Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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190 with fresh snow :o  sun  8) and clear.


Good morning folks,

TomACL, thanks for opening the coffee and for that fantastic breakfast.  Wishing the SBG a great day.

Gregory, hope you enjoy the day.

Larry, good luck with the sneaux removal and taxes.

Karl, sounds frosty up there. 

How are the rest of the crew?

It's a bright 48F headed to 72F. A cold front is headed our way tomorrow. Yuk.

I managed to spend some time upstairs yesterday.  It is hard to work with my left hand, but I worked on shed details.  No plans for the day, so taking it as it comes.

Have fun, 


Good morning from Wisconsin. 25f degrees now heading to the low 50's.

It's a hockey day. The grandson's state championship journey starts at 12:30 down the street in the home arena. The Badger women play at 2 in the Conference championship game. The road to the NCAA's starts Thursday.

No time for other things today

Enjoy the day


Good morning everyone.

Pacific Grove weather: Sunny, with a high near 59.

ACLTom, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
Have fun with the gang today.

Greg, enjoy the BS'ing.

Mike, those details look excellent.

Karl, what's happening in the basement?

Larry, hope the white stuff stops falling soon.

Philip, UPS show up?

TomO, keep at it with the weights.

Jerry, how was dinner?

Ron, do you binge watch DTS or one episode a night?
I do one episode a night.

Dave, hope you can get that drive working.

Curt, how's dad doing?

Hope everyone else looking in is doing well.

Walked along the coastline with Star yesterday and then hit the gym.
Nothing special planned yet for today other than robbing a bank and then filling the diesel tank in the van.

A short video from the California coast:

And a picture from yesterday's walk with Star.

Have a great day everyone.

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Thanks for opening and breakfast Tom. I'll see you in a bit.

MOH is on her way to another skunk event and will be home later. Next Wednesday she's driving up to see her BFF in SC. It's about an 6 hour drive.

Looking at my photos last night I realize I need to replace the wooden "V" support on the headframe especially since that will be the side facing me on the diorama.🫣 I wonder why I can't see it like a photo shows it.

Rick, Dad is fine and finished his IV antibiotics yesterday. Tried to find out if Dad was done with antibiotics from the Infection doc but of course he was unavailable.

I hope everyone stays warm today. It's cool here but supposed to get to almost 80F later.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning all

In northern Colorado this morning it is 21 going for a high of 51. Even warmer Sunday. Not a cloud in the sky, this is looking to be a banner day for weather. I have a pergola I am planning on starting to get put up this weekend, so probably not much time for the train room. Oh well, such is life
Dale M
Positive times ahead


Morning everyone

Tom thanks for the coffee & breakfast.
Have fun with the guys today.

Morning Greg.

Larry make sure you keep the white stuff up there.

Karl another one with that dreaded white stuff.

Mike hope the finger is getting better.

TomO have fun at the hockey game hope the grandson wins.

Rick great video but no picture it's there now!.

Greg glad Dad is feeling better.
Have fun Bsing today.

Morning Dale!

Weather in South Jersey cloudy/45.  Later on 49.
Dinner the kids was great Diane fixed a wonderful meal as usual.
Working on two things today the pilings need to be finished and I have one wall of house that goes on it framed.

Everyone have a wonderful day!!  :)


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Windy again today in SE NH, not as bad as yesterday.  Temps around freezing.  Scotch Club this afternoon at the fire pit, but the gusty winds could be a concern for the fire. 

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Good morning!

Sun is shining today. Have a great weekend.



Good morning ACLTom, Greg, Larry, Karl, Mike, TomO, Rick, Curt, Dale, Jerry, Dave, Philip and the rest of the crew that shows up later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Tom, Have fun with the SBG's this morning.

Rick, I watched two episodes of DTS last night.  I usually binge watch it as I want to be done seeing all the episodes before the season starts which is next weekend.

Current 65F and overcast here.  Tonight I plan to watch a couple more episodes of DTS, maybe get some modeling in, or maybe watch the hockey game, we shall see what I feel like when I get home from Work (yes I work Saturdays when I'm on the road).

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


This is for all the people that never met the  "GEEZER".
He is the man we named our Lounge after.
One of best guys there was!!

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Today for breakfast is coffee, cereal, donuts, bagels, OJ, and soda.

Started out the day with a walk at 62F and damp from the overnight rain.

It was really tough getting up at 4 am I mean 5 am this morning. ???

Had a great time at the SBG yesterday. Today after chores I need to fix some bracing on the headframe that looks like crap in the photo. After that I will continue on with the hoist house.

This week has 4 medical appointments. At least one is for me. Tuesday we should get the answer about Dad's IV and antibiotics and Thursday he will find out about needing continuous O2.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning everyone.

Pacific Grove weather: Sunny, with a high near 60.

Curt, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
How far do you walk in the morning?

Jerry, nice shot of Geezer.

Ron, so, was it modeling or hockey?

Philip, if you live near a cigar shop they'd be happy to give you sheets of cedar probably for free.

Dave, any good scotches?

Dale, thanks for stopping in and is the pergola done?

TomO, how'd the hockey teams do?

Mike, anything good happen yesterday?

Larry and Karl, with the extra hour of sunshine I hope that white stuff melts faster now.

ACLTom, sounds like there was some good BS'ing yesterday.

Walked around downtown Monterey yesterday with Star and then spent time crawling around the rocks at the coast.
Saw a starfish in the wild for the first time.
Sea anemone too.
I have a video to work on and not sure what else I'll do.

Another view from atop Moro Rock at Sequoia NP.

Have a great day everyone.

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