around with Star to explore.

One picture from yesterday.

Have a great day everyone.


Well, a cold front (literally) blew through last night.  I put the recycling out last night as I usually do, and then spent the night hearing the winds (gusts up to 40) wondering how badly the recycling would blow across the yard.  Fortunately, it's all still in the bin...   Sunny, windy (gusts up to 50 today), and the power has blinked several times.  One of my battery backup systems isn't working, I need to find out how to get it replaced under warranty (it's the one with the Siekirk gazette archives on it.)

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Good morning Curt, ACLTom, Rick, Dave and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Curt.  Hope your dad is feeling better and he no longer needs the antibiotics.

ACLTom, Hope the cleanup goes quick.  I need to join you one Saturday to dee what the fuss is about.  8)

Rick, you're right, I'll be watching "Drive to Survive" tonight, should be an interesting season seeing how last year went.

Dave, hope you get the backup systems figured out.

TomO, its great news that you are getting your strength back, you'll be golfing in no time.

Currently 55f here and sunny.  Last night I got my modules set up and ready to go, now I can start working on them again.  Tonight I'll be watching "Drive to Survive".

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Good morning crew,
Interesting read today.

Work continues on the juke joint. Still waiting on Tom's response about painting led's Rick. I think painting the bulb vs the reflector would be the same result? Confused.

See you all around the forum!


Morning everyone

Curt thanks for the coffee & breakfast.
Looking forward to the update.

ACLTom nice menu makes me want to eat there.

Nice picture Rick.
Wish I was there with you the weather here sucks.

Morning Dave.

Ron enjoy the "Drive to Survive".  Looking forward to your next steps on the modules.

Morning Philip, we were typing at the same time.

Weather in South Jersey P.sunny/windy 41.  Later on 51.
One of grandkids and his girlfriend are coming down later for dinner.
Didn't get to the decking yesterday but did start the building that sits on the pier.
Hopefully some more time on that today.

Everyone have a wonderful day!!  :)


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Good snowy morning. Some of the WGFA are falling. Accumulating on the grass and so far melting on the street and sidewalks.

Golf and my arm and hand strength! It's great it's improving but it's not really transferring to hitting golf balls. I daily hit 100 balls into the simulator. What I had noticed is I wasn't tiring out as fast and I no longer pause as much between hitting balls. But, the distances the balls are going has not really increased. The simulator tracks everything and I can bring up on the computer how far every shot has gone on each swing going back for months.

This morning my PT told me in a email that she read the doctors report and is happy with my increase. She wants me to start using the 7# weights I have when doing my arm exercises. After T-giving Day I graduated from 2# weights to 5#. That really was a struggle. Hopefully this won't hurt as much. The 100 swings of hitting balls has become part of my daily regimented exercise. It has expanded by left side range to almost match the unaffected right side motion. But doesn't seem to do much for strength. The weights are doing that.

It's a process and thanks for the comments. I'm pretty happy with myself. Still a long watpy to go



Good morning folks,

Curt, thanks for opening, coffee, and breakfast.  Good luck to your Dad, Enjoy the bench.

TomACL, the flat iron structure is looking terrific.  Have fun with the SBG.

Rick, the coastal photos are fantastic.  Wishing Star and you lots of fun exploring.

Dave, glad the storm didn't do much damage.  Good luck with the backup system.

Ron, congrats on the module setup and the fun times ahead.

Philip, good luck with the juke joint.  I've painted the LED itself with Tamiya's clear yellow paint, and it worked well.

Jerry, hope you have an enjoyable time with the Grandkids.  Good luck on the pier.

TomO, congrats on the physical condition improvements.  Golf season cometh.

How is the rest of the crew?

Thanks for all the well wishes for my hand.  

It's a bright cold morning but warming to 68F.  If my hand will stand it, I hope to add the doors to the shed and plan on how to light it.

Have fun,

Larry C

Good Morning,

Curt thanks for the coffee and breakfast. Hope your Dad has some good news.
Have fun at the bench.

Tom it's a rare things now days finding a really good place to eat. Enjoy
working on your build.

Rick have fun with Star exploring. Has Star not seen a deer before? The roof
for the Shop is coming along slow but sure.

Dave good morning.

Ron nice to hear your modules are setup. I've never seen that show.

Philip I painted the lights I used in the Tractor Shop more to soften the color
than redirecting the light.

Jerry have fun at the bench and enjoy the family time.

Tom O glad your strength is returning and you're getting better.

Mike hope the hand cooperates with you.

What's the plan for the day.

It's sunny but the white crap has been falling on & off but thankfully no accumulation;
I'm sooooo over winter. Early Friday errands this am but not sure what the rest of the day
will bring.

Have an enjoyable day!! Be well and stay safe.

Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Bright clear sky  8) this morning early as I took the Doll for a 0815 Doc appt, hard frost and ice on stuff.  By 0900 it's clouding over and now @ 1100 it's fading to rain by noon. :o Sun tho for the weekend.  Saw some 50s in the next week's guesses.

I have to run for Rx today.  Hopefully that's it for today.  Had breakfast on the way home at a nice roadside breakfast/lunch diner about 8 miles from home.  The home made fried little red taters made up for the lack of one up here knows how to make grits right anyway...

My SPARTANS won the Big 10 hoops last night I guess.  The TV packages they are on we only get to see half of the games. Schools getting tons of $$ for their semi-pro sports but their real fans gettin the bone... :-X TV a outlets are too costly to get all the streamers you need...frees up a lot of time wasted watching junk.

Enuf from here, paperwork to do...just noticed the IRS already has my piddling refund in my bank, only been a week. :o


Quote from: Philip on March 07, 2025, 10:01:41 AMGood morning crew,
Interesting read today.

Work continues on the juke joint. Still waiting on Tom's response about painting led's Rick. I think painting the bulb vs the reflector would be the same result? Confused.

See you all around the forum!

Philip, paint the bulb, not the shade.


Quote from: Rick on March 07, 2025, 11:39:32 AM
Quote from: Philip on March 07, 2025, 10:01:41 AMGood morning crew,
Interesting read today.

Work continues on the juke joint. Still waiting on Tom's response about painting led's Rick. I think painting the bulb vs the reflector would be the same result? Confused.

See you all around the forum!

Philip, paint the bulb, not the shade.



Morning all,

Breakfast is served. This morning we have country fried steak with biscuits and gray. Fruit bowl for those cutting back or just want something different The assortment of drinks are on the end. Fresh squeezed OJ in the ice box or "Frigidaire" as Pam's mom calls it.  8)

Got up early to turn on the lights in the A&S RR Office. Turn on the heat to take the chill out and add coal to a few fireboxes. Nothing better than coal smoke and hot oil mixed with grease.

SBGs this morning. Not sure who all will show up. Reading Bob has a cold and cough. Greg probably needs a hair cut.

Have a safe, happy and healthy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Looks like a nice semi cool day ahead, everyone have a good one.....haircut last week, see y'all soon..... ;D
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

Larry C

Good Morning,

Tom thanks for the coffee and breakfast. Enjoy the SBG's meet and I assume
BS'ing will prevail.

Greg sounds like haircuts were the adventure of last week; mine certainly was.

What's the rest of you doing today.

It's 24 with a high of 33 in New York. We did receive a couple inches of white
crap overnight so I guess the sn*w blower will be the order of the day later this am.
Monday temps start going back up with a couple off days being in the low 60's; if you
can believe it. Tomorrow need to pepper some of the driveway with salt so Monday the Mrs.
doesn't take a spill; tax time. Not sure about the rest of the day.

Enjoy your day!! Be well and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR

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